Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 166 Changing at the last moment

"Just two types of spaceships? Or are there smaller frigates that are currently undetectable?"

After receiving this news, Yue Yuan had new doubts, but this doubt would probably not be solved until the opponent's fleet arrived at Aldebaran, and it would not affect his judgment.

There are still two years and three months to go.

Humanity has learned a little more about the composition of the unknown fleet, so in the next two years, the arrangements of some things will be adjusted based on this information.

Now the first echelon headed by the Kunlun ship has completed half-refueling work, followed by the Tianqin formation, the Wudangshan ship, and the Emeishan ship formation.

In addition, after two years of hard work, resource and energy extraction and transportation work have now entered the fast lane, so the two space docks can start construction again.

As soon as this news was sent to the Engineering Department, the heads of the Production Department and the Industrial Department ran to the bridge of the Tianqin to find Yue Yuan.

"Commander, it's too hasty to build a warship at this time." The director of the production department shouted loudly as soon as he stepped half-foot onto the bridge.

He felt miserable. He had just worked hard for two years, and the various materials mined were just enough to replace the various items consumed by people in society. But before he could be happy for a few days, a piece of news came to his ears from the Engineering Department.

Hearing the news that the two space docks were about to move at full strength, he felt a sense of militarism in his heart, so he found the bridge.

Hearing the somewhat unkind words, Yue Yuan was not angry. He just turned around and looked at the Minister of Production and the Minister of Industry. After they both floated in front of him, he smiled and said: "Where did you hear the news about building a warship?" , we don’t build battleships.”

"Not building a battleship?"

The two of them were stunned. If they don't build battleships, then why start a space dock?

"Since we're here, let's take a look together. It happens that you also need to conduct a resource assessment on this plan." Yue Yuan said.

Construction of the space dock has begun, but what is to be built is not the Mountain-class battleship, nor the Callisto-class battleship and frigate.

Because Yue Yuan knew the current situation very well. It would take a lot of time to build these spaceships, and it would also take a lot of time to train the shipboard combat personnel. It was not advisable to just do it temporarily.

"Commander, what is this?" Hearing that he was not building a warship, the Minister of Industry couldn't help but be curious.

"Be patient." Yue Yuan pointed to the empty seats in the bridge and motioned for the two of them to wait for a moment.

Yue Yuan didn't care where the news came out that he planned to build a battleship. Instead, he sat down at the seat next to the two of them and waited. However, he discovered that the bridge of the Tianqin was actually in a state of weightlessness. It made no difference whether he sat or not. .

He simply turned around and looked out the porthole and waited quietly.

Because Long Xiaolin had already informed him, Yue Yuan didn't wait long before he found that the automatic door of the bridge was opened.

He turned around and looked, and sure enough he saw two people floating in along the guide rod. After arriving not far from Yue Yuan, they skillfully opened the magnetic boots and stopped steadily on the bridge floor.

"Chief!" X2

"Well, how about it? Are the design drawings ready?" Yue Yuan said straight to the point.

"With Dr. Yu Nanfeng's cooperation, there were no problems, and the design drawings were all drawn."

The one who spoke was Gao Kun from the institute. Now he is no longer the fat man he was before. After taking some gene expression drugs for muscles, he also has a good figure, but his height is still the same.

The one who came with Gao Kun was Yu Nanfeng as he said. What Yue Yuan asked to do was indeed inseparable from this leader in engineering and dynamics.

"You guys should also come and take a look." At this time, Yue Yuan said to the two ministers who came before, asking them to also take a look at the design drawings brought by Gao Kun.

The two of them also came over, but before they could speak, Yu Nanfeng on the side introduced him. It seemed that Yu Nanfeng also knew that having enough materials and energy to start the construction was inseparable from the cooperation of these two people.

"Two ministers, this thing is called a simplified version of the self-exploding smart shuttle boat. Its structure is very simple. It is just a shuttle boat shell, a conventional fusion propeller, and a steering engine. The system is equipped with an independent combat artificial intelligence AI, and then the shuttle boat A 100-million-ton hydrogen bomb is stuffed inside.

The commander-in-chief means that within the past two years, the space dock will fully produce these things, specifically used to carry out indiscriminate strikes against the residential spacecraft of the unknown fleet. "

Yue Yuan also looked at the two ministers, and then took over the conversation and said: "You guys, take a look at the list of materials required to build a self-exploding shuttle boat, and estimate how many boats we can produce in two years."

Humanity has three space carriers equipped with self-exploding drones. However, the amount of ammunition that self-exploding drones can carry is not large. They are generally only used for interference or to specifically target the outer structures of warships, secondary turrets, etc. to destroy them. , or perform last-ditch damage on the breach of the battleship that has been destroyed.

It is impossible for these self-destructing drones to blow through a battleship.

Moreover, one disadvantage of self-destructing aircraft is that their command AI is mounted on the mother ship.

Yue Yuan felt that there were too few self-destructing drones. Each of the three motherships only carried 10,000 units, and the total number was only 30,000.

It simply couldn't satisfy his plan of surprise attack on the enemy's rear.

"If it is as the design drawing says, then there is no problem in building two thousand shuttle boats within two years, but only for shuttle boats, and the hydrogen bombs they carry are not counted." said the production director.

"Although it's a little less, but with the cooperation of 30,000 drones from three space carriers, it should be about the same." Yue Yuan touched his chin. The hydrogen bomb did not need to be produced in the shipyard, as long as it was collected There is enough hydrogen, and there are as many hydrogen bombs as we need.

Humans have become extremely proficient in the manufacturing process of hydrogen bombs. At this stage, only 1% of the manufacturing process requires manual participation.

In fact, Yue Yuan only gave Yu Nanfeng and the others a rough idea of ​​their uses. In fact, he had even thought about how to arrange these self-destructive shuttle boats.

That is to disperse these self-destructing shuttle boats in the asteroid belt. If there is a real fight, they can be used as surprise troops.

If he hadn't discovered that the opponent only had two types: capital ships and residential spaceships, Yue Yuan would not have had such an idea, because there was a high probability that these things would not be able to break through the frigate's defense circle.

Just use the various parameters of the human frigate as a reference for simulation.

Although I don’t know why the opponent’s fleet only has capital ships, but since we have discovered an opportunity, we should take advantage of it.

After finalizing this matter, time was spent in the rush of human beings working hard.

More than two years have passed by in a flash.

At this time, humans had completed all arrangements three months in advance, and were just waiting quietly for the unknown civilization fleet to enter the deceleration stage.

"Slow down, slow down!"

Waiting, waiting, while the fleet was still quiet, a light suddenly lit up somewhere in the space in that direction.

This light spanned the dark space and reached the telescopes that humans have been watching for a long time.

"It's the detector's tail flame! Their detector finally slowed down!"

The information observed by the telescope was immediately synchronized to the bridge of the Lyra.

Everyone who had been waiting with bated breath in the bridge breathed a sigh of relief and finally slowed down. If they don't slow down, they will rush directly into the asteroid belt. By then, the detector may have discovered the warships hidden behind various asteroid fragments in the asteroid belt before the opponent's fleet slows down.

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