Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 163 Temple Calendar

"We will make the layout based on the Hill sphere range of the giant gas planets." Yue Yuan stood up and took two steps towards the big screen. He gestured to the map of the Aldebaran star system on the screen, "Take the Kunlun ship as the third The second command center, equipped with the Taishan, Huashan, Songshan, and Huangshan ships, plus thirty Callisto-class battleships, two hundred small frigates, and two space carriers, formed the first echelon to carry out operations in the asteroid belt. Arm your defenses.”

"Order!" Yue Yuan turned around and looked at Manyuemei: "Manyuemei!"

Manyuemei stood up and saluted: "Here you are!"

"I appoint you as the commander-in-chief of the first echelon. After the meeting, go to the Kunlun ship and control the first echelon's defense mission. The purpose of the deployment is to be concealed. It is intended to be an ambush. Before the command of the headquarters arrives, the other side must not let the other side find any trace of the warship. , you can make specific defense tactics based on the terrain."

Yue Yuan nodded, stared at Manyue Mei and continued to speak: "The terrain is the help of soldiers. Anticipating the enemy's victory and planning for dangers near and far are the way of a general. Those who know this and use war will win. I don't know. Anyone who fights like this will be defeated."

"Yes!" Manyuemei sat down again.

Yue Yuan turned to look at his assistant Long Xiaolin: "Now, the Resources Department will concentrate all energy collection forces and give priority to completing the energy supply for the first echelon. The energy replenishment must be completed within one year.

The remaining departments entered a wartime state and focused on the production of armaments. After the first echelon completes the energy injection, the two space docks can enter full power construction status. "

"Commander, I have already written it down." Long Xiaolin responded.

"Okay," Yue Yuan turned back to his seat, then looked at the military side again and said: "I will take Tianqin plus Huangshan ship, Lushan ship, plus a hundred frigates, and ten Callisto-class battleships. , serving as the Chinese military support at the back of the Aldebaran-Zhongda star orbit."

"In addition, after contact is made with the unknown civilization, the Wudangshan ship, the Emeishan ship, plus twenty Callisto-class battleships, a hundred frigates, and a space carrier will serve as a visible force in the asteroid belt. Cruising around the periphery.”




After making rough arrangements for the fleet, Yue Yuan turned his attention to Zhu Pite and said again: "After getting further information about the fleet of the unknown civilization, wait for my instructions. At that time, your department will be responsible for the internal security of the civilization and cooperate with the propaganda The Ministry conducts war preparations and war mobilization.”

"Yes!" Zhu Pite responded.

Then, Yue Yuan looked around the scientific team on the bridge. There were not only physicists, but also mathematicians and experts in various fields.

"The so-called victorious soldier wins first and then goes to war, and the defeated soldier fights first and then seeks victory. Therefore, it is said: 'The one who has the temple before the battle is considered the winner should be considered more. The one who has the temple before the battle is not the winner should be considered less.' More calculations will win, less calculations will not win, and what’s more, nothing will count! From this point of view, we can see the victory or defeat’.”

Yue Yuan paused and then said: "So, in the next time, you must refine and integrate all war-related parameters. Your task is to do your best within four years to make The operation of the battleship's fire control system is simplified and the environmental data is systematized, so that the battleship can exert greater combat effectiveness."

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yue Yuan smiled and said: "I didn't say that we must fight against this unknown civilization, but since we choose to stay and negotiate, we must prepare for the worst, deploy troops to attack, and fight against the enemy. Before that, we must do our best to fully bring out the 'knowledge'. This military strategist calls it first to be invincible, and then wait for the enemy to be victorious. The invincible lies in oneself, but the victorious lies in the enemy."

"We understand, Commander Yue!" Everyone nodded.

That's right, the military wisdom of the ancients has not become obsolete even in the interstellar age.

When the technological levels are too different, all kinds of strategies are of course useless, but at the same level of civilization, these wisdoms can undoubtedly increase one's own combat power to a certain extent.

Although the opponent's specific number of warships is not known yet, Yue Yuan already has some confidence in his heart.

"Well, next, let's work on 'knowing each other'. Have you discovered anything new with the observation telescope and various detectors?" Yue Yuan raised his head and looked at the several complex detectors being connected on the big screen again. scientific team.

When the dust cloud track was originally determined to be 413, it was analyzed based on several pictures from different angles, so this number should be correct.

Then it depends on what type of spacecraft those 120 large tracks are.

As long as this is determined, humans can make more detailed arrangements based on specific information.

But because it was still far away and the fleet was shutting down its main engine, humans had not photographed the spacecraft itself before.

Regarding this problem, the scientific team took out the largest-diameter telescope currently carried by humans to search. They didn't know whether they could photograph the opponent's spacecraft at this distance.

"Commander, a blurry image was captured. At this distance, we cannot analyze the specific type of warship." A representative of the scientific team replied, "Based on the analysis of this image, if you want to see the opponent's spacecraft directly through the telescope, It will have to wait at least two years.”

Two years later, the unknown fleet was close to 0.3 light years again.

Due to technical limitations, there is no way to do this, so let's wait two years. Yue Yuan thought for a while and asked: "Is there any sign of the other party's detector being found?"

It stands to reason that if a fleet goes to a galaxy, it will definitely send advance detectors first, just like humans. Yue Yuan has considered this issue before, so when the scientific team used large-diameter telescopes to search for the unknown civilization fleet, he specifically explained After a while, you should also pay attention to whether there are any traces of detectors around you.

Of course, the previous exploration spacecraft that shut down its main engine and was on standby was also scanning in this area.

"Commander, no trace of the other party's detector has been found yet."

Hearing this answer, Yue Yuan had no choice but to continue observing and ask the optical telescope to pay more attention to that direction.

If no detector is found, there are two possibilities.

First, the other party did not launch an advance detector, which is the least likely. Second, the opponent's detector has already flown to Aldebaran ahead of the fleet, but it has not yet reached the deceleration position, so it is still sailing at a constant speed. Like the main fleet, the main engine is shut down, so humans cannot observe it.

If it is the second type, then the bright spot of the detector's deceleration will definitely appear first in that direction. As long as humans capture the time when the detector's tail flame appears, they can know the distance between the detector released by the other party and our fleet. .

Obtaining this parameter, humans can determine the warning range of this unknown civilization.

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