Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 168 Friends from afar

0.1 astronomical unit is 14,960,000 kilometers, and it takes 49.9 seconds for the speed of light to travel.

Therefore, after the Wudangshan and Emeishan ships accelerated out of the asteroid belt with 24 Callisto-class battleships and 100 frigates, they were observed by each other's detectors 49.9 seconds later.

Such a short distance is completely within the killing range of human laser weapons.

Therefore, according to the previously determined strategy, as soon as the Wudangshan and Emeishan ship formations emerged, the fire control radar locked on the eight detectors.

It can be seen that after the two battleship formations that detected humans appeared, the flight trajectories of the eight detectors changed significantly.

The first step was to slow down the speed, and then immediately transmit the information about the encounter with the human battleship formation to the fleet behind. After that, there was no other action.

It seems that the AI ​​of these eight detectors also knew that they were locked by the fire control radar, and should have triggered the unknown civilization's program preset for this special situation.

Seeing this situation, the captain of the Wudangshan ship also breathed a sigh of relief. It was of course good to destroy the eight detectors without opening fire, because the Wudangshan ship and Emeishan ship formation were originally intended to be displayed as a visible fleet. It can be regarded as showing the enemy in a false way, of course, the more realistic it can be seen by the other party, the better.

Immediately afterwards, an electromagnetic wave signal was launched from the Wudangshan ship in the direction of the unknown civilization fleet.

"Hello friends who have come from afar! The Aldebaran star system is the sphere of influence of our human civilization. Please stop the exploration of the detector immediately. Otherwise, we will treat your activities in accordance with the provisions of the First Convention of Galactic Civilization. Probes carry out a devastating strike."

The content of the electromagnetic wave signal is very short, but a dictionary of human civilization is attached at the end, so it becomes a bit bloated.

Since you want to establish contact, the best way is of course to attach a dictionary while sending a message.

In this case, it is of course better to take the initiative to send messages, because doing so will leave the deciphering to the unknown civilization, and then humans can judge the level of the other party's supercomputer through the time it takes for the other party to decipher the human dictionary and identify human information. .

As for the "human sphere of influence" and the "First Convention of Galactic Civilization" mentioned in the information content, it is purely human beings trying to build a banner.

This electromagnetic signal is equivalent to a broadcast. It will be received by the detector in 49 seconds, and then transmitted to an unknown civilization in 4.1 hours.

Oh, because during the transmission of electromagnetic waves, the fleet of the unknown civilization is still slowing down and approaching the giant gas planet, so it is actually shorter than this time.

It takes four hours to send a message before the other party can receive it. After receiving it, I don’t know how long it will take to decipher it. It takes more than three hours to send it back. At this time, people suddenly feel that the speed of light is too slow.

However, being slow has its advantages. After sending out the electromagnetic wave signal, I saw that the eight detectors did not act rashly, and the two formations were not idle either. They immediately pretended to send detectors to the surroundings one by one. It was quite a "I just discovered" You guys, I am now about to further explore your meaning.

Judging from the responses of the eight detectors, mankind has obtained an important piece of information, that is, this unknown civilization is not the kind of war-mad civilization that starts fighting as soon as it encounters it.

At the same time, it also shows that the universe is not completely dark.

In fact, after learning from 'Silver Mist' that there is a true super-light civilization in the universe, humans have already believed that the dark forest is not mainstream. However, considering that 'Silver Mist''s words may be false, for a long time, humans have still been concerned about it. There are doubts about this.

Now that we see this civilization’s detector reacting like this, we can basically confirm that the dark forest theory is not the mainstream of the universe. After all, the dark forest theory has many prerequisites, including the constant expansion of civilization, the constant sum of the mass and energy of the universe, the explosion of technology, and the chain of suspicion. Destruction is easier than communication, there's no way to travel faster than light or anything like that.

What's more, there is also the previous unscrupulous broadcasting behavior of the Galactic Alliance.

Perhaps aerospace-level civilization may exist.

Four hours were spent as the formation headed by the Wudangshan ship slowly deployed the detectors.

"Hey, they should have received the message. I wonder how they would react if they suddenly received the signal during the deceleration process and discovered us." The captain of the Wudangshan ship looked at the time and smiled.

At the same time, emergency reports sounded one after another from the bridge of the unknown fleet flagship, which was still slowing down.

"Urgent information, the probe has discovered an unknown fleet outside the asteroid belt."

"Urgent information, the detectors returned information on the number of unknown fleets. There are two Quaker-class warships, twenty sub-class warships, and one hundred small warships of unknown purpose."

"Urgent information, the detector has been locked by the unknown fleet's fire control, and the emergency response procedure has been triggered. Please give specific instructions from the main ship."

"Emergency information, the system received a set of unknown electromagnetic wave signals, the self-identification program has identified them, and they are obviously regular signals."

"***...\u0026\u0026\u0026...##¥" A creature soaked in some kind of transparent liquid and firmly fixed on some device by a safety buffer device cursed, but there was no sound.

"Damn, why is it at this time!" Then, the creature let out another exclamation, but it seemed to be still in some kind of transparent liquid, so only the place where the creature seemed to be the vocal organ moved.

In this battleship, all creatures are in the same state. It is obvious that this transparent liquid is an acceleration buffer, and the fleet is in a deceleration state, using the acceleration buffer as an auxiliary buffer.

Obviously they did not consider encountering this situation during the deceleration process, so the above scene occurred. However, as a civilization with an acceleration buffer, it is impossible to transmit information in the buffer.

So this situation only occurred for a few seconds, and then something unknown stretched out from somewhere and attached to the vocal organ of this creature.

"Sir, Mr. Pierce, what should we do? Should we stop slowing down?" A strange scream sounded in the internal communication of the battleship.

"Why panic? Keep slowing down."

The creature known as Mr. Pierce then analyzed: "We have decelerated by twenty-eight, and we can complete the deceleration with another forty-nine. We don't have much energy, and we can't reach the next star if we turn to speed up." Department, we can’t give up halfway!”


"No, but, haven't you noticed that the unknown fleet did not destroy our detector immediately, and also took the initiative to send us a message, which shows that they are not crazy people like the Quill civilization. Anyway, let's slow down steadily now. Also, immediately notify all scientific teams to be prepared, and once the deceleration is completed, they will immediately make every effort to decipher the electromagnetic wave information."

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