Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 209 Learning Cost

Under the condition of ensuring safety, leaving some Kuntai people to do research will play a very important role in the development of biology.

Because humans already know that after Kuntai people complete the change from Kun to Tai, their overall quality will be greatly improved. The comprehensive quality here is not only physical quality, but also includes vision, hearing, memory and intelligence.

If humans can study some methods from them and then use them on humans themselves, then it is impossible to say that humans will be strengthened in all aspects again.

Memory enhancement is not a dream either.

From the database of Kuntai civilization, humans have learned that Kuntai civilization is much behind humans in terms of biotechnology. Therefore, even though it is known that Kuntai civilization has done a lot of research in this area, there is still not much progress, but human beings Scientists are very confident.

If nothing else, human beings' technology in terms of lifespan and genes far surpasses that of the Kuntai people.

As long as we find the Kuntai people's gene fragment that enhances their overall quality, humans will be confident that we can come up with some tricks. Of course, you have to cut out unnecessary functions.

So this requires humans to fully grasp the genetic map of the Kuntai people, and then understand the role of each pair of bases just like humans' own genes. This is undoubtedly a huge project.

Fortunately, the Kuntai people also study their own genes. Human beings do not need to start from scratch, they only need to stand on the shoulders of the Kuntai people and continue climbing.

Of course, having said that, the project is still very onerous. In addition, mankind was already facing the problem of underpopulation. Now that Kuntai's scientific system has been added, mankind is facing a serious shortage of talents in all aspects.

Recently, almost every laboratory, research institute, and institute are recruiting interns.

In addition to practical subjects, personnel from the Ministry of Education also updated human learning textbooks based on various scientific theories obtained from Kuntai civilization data.

Many theories and technical descriptions have been supplemented, and various branches of science have also been further developed during this period, which has made human textbooks thicker.

The increase in the accumulation of knowledge has led to a prosperous scene in human science. Often, there are several scientific teams trying to make research breakthroughs in a branch of science.

Yes, there is still a shortage of scientists and researchers, but overall there is still an upward trend.

And precisely because there is more knowledge, the cost of human learning has also become greater.

A person begins formal schooling at the age of five and graduates from college at the age of twenty-two. He can only learn some basic scientific knowledge. If he wants to become a talent useful to the development of human science, he must continue to learn.

In other words, the original university courses can no longer keep up with the pace of scientific development.

According to the estimation of the Ministry of Education, if a person wants to have the knowledge of the current cutting-edge science of mankind after completing their studies, based on the normal learning progress, then this person will have to study for at least fifty years.

In other words, this person did not graduate and start working until he was fifty-five years old.

In the first forty years, he had extensive exposure to and learned knowledge about various branches of human science. In the last fifteen years, he began to choose the branch he was good at for further study, and then continued to practice in society and then studied for graduate school. Study for a Ph.D., so that you can keep up with the most cutting-edge science and technology of mankind.

It is conceivable that if science and technology continue to advance, more branches of technology will emerge and more advanced knowledge will be born. At that time, the study time will further increase.

The Ministry of Education predicts that if human intelligence and memory are not improved, more and more knowledge will be required to learn in the long run, and it will take longer for humans to learn. It may take hundreds of years or even hundreds of years to develop.

Fortunately, human lifespan has been greatly improved now, and this problem is not yet acute.

However, some people are worried that when technology develops to a certain level, there will be a bottleneck, that is, humans will not be able to learn the latest knowledge in their lifetime.

If this is the case, then human beings will never make any further progress in scientific development.

It is possible. Although it is still too early for this situation to occur at present, it also reminds mankind that we must use science and technology to make humans themselves more advanced in the future. Scientific progress is not only a matter of physics, but also requires mathematics, philosophy and other disciplines to take the lead.

Judging from the current situation, the increase in study time has also prompted the new government to adjust the education system.

In addition to adjusting teaching materials, the teaching hours for each stage also need to be adjusted.

The division has not changed and is still divided into three stages: small, medium and large, but the learning time of each stage has increased significantly. According to the depth of knowledge, the learning time in the three stages has been improved to varying degrees.

After this, if a new human being wants to enter a certain cutting-edge science and technology branch and become a member, he must at least be a graduate student, and a fifty-five-year-old college graduate will basically become a talented person with a certain skill in society.

Without the ability to enter cutting-edge research fields, they have become the main force in production.

On the other hand, the increase in learning costs has also caused the new government to make many changes to previous policies. The conditions for using lifespan potions, which previously required having descendants before they could be used, have also been relaxed a bit.

After all, if no changes are made, then everyone who is still in school will have a baby, and they will not be able to support themselves, let alone their offspring. If they have to wait until they graduate to use it, it will undoubtedly make almost everyone’s The appearance will be fixed on those in their fifties.

This is unacceptable to society. No one can bear to live with an old body for hundreds of years.

Therefore, the new government allows humans to have the power to use Life Potion 1.0 when they reach adulthood, which will allow humans to be fixed at a certain age for two hundred years.

A young body means youthful vitality and strong energy. From this point of view, it is also helpful for learning.

Life Potion 2.0 still uses having offspring as a measure of practical power.

After all, the current human population is less than five million, which is still very rare. The population increase policy needs to continue to be implemented.

Time passed slowly while dealing with various post-war matters.

It took humans two full years to digest all the information in the Kuntai Civilization Database. It was at this time that Yi Kai found Yue Yuan with a face full of glory.

"Chief, the study on the memory genetics of the Kuntai people has come to a conclusion. In two years, we screened about 30,000 Kuntai people samples for research, well, mainly on their newborns. We have conducted various studies from many aspects. All kinds of observations and tests found no signs of genetic memory."

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