Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 280 Influence

"Impossible, how could thousands of fire seeds be stored in this little thing? Don't lie to me because you think I'm from the Bashi Kingdom." The traveler said, but couldn't help but stretch out his hand. The crystal clear appearance of the lighter in Guard Xiang's hand attracted him deeply. He promised that he had never seen anything so crystal clear in his life.

"What are you doing? If you don't want to buy it, don't read it." The guard quickly put the lighter in his pocket and secretly glanced at the traveler's face.

Secretly thinking: Hehe, I took the bait.

Ever since the school's products flowed into the Volcano Kingdom's capital and gradually formed various private transactions, the capital's guards were a piece of cake.

The reason is that they can recruit some new outsiders.

"It's too expensive. I want three thousand copper coins." The traveler thought that this so-called lighter, just because of its crystal appearance, would probably cost tens of thousands of copper coins in Ba Shiguo, but he still wanted to lower the price.

"No, just go into the city." The guard said, and stepped out of the way, as if to let the merchants enter the city.

Since the products in human schools have just appeared recently, most kobolds in Volcano Country keep them for themselves even if they have them. Therefore, the guards are not worried at all about not being able to sell them or that the merchants can find other sellers after entering the city.

Anyway, if this one can't be tricked, he can still trick the next one.

"Okay then, five thousand is five thousand." The traveling merchant pretended to feel pain, and then asked two attendants to take money from the luggage, and at the same time asked for detailed instructions on how to use the lighter.

After receiving the lighter, the traveler couldn't wait to take it out and turned it over in his hands to observe.

"It's so amazing. It's a real divine object. It's actually water inside, but why can water turn into fire?" With deep curiosity, the traveler pressed the lighter several times, and then stopped to wonder. Staring at the liquid flowing inside.

The original intention of this kobold traveler was indeed to come to the Volcanic Country to purchase goods. However, after entering the capital, he saw a busy scene. After asking, he found out that today was the opening day of which school, and many people were rushing to schools outside the city.

Among everyone's conversations, the words he heard most were words like school, credits, exams, God of Light, pot, and flashlight.

"Brother, please stay here. Is the school you mentioned a place where I can buy lighters?" The traveler couldn't help but pull over a kobold who seemed to be easier to talk to.

"A lighter is nothing. Our God of Light has everything. As long as you have excellent grades, you can exchange it for anything."

The passerby who was pulled was obviously very unhappy, but he still pointed to the endless stream of people patiently and replied: "Did you see, those who pulled all kinds of living animals are the ones who went to school today. As long as they enroll in school, they will be fine." You can exchange any items you want or can't think of from the God of Light. If you learn well, you can also go to live in the Kingdom of the God of Light, where

I think you should have come from another country. If I were you, I would find a way to get enough tuition now, and then go to the school of the God of Light to study, instead of doing something to waste my life here. "

Being told that he was doing something that wasted his life, the traveler was not angry. Instead, he took out a few copper coins from his pocket and handed them to passers-by, and then continued to ask: "Listen to what you said, have you ever been to that Guangming Theological School?"

The passerby kobold dismissed the copper coin handed over by the traveler with disdain, and then showed a proud look on his face: "Of course, I am from a senior school district. I only need to pass the exam next year, and then I can go to live in the Kingdom of the God of Light. In short, there are so many things at Guangming Theological School that I can’t finish them all in a short while. If you want to know more, go outside the city and read the school announcements yourself!”

Having said this, the passerby kobold stretched out an arm and deliberately exposed the electronic watch on his wrist in front of the merchant. Then he stretched out his other hand and pointed at the ':' beating on the electronic watch, with a look on his face. Only the kobolds can see the enigmatic look: "I have to go first. It is already 2:28:16 in the afternoon. I have to report to school. This season, around 6:00 pm It’s getting dark and if I go late, I won’t be able to come back tonight.”

After the passers-by and the kobolds left, the traveler pulled a few passers-by from the bustling streets to ask about the school.

After understanding the general situation, the traveler was filled with shock.

Because he discovered that he actually didn't know what many of the words spoken by the kobolds in the Volcano Country meant.

He couldn't understand words like air, gas, liquid, light, oxygen, carbon dioxide, walkie-talkies, clocks, etc., and there were many words like this that he couldn't understand in his conversations with passers-by in the Volcanic Country.

For example, when the passerby just said how many o'clock, how many minutes, how many seconds, and how many o'clock it will get dark, he didn't know what it meant at first. After asking a few people, he realized that it meant time.

This shocked him because he had never thought that he could know the specific time just by looking down at the unknown thing on his wrist.

At first, he thought it was the language difference between the two countries, but it was obviously not the case, because he was very proficient in the language of Volcano Country, and the language of Bashi Country and the language of Volcano Country were actually not very different.

"Is this all the knowledge passed down by the God of Light?" The traveler pondered in his heart. Since arriving in the Volcano Kingdom, he suddenly felt that the world he was familiar with was a little out of place.

It was as if he had gone from being knowledgeable to being a bastard in an instant.

He thought to himself: "It seems that those rumors about the arrival of the God of Light in the Volcano Country are true. How about I sign up to study? Anyway, the God of Light and the God of Fire should be brothers. It doesn't matter if I believe in the God of Light." Betrayal of the great God of Fire, yes, that’s it.”

After making the decision in his heart, the flexible businessman began to ask passers-by about the admission requirements.

There are many kobolds like foot merchants who come to the Volcano Country to do business and then change their minds to study. There are also some people who are determined to do business. This type of people is divided into two types. One type is those who continue to work in the Volcano Country with The other way to become a foot trader between other countries is to sense business opportunities and open item trading points at the foot of the school mountain or between the school and the capital to join the free trade business around the school.

Of course, there are also those who come all the way to study after hearing the news in distant countries.

No matter what it is, it shows that the name of the God of Light is spreading around the continent in a very positive image. Because in the past thirty years, the Volcano Country has indeed become prosperous under the influence of Guangming Theological School.

And this influence once again ignited a wave of climax with the announcement of the abolition of slavery in the Volcano Country.

I just want to make a complaint. I really don’t understand why the title ‘There is Meat to Eat’ has the risk of being sensitive and blocked. I feel tired.

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