Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 192 Decisive change of tactics

The Quark-class battleships of the Kuntai Civilization, which did not show much combat effectiveness against the Human Mountain-class battleships, appear to be extremely powerful here.

Eighty percent of the charging self-exploding drones and self-exploding shuttle boats were destroyed by the close-in defense guns of these ten warships.

The Callisto-class battleships in the second wave of human raids were completely inadequate in front of the Quaker-class battleships. All the Callisto-class battleships can do is find opportunities in the chaos of self-destructive drones and self-destructive shuttle boats to launch attacks, and fire at the cluster of residential spacecraft from a distance.

If you want to break through the defense circle of ten warships, you will basically end up being sunk.

In fact, like a self-destructing shuttle boat, if it can penetrate so close to its face, it can damage the Quark-class battleship of the Kuntai Civilization, but it cannot penetrate at all.

Now the target is not the Quaker-class warship itself, but to circle and attack the cluster of residential spaceships. In this way, less than 20% of the self-destructing shuttle boats can penetrate. It is conceivable that the Quaker-class warship's close defense power is powerful.

No wonder Kuntai civilization does not build small warships.

Of course, the two waves of human self-destruction raids are still effective. Even if only 20% of them rush in, there are still 200 self-destruction shuttle boats with 20% of the number.

There are also some self-destructing drones.

However, the self-destructing drone is too small, and the bomb it carries cannot sink a residential spacecraft at once. Therefore, after breaking through the defense circle and entering the cluster of Kuntai civilization's residential spaceships, the two hundred self-exploding shuttles first attacked and exploded, blowing up a big hole in the residential spaceship, and then a swarm of self-exploding drones emerged from the hole. Come in and carry out a second blow.

In the cosmic space, the bright light of explosions continued to sound.

Along with the explosion, the Kuntai civilization's residential spaceships disintegrated one by one. The unarmed residents inside were either directly killed or thrown into the cold space by the explosion to die. The luckier ones were thrown into the universe along with some temporarily sealed residential structures. But this is nothing more than slow death.

For a time, ultrasonic screams erupted one after another in the Kuntai civilization's residential spacecraft, and death scenes continued to be staged in space. Under such a blow, the remaining limbs and arms were already complete corpses, and more were turned into dust directly in the light and heat of the explosion.

Attack the residential spacecraft and massacre the residents.

How cruel this is.

But this is a war, this is the universe, a war between two intelligent civilizations, and there is no Geneva Convention here. If humans were not so powerful, then millions of human residents would be slaughtered now.

"Your Excellency Pierce, our residential spacecraft cluster has been attacked and suffered heavy losses." Motutuo's sad and incomprehensible voice sounded in the communication channel.

"I understand, keep going, we will make humanity pay with blood!" Pierce closed his eyes, not looking at the tragic scenes, trying to calm down.

But the next scene made her unable to remain calm anymore.

"Your Excellency Pierce, we are a cluster of residential spaceships belonging to human civilization. They are really behind the giant gas planet!" This is the voice of an observer on the channel.

As the sound appeared, the enlarged picture of the giant gas planet immediately appeared in front of Pierce.

One after another, barrel-shaped spaceships slowly flew out from the back of the giant gas planet, spraying tail flames and accelerating in a more distant direction.

"Damn, they're running!"

Seeing this situation, Pierce felt dizzy and almost didn't take a sip of 'acceleration buffer'.

There are very few spaceships. Instead of having almost three hundred like the Kuntai civilization, there are only about forty. This also includes engineering spacecraft, resource-carrying spacecraft, and spacecraft that support the Wolfe biosphere.

"It's over! We can't catch up!" Pierce took a look at the opponent's acceleration data and couldn't express the pain in his heart. She guessed and bet correctly, but she didn't expect that humans would be so decisive and directly let the residential spaceship drive away, or run away far beyond the range of the laser energy weapon.

And the reaction was so fast, it was completely unlike the time he spent in the Aldebaran star system for many years.

"Why are there so few? Is this really just an alien colony of human civilization?"

Pierce had questions in her mind, but she didn't have much time to think about them because her top priority was to decide what to do next for her fleet.

"What should I do?" she asked herself in her mind.

If you chase, you will definitely not be able to catch up, so do you still want to chase?

Pierce weighed it for a moment and then decided.

She ordered in the fleet channel: "This fleet will turn immediately to support the fourth formation, and the second formation will support the third formation. Execute immediately."

From the reaction of the cluster of human-inhabited spaceships, Pierce could tell that humans were already prepared, or in other words, were waiting for him to make a surprise attack.

In this case, then change the tactics and annihilate the human warships.

From the battle between the third and fourth formations, Pierce saw that humans did not have many battleships. So far, they had only seen ten Quaker-class battleships. As long as the human battleships were annihilated with numerical superiority, this galaxy would still be a kun. Thai civilization.

As long as the human fleet is defeated, Kuntai civilization will be able to slowly recover in this galaxy no matter how serious its losses are.

Hope is still there!

Pierce decisively gave up the chase because she knew very well that energy weapons were out of reach, let alone kinetic weapons.

The propulsion power of weapons such as space missiles and nuclear missiles is also nuclear fusion engines. The fastest is only 15% of the speed of light. At a long distance, it is impossible to hit a target that can also accelerate to 15% of the speed of light.

The same goes for electromagnetic railguns.

Pierce's decisiveness was soon reflected in the two battleship formations.

The news of the battleship formation's course change soon reached Yue Yuan's ears.

"I sound decisive, but you are already too late. After I destroy the remaining five warships, the next fifty will be yours!" Yue Yuan showed a victorious smile on his face.

Of the twenty battleships of Kuntai Civilization's fourth formation, only four are left after the battle, and only one Human Mountain-class battleship has been crippled, which is the Lushan ship.

Well, the main gun was blown up. Now the bow of the Lushan ship where the main gun is located is gone. However, due to the highly modular and layered design, plus the hidden bridge design, it has not been scrapped. The rear thruster of the battleship is still there. can operate normally.

It won't be able to fire cannons anymore, but it's still no problem to run.

It’s no problem to fight twenty ships, it’s the same thing to fight fifty ships, it’s just a little longer. The powerful armor of the Tianqin has proven that Kuntai Civilization's main gun cannot penetrate its armor at all.

Of course, Yue Yuan did not rely on the strength of the Tianqin and just let a single ship go out to challenge the fifty warships of Kuntai Civilization, because the Tianqin was only powerfully armored, such as the main gun and engine, if it was If it hits directly, it will still explode.

It is precisely because of this that every time the Tianqin appears and fires its guns, the Tianqin will adjust its posture and try not to let its head and tail face the direction of the Kuntai Civilized Fleet.

It is also for this reason that nearly half of the close-range defense guns mounted on the exterior of the Tianqin have been destroyed by the main guns of Kuntai Civilization.

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