Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 158 The Land of Celestial Symbols

Speaking of which, Aldebaran’s traditional Western name is actually Aldebaran, which is derived from the Arabic al Dabaian, which means follower. Because it always appears after the Pleiades star cluster, in 2016, the International Astronomical Union’s star naming The panel determined that Aldebaran's wandering name was Aldebaran.

Alpha Tauri is the 14th brightest star in the sky on Earth and the brightest star in the constellation Taurus. It has an average visual magnitude of 0.85 and is an irregular variable star with a variation value between 0.75 and 0.95. Its absolute magnitude is -0.64. Its spectrum and brightness It belongs to type K5 III, is orange in color, and has a surface temperature of 3900 Kelvin.

But now humans are accustomed to calling it Aldebaran.

Stars with Chinese names are generally famous and have rich historical heritage, and this star is no different.

There is an old saying: To the south of the five chariots, there are bright stars, the color of tea, and outside there are stars like tree branches, which is Bisu.

What we are talking about here is the Hyades star cluster. The Hyades star cluster is composed of Aldebaran, Aldebaran, Aldebaran, Aldebaran, Aldebaran, Aldebaran, and Aldebaran. The stars of the Hyades star cluster are seen from the earth. Formed into a Y shape.

The upper end of the traditional Chinese character "Bi" is like a net and the lower end is a handle. It is an instrument used to catch birds, animals or mice, so its original meaning is a long-handled net for hunting.

Because the connecting lines of these stars are very similar to the shape of this tool, they are named "Bizu". In the Han Tomb of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Bisu is like a Bi net catching rabbits. In the Chinese constellation system, The star area from Pleiades to Biju is an ancient battlefield between Hu and Han, so Biju is often used to predict hunting and war in border areas.

In addition to predicting war, Bisu also has its solar term function.

There is a saying in "The Book of Songs": "The moon has left at the end of the day, and the waves are pouring."

Literal meaning: "The full moon is close to Bisu, and the heavy rain forms a river."

At this point, it is different from the far-fetched prediction of war, nor is it feudal superstition.

Of course, the changes in the earth's weather have nothing to do with Biju, but the so-called sky observation does not mean that you can tell whether it will rain on the earth by looking at the dim stars in the sky and the bright ones, but it is an experience of the ancients. Summary and recording methods.

In ancient times, people regarded weather changes as the power of heaven, coupled with the factor of imperial power. Therefore, weather predictions were basically recorded using so-called "celestial phenomena".

Of course there is scientific basis.

Because the celestial phenomenon of "full moon conjunct Bi Xing" appears before and after the summer heat, according to the region where China is located, it happens to rain a lot during this period. This is the origin of "Bi Xing Good Rain". Because of this, the ancients said Bisu is regarded as the 'rain god'.

Cai Yong of the Eastern Han Dynasty once said: "The rain master god is Bi Xing. Its image is in the sky and can cause rain."

Meteorology in China has been around since Nuwa. When Nuwa created humans, she taught people to observe the sky to determine the solar terms and to guide people in planting crops. According to Nuwa's method of stargazing and planting crops at the right time according to Nuwa's guidance, the weather will naturally be favorable. When the weather is favorable, there will be more food. With more food, more people can be fed, so it is said that Nuwa created humans.

Therefore, ancient astronomy is actually a discipline of meteorology.

There is also such a relevant description in the novel.

But in the autumn of the eighth year of Jianxing, the Wei army raised 400,000 troops and falsely claimed 800,000 to cross Chang'an and march to Jiange to attack Hanzhong. At that time, the Shu Han Chengdu Front Army was led by Zhuge Liang. After learning about this, he sent Zhang Wei and Wang Ping to lead a thousand troops to guard the Chencang Ancient Road to intercept the Wei army.

If 2,000 people go to block 400,000 people, that's not giving away their lives. Zhang Wei and Wang Ping thought so at the time, so they asked Zhuge Liang, why he only sent 2,000 men, and how could they intercept them once they arrived?

Zhuge Liang's explanation was, "I looked up at the sky last night and saw that the Bi stars were separated from the lunar sky. It is expected that there will be heavy rain this month. Although the Wei army has 400,000 people, how dare it go deep into the dangerous mountainous areas? Therefore, there is no need for many troops. I will be harmed. All my troops will stay in Hanzhong for a month, waiting for the Wei soldiers to retreat. Then I will cover them with a large army and wait for the work. My 100,000 troops can defeat 400,000 Wei soldiers."

After listening to Zhuge Liang's words, Zhang Wei and Wang Ping led their troops towards Chencang.

When the Wei army arrived at Chencang, they found that there were no houses around. When they asked passers-by, they learned that all the houses had been burned by Zhuge Liang.

So Cao Zhen asked to attack the Chencang Ancient Road, but Sima Yi refused. The reason was: "I looked at the sky at night and saw that the Bi star is clustered in the lunar part. There will be heavy rains this month. If we go deep into the important areas, we can win. If there is a sparse risk, we will win." The men and horses are suffering, and it will be difficult to retreat. It is also advisable to set up shelters in the city to guard against rain."

Cao Zhen complied with the instructions, but less than half a month later, it rained heavily. Outside Chencang City, the water on the ground was three feet deep. The weapons were all wet. People could not sleep, and they were restless day and night. The heavy rain fell continuously for thirty days, and the horses had no fodder. Countless people died, and the soldiers complained endlessly. The Wei army had no choice but to retreat.

This war was actually an "astronomical battle" between Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi. The competition was about who had a better grasp of legislation and climate. Both of them had clever calculations, but Sima Yi underestimated the amount of rainfall, so he failed. Return with success.

The celestial phenomenon of Bisu is the constellation used to record the wisdom of the ancients.

New humans all study history, so they like to call this star Aldebaran, a crystallization full of historical heritage and ancient wisdom, instead of Aldebaran.

Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi probably could not have imagined that more than three thousand years later, humans would one day come to the place where they had looked up at the stars many times, and even name the two satellites of the giant gas planet Aldebaran after them.

Perhaps, after people see the names of these two satellites in the database, they can't help but think of the "weather showdown" between Zhuge Liang and Sima Yi.

It's amazing how technology and history come together.

However, nature played a trick on humans. Human beings came to the place where they could observe the heavenly phenomena, but the earth and the people on it who were observing the heavenly phenomena were gone.

Before the fleet docked, the data of Aldebaran-Kong and Aldebaran-Zhongda had been transmitted to the command centers of various warships and spacecrafts.

On other ships, the captain or chief executive, like Yue Yuan, carefully looked at the parameters of the two rocky satellites.

Like the previous planets where humans stopped for supplies during their voyages, these two planets have no signs of life. They even have almost no atmosphere, and the calm temperature is below minus 100 degrees Celsius.

We stopped many times along the way and saw a lot of planets. Therefore, humans also understood that planets with this kind of environment were the norm for rocky planets in the universe. They were not too surprised, but felt relieved.

Nothing special means it's at least safe.

Then, humans can use the resources of these two rocky planets to continue to develop and grow. Here, more residential spaceships and more battleships will be built, and then form a larger human fleet.

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