Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 287 It’s complicated

After finalizing some outlines of related nano-repair research and development projects, Yue Yuan looked at Yi Kai next to him: "Academician Yi, what do you think about the limits of wisdom mentioned before?"

Seeing that Yue Yuan brought the topic to this matter again, Yi Kai thought for a moment: "To be honest, I don't think we humans have reached the so-called limit of wisdom so quickly, but we have to pay attention to this aspect, so This is what the incomplete idea I mentioned before is also about.”

"Oh~?" Yue Yuan mouthed a modal particle. Scientists from other fields in the small conference room also looked at Yi Kai, wanting to hear what he had to say.

"Do you still remember the Awakener's description of the limits of wisdom?" Yi Kai was not in a hurry to answer. Instead, he first glanced at the people in the small conference room and asked.

"Of course I remember, to sum it up in one sentence: the limit of knowledge is limited, and it is impossible to explore the unknown." A physicist replied.

"So among us humans, is there anyone who can reach the extremes of knowledge?" Yi Kai asked again.


Everyone either frowned or their eyes lit up, probably understanding what Yi Kai meant.

After a while, Yu Nanfeng, who was opposite Yi Kai, said: "We don't even fully understand the knowledge in our own research field, so how can we know the limits of knowledge!"

"That's the truth." Yi Kai took out his personal key points, raised his hand and tapped on the keyboard a few times, then took a look at the content inside and said: "Knowledge is known, and we don't even know what we know. If you don't have everything in your mind, how can you count yourself as reaching the so-called limit of wisdom! Since you all know what the Awakener means by the limit of wisdom, you must also understand what I am saying now."

Of course I understand, doesn’t it mean that the knowledge mastered by each individual human being is one-sided? It seems normal that based on one-sided knowledge, if you pry into deeper unknown knowledge, you will not be able to create the inspiration to break through the barriers. .

So, doesn’t it mean that more knowledge needs to be crammed into the brains of individual human beings? Or should we say that we have learned all the records in human databases?

How is this possible? With such a massive amount of knowledge in the human database, I am afraid that I would not be able to learn it all even if I lived for tens of thousands of years, not to mention that the human brain would forget it once it has been learned.

And there is another point that makes everyone a little puzzled. Is it not a reflection of wisdom to pry into the infinite unknown based on limited known knowledge? Human beings are now unable to break through the technological barriers of level three civilizations with limited knowledge. Doesn’t that mean that human wisdom has reached a certain limit? After all, everyone knows that no matter how smart a person is, the knowledge he can learn in his life must be limited.

Seeing the different expressions on everyone's faces, Yi Kai didn't know what they were thinking, so after a short pause, he continued: "The awakeners are level six civilizations, and things that we can't reach are not a problem for them. I think everyone has not forgotten what the Awakeners said back then. Their purpose in coming to the galaxy is to find the so-called road to wisdom. Therefore, the so-called limit of wisdom must be truly encountered by a sixth-level civilization. We don’t need to worry unfounded. And I have another piece of evidence to prove it. We haven’t reached our limit.”

"Academician Yi is talking about creativity?" A physicist raised his eyelids.

"That's right. Although our human society is experiencing some decadence, except for the computer field and nanotechnology field, progress in other fields has not stopped." Yi Kai nodded.

One is that human beings have not yet learned all the known knowledge, and the other is that society’s creativity has not been exhausted. These two are enough to show that human beings have not touched the so-called limits of wisdom.

Yue Yuan also nodded secretly. The previous decline in human society was entirely caused by various arguments about the cessation of science and technology. As long as these two arguments are organized into a set of well-founded opinions and published in society, then the trend of decadence will be easily resolved.

"Well, that's very good." After thinking about it, Yue Yuan's mood instantly improved, and then he changed the topic: "Academician Yi, what is the current situation of the ideological imprinting project?"

This project belongs to the Institute of Life, so Yi Kai, a top biologist as an academician and director of the institute, knows it best.

"There is progress, but the situation is a bit complicated."

"What kind of complicated method?"

This is a long story.

If anyone else asked, Yi Kai would definitely say: It's a long story, so it's okay not to talk about it.

But when Yue Yuan asked a question in a small meeting, he had to say it.

So Yi Kai thought for a moment and then said: "The study of the brain not only involves the quantum field of thinking, but also involves genetic instinct science, subconscious science, conscious science, subconscious science, self-awareness science, thinking field science, and brain wave science. , biological micro-electrical signaling, neurosynaptics, biological evolutionary non-intellectuality, biological evolutionary self-knowledge, and other fields of science are very closely related.

In fact, it is not only these, but also fields such as computer science, microphysics, and even quantum fields and microscopic dimensions are all involved. Let’s put it this way, what we thought was a relatively simple project more than a hundred years ago has now become the largest research project currently being conducted by mankind. "

"To sum up, this project is still progressing steadily. However, due to its extensive scope, there are a large number of gaps for top scientists. With our current scientific research strength, if we want to make considerable progress as we did at the beginning, it will still be difficult. Only by filling the gaps in key top scientists in various fields can we have hope."


Yue Yuan was silent. After so many years of development and growth, the number of humans has now reached about 145 million. Even though the entire human race attaches great importance to scientific and technological personnel, it is impossible for all of these people to be scientists and researchers.

However, the outstanding scientists and researchers that such a population can produce are still a drop in the bucket compared to the increasingly emerging branches of science.

In fact, it has been almost two hundred years since humans came to the Kobold Planet. It stands to reason that at the rate of human reproduction, the population is more than this small. However, due to limitations in the construction speed and quantity of residential spaceships, the growth rate of the population has slowed down.

This is human ship manufacturing capacity, or industrial productivity, which limits population development.

The development of science and technology will inevitably require a large number of excellent scientists, and the birth of scientists depends on various factors such as population base, education, and policies.

Human beings cannot guarantee that everyone will be extremely smart and become a scientist, so scientists and researchers cannot rush to supplement their work.

"I'm aware of this matter. Let's not talk about the shortage of scientific research power. Let's talk about the results achieved by the thought imprinting technology project so far." Yue Yuan said.

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