Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 211 Let others slaughter you

"Well, just don't create monsters." Yue Yuan understood that what Yi Kai was talking about was just a painting, so he didn't intend to delve into it. In short, these scientific research projects must be supported no matter what.

Arriving at the front bridge, Yue Yuan approved the funding to Yi Kai and said: "The cold nuclear pulse thruster will be used on the detection spacecraft first. You should also hurry up. After the breakthrough in particle physics, we humans will We should move to a higher level and reach the second level of civilization. Then I don’t want to see us being restricted by the physical body again.”

"Don't worry, Chief, it's all right." After Yi Kai got the approval, he said this and turned around to leave.

It seems that he plans to conduct research as soon as possible.

On Yue Yuan's side, he also started his busy day.

Now that biology has confirmed that Kuntai people cannot inherit memory, the next step is simple.

After handling some urgent matters, Yue Yuan immediately called Manyuemei and asked her to return to the Kunlun ship to prepare. As for himself, this started to make arrangements for the screening of Kuntai people.

Now the entire Kuntai people are under human control, and their number is still very large. There are probably more than six million people left. With such a huge number, there must be many Kuntai people who are about to enter the stage of metamorphosis, so the screening went very smoothly.

Just use a computer to sort and search, and all the suitable lists will come out. Then humans don't even need to send robots to catch people themselves. They can directly let the managers of the Kuntai people find the people themselves, and then send them to the spacecraft prepared by humans.

There were more than 13,000 people in total.

In the process of asking for the selected Kuntai people, humans did not give any reasons to the Kuntai people managers. They just threw the corresponding list directly to the managers of the corresponding residence spacecraft, and then let them think of their own reasons.

The list is full of Kuntai people who are in the state of "Kun" to "Tai". Smart Kuntai people managers can think of what humans want them to do just by thinking about it.

It must be participating in experimental research or something like that.

Managers who carry out human orders know very well that they may be like mice for research, but they cannot refuse, nor do they dare to refuse.

Among the selected Kuntai people, there was one named Mo Tuotuo, who was also about to enter metamorphosis.

At this moment, he was saying goodbye to Pierce.

"Farewell, Lord Pierce."

"Farewell Mo Tuo Tuo!" Pierce replied in a complicated tone.

She wanted to say: Kuntai civilization will never forget your sacrifice, and I will always remember the atrocities humans have committed against us at this moment. This is the darkest moment of our Kuntai civilization, and all Kuntai people will remember it silently in their hearts until one day we have to retaliate in kind.

But now everything about Kuntai Civilization's spaceship is under human supervision, especially her words and deeds as a leader, so she dare not say anything. She can only act very submissive, and even speak for humans against her will.

"Motutuo, the great human beings ask you to serve them. Please do your best and never let the great human beings down." Pierce's words were somewhat untrue.

However, Mo Tuo Tuo, who was already very smart, understood what she meant, so Mo Tuo Tuo solemnly responded: "I will, and I will definitely use my wisdom to help great mankind."

The farewell was brief, and the separation of life and death seemed to become mutual encouragement and encouragement for the future survival of Kuntai civilization.

After more than 13,000 Kuntai people in Kun form boarded the spacecraft prepared by humans, they were sent to a large residential spacecraft carousel specially designed for the Kuntai people's environment.

The rotation speed of this turntable is also set according to the gravity environment that Kuntai people are accustomed to, and the various facilities inside are also arranged according to the habits of Kuntai people.

Each Kuntai person has a separate room, which is fully equipped and has better conditions than the Kuntai people's own living spacecraft.

Every Kuntai person who came to the new environment, including Mo Tutuo, was always on tenterhooks, always dreaming about when they would be sent to the laboratory by humans and put on the operating table for inhumane dissections.

However, what they didn't expect was that after arriving here, the humans not only did not capture anyone for experiments on mice, but instead provided them with delicious food and drinks according to the best dietary standards every Kuntai day.

After wondering for several days, a video screen finally appeared in the room they were in, and the content of the video told them the purpose of humans letting them come here.

"You must be curious about what we asked you to do here. Maybe some of you think that you will soon become a guinea pig and be put into the laboratory for research.

No, you are wrong. Let me tell you now, we will not kill you, we just want to observe the breeding process of your race. Yes. Some attentive people may have discovered that the room where your room is located is filled with various cameras and scanners.

The thing is that simple, you just need to complete your metamorphosis development here with peace of mind, and when we collect the data, we will let you return to your living spacecraft. Okay. Once again, I would like to personally thank you for your contribution to life science research."

The speech in the video screen was brief, he simply stated the purpose and then closed it.

In the following days, just like the video speech, every Kuntai Day, a robot delivered a lot of food to these Kuntai people.

Under the dual effects of hunger and video chat, the Kuntai people who were approaching metamorphosis began to eat and drink arbitrarily, constantly increasing their energy input and gaining weight.

Energy is conserved. After the Kuntai people change from the 'Kun' form to the 'Tai' form, it will bring them all-round strengthening and give birth to offspring. Of course, these energies cannot come out of nothing, so when approaching metamorphosis, the most intuitive manifestation of Kuntai people is a sudden increase in food intake.

This sudden increase in diet is somewhat similar to the physical transformation of humans at that time, but it is more intense.

During this period, their body's digestion and absorption function seemed to be truly activated, metabolizing food at an extremely fast speed. In just three Kuntai days, their weight increased three to five times.

It can be said that during three Kuntai days, these Kuntai people did nothing but eat.

Then, as their bodies become bloated, they stop eating, and then one by one they move on to the next stage.

In the video, humans saw that the Kuntai man named Motutuo began to emit a series of unexplained ultrasonic waves in less than a Kuntai hour after he stopped eating.

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