Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 306 Fermi Paradox

His words once again triggered a discussion. Although the previous plan of the General Staff was very good, many people now believed that this plan was better for the overall situation.

It's not that the plan proposed by the staff department is not feasible. Both plans have a lot of room for maneuver. It's just that with this plan, humans don't have to bear the name of active deception.

Although this thing is worthless in the face of safety, when it comes to ensuring safety, the latter is naturally better. Moreover, you can also pry into the authenticity of the star map issued by the Nair civilization in advance, so why not do it.

The most important thing is that even if the Nair civilization chooses to come to block humans after getting the news, it will not be able to reach the red dwarf star before humans.

Moreover, if the Nair civilization is really a malicious civilization, then humans can just run away. As a wandering civilization, human beings’ various working platforms are designed for rapid deployment and rapid resource extraction. As both are second-level civilizations, humans must stop and replenish their supplies faster than the Nair civilization, so they are really not afraid of the Nair civilization. Can catch up.

A small-scale discussion on how to reply to the Nair civilization ended here. Everyone expressed their opinions, and finally Yue Yuan made the decision, and then sent the human reply to the Nair civilization through neutrino communication.

Yes, Yue Yuan finally decided to tell the Nair civilization that humans had completed the turn and were heading towards the red dwarf star.

By the way, this red dwarf star has a name in the star map sent to mankind by the Nel civilization. According to the translation, in human words, this star should be called the Pot Cover Star. I don’t know how linguists translated it. Anyway, this is the name Yue Yuan saw on the star map.

As for the target that humans were heading for before, that is, the yellow dwarf star, it is called a fierce star, and its scientific name is GV8989. G means that its spectral pattern is G, and V is its luminosity.

There is just a gap in replying to Nair civilization information. From receiving the information to discussing and finalizing it, the relevant personnel draft the text, submit it to Yue Yuan for approval, and finally turn it into a signal through experts in communication and cryptography. The form is being sent out.

All this happened in just two days.

Two days later, the human fleet entered its normal route time again.

In fact, wandering civilizations like humans only spend a small amount of time meeting civilizations and communicating with them. Most of their time is spent silently sailing in the universe as they are now.

On the one hand, it is because the universe is too vast and it takes a long time to travel from one star system to another. On the other hand, the probability of encountering other civilizations in the universe is too small.

From this perspective, in fact, what most civilizations have to face most of the time is the quiet and lonely space of the universe. It often takes hundreds or even thousands of years to sail, or travel to countless places before encountering a planet. A living planet, an intelligent civilization.

However, the fact is that humans have encountered many civilizations and life planets less than three thousand years after setting foot in the stars. Because of this, human scientists have come to the conclusion that life and civilization in the universe are universal.

This is true, but when you encounter it too often, it always makes people feel inexplicably uneasy.

Others didn't think about it that much and didn't think it was anything, but as relevant scientists, they still thought about it.

Gander was one of them. He had previously concluded that life in the universe was universal.

But since life in the universe is universal, civilization in the universe must also be universal. What humans have seen and heard along the way has also confirmed this. But since civilization is universal, where were humans before they set foot in the stars?

After Yue Yuan presided over the reply to Neil's civilization message, Gan De returned to his office. Now he thought of these questions again.

After wandering back and forth for a while, he left the office alone and came to a certain porthole of the Lyra, staring at the dark universe outside.

"If civilization in the universe is really so common, then why didn't other civilizations visit the earth before humans set foot on the stars?" Gander murmured to himself.

Gander recalled the previous discussion about the Fermi Paradox in his mind. He remembered that he had asked the awakener about technological explosion. The awakener's answer was that technological explosion exists, but it only exists among civilizations at the same level. On the road across civilization levels, not only will there be no technological explosion, but there will also be technical barriers.

Now that humans are at the pinnacle of secondary civilization, it has been proven that technical barriers are correct, so the theory of the dark forest has been denied.

So where were the aliens during the more than two million years that humans went from the Stone Age to the Information Age? Why haven't you visited the earth?

Gander has also discussed this with other scholars and scientists. Some of them believe that aliens have visited the earth, and the various alien legends that appear on the earth are proof. However, there is no physical evidence for this view. , there are only all kinds of gossip.

Therefore, the Fermi Paradox has not been well answered even in today's human civilization.

As an astronomer, Gander is very aware of several answers to the Fermi Paradox. One is that there is no alien civilization at all, and this has been ruled out. The second is that aliens exist, but for some reason, humans don’t know it at all. This has also been filmed, because humans have encountered many aliens.

But for some reason, many hypotheses can be derived.

The most famous is the dark forest hypothesis, the second is the planetarium hypothesis, the third is the zoo hypothesis, the fourth is conspiracy theories, the fifth is that aliens have not been discovered simply because of the low level of human technology, and the sixth is the way humans and aliens perceive each other. The difference cannot be found. Seventh is the Great Filter Hypothesis.

Judging from the various events that humans are experiencing today, Gander feels that the reason is not a single hypothesis, but a combination of a series of hypotheses.

First of all, Gander feels that the three possibilities mentioned in the Great Filter Hypothesis must exist, because humans have indeed encountered planets with life but no intelligent creatures. This can prove to a certain extent the difficulty of the birth of intelligence.

Gander is also very clear about the three hurdles in the Great Filter hypothesis: the first is the birth of life, the second is the birth of multicellular organisms, and the third is the birth of intelligence.

However, judging from the fact that humans have encountered one civilization after another during this period of time, there should be enough lives to overcome these three hurdles and become a civilization.

So why has no extraterrestrial civilization arrived on the earth in such a long time? Gander stared at the stars outside the porthole window, a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he couldn't help but murmured: "Could it be that the starry sky is too vast, and most of them have reached civilization?" Intelligent life at this level spends most of its time traveling on the road, just like humans do now?"

"Dr. Gan, what are you talking about?"

As soon as Gan De finished speaking, he heard a familiar voice behind him. He turned his head and looked around, only to find that Yue Yuan had arrived behind him at some unknown moment.

"It's the chief, it's nothing, I'm thinking about the Fermi Paradox." Gander answered truthfully.

Yue Yuan walked up to him in two or two steps and asked with some confusion: "Fermi Paradox. Do you have any ideas?"

Yue Yuan was not so confused as to say, "Why do you want to do this when you have nothing to do?" because he knew that the truth behind the Fermi Paradox was related to the entire universe or what kind of society is composed of various cosmic civilizations in the galaxy. Environment, that is, the background of the universe.

Although human civilization is no longer the newbie that just set foot in the starry sky, it still knows very little about the picture of the universe. If we can get a glimpse of it, it can also be used to guide the future behavior of human civilization.

This is very important.

So now seeing that Gander suddenly fell into thinking about the Fermi Paradox, Yue Yuan thought that he might have been inspired by the Nel civilization, so he asked this question.

At the same time, he was also curious about how encountering the Nel civilization, which he thought was quite normal, was perceived by professional scientists.

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