Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 219 Lake Class Battleship

From the successful development of materials, to mass production, and then to large-scale mass production, it took New Humanity more than thirty years. It can be said that the emergence of every new technology is the result of the diligent efforts of all mankind.

As the first Lake-class battleship of the New Humanity, the Dongting Ship was also successfully built by the New Humanity from scratch during this period of time.

Then there are various types of sea trial experiments, actual data collection and analysis, and then improvements.

After everything about the experimental warship was settled, time has quietly come to a hundred years after humans defeated the Kuntai civilization.

Within a hundred years, the new humanity achieved heavy nuclear fusion, achieved another breakthrough in material technology, successfully mastered neutrino detection technology, and mastered magnetic field deflection shield technology.

The emergence of heavy nuclear fusion and powerful materials has given mankind the ability to manufacture larger-caliber main guns, such as super-large positron cannons, super-large gamma ray cluster weapons, and super-large electromagnetic rail guns.

It can be said that humans have mastered all the technologies that a second-level civilization should have in just a hundred years. The Dongting Ship is the crystallization of all these technologies.

The symbol of the second-level civilization is heavy nuclear fusion and cold nuclear fusion. These two technologies have not diversified the weapons of the battleship. It still uses the weapons of the first-level civilization, but the caliber is larger, the destructive power is stronger, and the power is natural. The same cannot be said.

In fact, there are plasma cannons, but in view of the emergence of magnetic field shields, the new humans believe that there is no need to build such weapons that can be deflected by magnetic fields and are far less powerful than positron cannons.

Of course, the types of weapons have not changed, but this does not prevent new humans from adding some whimsical ideas to the original ones.

Just like a super large electromagnetic rail gun.

The original electromagnetic railgun shells were just lumps of iron, relying solely on strong kinetic energy to kill enemy ships. Today's super-large electromagnetic railgun is different. Its shells have been redesigned by humans, and in addition to relying on strong kinetic energy to kill enemy ships, it also has an explosive function.

As for what kind of explosive function it is, it is naturally a hydrogen bomb.

For a second-level civilization, the hydrogen bomb sounds very primitive, and it is really primitive. However, the hydrogen bomb has an advantage that many other weapons do not have, that is, its power has no upper limit.

As long as your power is large enough, its power will always increase. If the technology is powerful enough, it can keep stacking the equivalents until it finally becomes a massive star and throws it out, causing a supernova explosion.

Of course, if strictly speaking, supernovae no longer belong to the category of hydrogen bombs, and hydrogen bombs also have an upper limit. Its upper limit is the critical point where the gravity of the hydrogen element can trigger nuclear fusion, which is the minimum mass standard for forming stars.

However, with that kind of technology, there is no need to use such massive bombs to blow up the enemy, because the advancement of science and technology has allowed that civilization to master more powerful weapons than itself.

Having said that, the reason why the super-large electromagnetic rail gun is called super-large is because the shells have been changed into shells carrying hydrogen bombs, so its caliber will be greatly increased.

The reason lies in the ultra-strong magnetic field.

After the hydrogen bomb is incorporated into the electromagnetic railgun shell, a layer of magnetic shielding material must be built outside it. Otherwise, under the continued influence of the ultra-strong magnetic field, the hydrogen bomb is very likely to explode or be damaged due to the magnetization of the internal structure.

The main reason why the first-level civilization did not do this was because the magnetic field technology was not up to par and they were unable to do so.

In addition, there is also the impact resistance of the hydrogen bomb structure. Because the kinetic energy of the electromagnetic railgun is extremely large, the original hydrogen bomb structure cannot withstand its impulse at all.

Therefore, in the new design, the structure inside the hydrogen bomb, which is the special warhead of the electromagnetic railgun, has been reinforced and modified by New Humanity, and No. 1 alloy materials have also been used on it.

Well, No. 1 alloy material is an alloy material with a melting point of 150 million degrees Celsius. The new humans named it to distinguish it from the newly developed material with a melting point of 280 million degrees Celsius. As for the material with a melting point of 280 million degrees Celsius, naturally No. 2 alloy material.

After completing various experiments on the Lake-class battleship, humanity's new shipbuilding plan was immediately put on the agenda.

This time, humans learned the lessons of the Callisto-class battleships and did not build many mountain-class battleships. Instead, they focused their energy on building lake-class battleships.

Because the test results have shown that a hundred mountain-class battleships cannot defeat one lake-class battleship. The maximum caliber laser weapon of the Mountain-class battleship cannot burn through the Lake-class battleship armored with No. 2 alloy material.

The positron cannon is okay, but once the Lake-class battleship supports the magnetic shield, it becomes a decoration.

Therefore, the new humans abandoned the combat idea of ​​​​cooperating with multiple ship types of different sizes, and instead focused on how to improve the coordinated combat of different types of main guns of warships of the same class.

As for the small frigates, they will not be included in the battle queue. Even their original intelligence work is completed by low-cost and fully AI-controlled detection spacecraft, and neutrino detection is also included.

Therefore, they no longer have a place in the new envisioned fleet. It can only be turned into a duty ship for the New Human Security Department together with the Callisto-4 battleship.

To truly fight aliens, you have to board the strongest and largest battleships. Going aboard other types of ships is tantamount to death and is completely unnecessary.

Of course, the reason why small ships lose their detection function is, ultimately, because there is no super-light speed and ultra-long-distance communication. This means that even if a small ship in the distance detects an enemy ship firing on its own warship, it cannot use energy weapons to destroy it in one step. The information is conveyed to friendly warships.

There are many secondary reasons, such as the integrated attack and defense of large warships and complete functions.

In fact, some people in the military have previously stated that small ships are more flexible and faster. This statement is indeed correct. Small ships are indeed more flexible than large ships, but the final speed is the same. Well, strictly speaking, in a short period of time, small ships have greater acceleration and thus faster speeds because of their smaller mass.

But this one is faster and not ridiculously big. That is to say, there is no situation where large battleships are like turtles and small battleships are like birds as people imagine.

Another point is that in actual military exercises, people have seen that no matter how flexible the small and flexible ships are, they are not as flexible as the close-in defense guns of the large ships. To put it simply, you have to make eighty turns, constantly changing positions up, down, left, and right. The large-scale close-in defense cannon only needs a small adjustment in the design angle, and countless light-speed laser cannons will shine at you.

And what if it breaks into a close-fitting large-scale ship type? Like a frigate, not to mention that it is completely impossible to break through the armor of a Lake-class battleship. Even if it comes close to the magnetic shield range of a Lake-class battleship, it can be magnetized and cause equipment failure and destruction.

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