Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 311 Talking while walking

The population is gradually increasing, and human beings are gradually waking up from the constant panic of being on the verge of extinction.

Under this circumstance, more and more people are investing in science in various fields, making every branch of human science flourish.

The brilliance of science has finally awakened philosophy that has been dormant for many years. Human scientists once again set their sights on the distant past, wanting to pry into the history of the universe buried in the long river of time, so as to improve their understanding of the universe. Knowledge, in order to drive and guide the direction of science.

The new cosmology gradually took shape in the intense discussions among new and old scientists.

The universe is not only a whole, but also a dynamic whole with certain properties and characteristics. From the beginning of the big bang, it has been a continuous development process in which time, space, and matter are interconnected.

Scientists have long realized that understanding any of these things in isolation will lead to one-sided unreality. The universe should be understood as a space-time continuum. No matter what happens in the universe, any event, any observable phenomenon or unobservable phenomenon, it is a certain time and space in this space-time continuum. An indivisible local space-time continuum.

People's discussions on issues such as cosmic cognition, window period hypothesis, etc. have led to other related discussions.

Although these discussions and the derived hypotheses have no direct effect on human science and technology, they are a complement to the human cosmology and can be regarded as a framework supplement.

Even though humans don’t know whether this view of the universe is correct, it can provide a reference for future human exploration of the universe, and often it is this kind of reference that may allow scientists to gain some inspiration.

Science is the end of the laws of nature, and the laws of nature are in the universe. It can be said that the addition of a new cosmology can definitely consolidate the foundation of the human scientific system.

The words were divided into two parts. While the scientists were busy talking, Yue Yuan, together with other new government management personnel, were watching the reply from the Nair civilization in the bridge of the Tianqin.

[Human civilizations who have come from afar, we have received your information, and we understand your move to the Vast Star of the Pot Lid. Because you and we are very aware of the vastness of the starry sky. Judging by the time, you must have already started to turn after receiving the notification message from our second star field patrol spacecraft.

Alas, the long delay in communication means that when you receive this message from us, you are already on your way to the Pot Lid Vast Star. Regarding this, as a civilization with a territory of 27 stars, we have a deep understanding of this.

However, we still recommend that you change course and return to the Great Fire Star. It’s not that we don’t want you to go to Guogai Star first, it’s just that it’s not our main population gathering place, so it’s not as rich in products as the Great Fire Star.

The regional governor of the Pot Lid Star does not have all the authority of our Nair civilization, so there is a lot of trouble in terms of technology and trade in various materials.

Yes, we are very interested in the exchange of needs, mutual exchange of opinions, and trade that you propose, so we hope that you can come to the galaxy where our political center is located, so that we can communicate more smoothly and even learn from each other.

Human civilization, I hope you know that our Nair civilization is a kind civilization, and we are happy to receive every friendly civilization that steps into the star domain we rule.

As an exploration fleet, you have come all the way from the depths of the starry sky. You must have experienced many interesting things that a team like ours has never seen in this star field. If you don't mind, we are also willing to listen to these stories.

You know, for a civilization that has always been in this star field, your story must be very novel to us. Maybe after hearing about your experience in exploring the universe, we can convince those stubborn old guys. , also agreed to send a space exploration fleet]

This time, Nair Civilization's reply was much longer than before, and his words were full of hope that humans would change direction and go to the Great Fire Star.

After reading this reply, humans can first confirm one piece of information, that is, Nair civilization is also a group of intelligent life forms. Like humans, the development of science and technology relies on the wisdom of the group.

As for what form it is, whether it is carbon-based, silicon-based, or sulfur-based, it is unknown. Anyway, both parties tacitly did not disclose this information to the other party.

However, humans also know that if they want to continue friendly contact, they must be honest. However, humans are still floating in the interstellar space, and because the communication delay is too serious, many things are not discussed yet.

As for the suggestion of the Nair civilization, the human side only had a brief discussion and came to a unified opinion, which is to continue walking towards the boundless star of the pot lid.

Indeed, except for the slightly fierce words of the three spaceships at the beginning, the Nair civilization showed a very friendly attitude in subsequent communications, but this was not enough to make humans put down their guard and do as they said.

After all, the impression that the Silver Mist Consciousness had on mankind was so profound, so no matter how good the Nair civilization said it, mankind would remain on guard.

In this case, it is inevitable that we cannot follow the words of Nair Civilization.

As for how to restore the Nair civilization, humans had already drafted this seven years ago. They used the excuse of long-distance energy shortages and excessive maneuvering and acceleration and deceleration as an excuse. Presumably the Nair civilization would not be able to find any loopholes.

As for whether the Pot Lid Star is the administrative center of Nel civilization, humans don't pay much attention to it. Trade and other things are only mentioned casually. The main purpose of humans is supply.

Speaking of which, humans have no idea how trade between interstellar civilizations is conducted. And it is better not to be an administrative center, then there will not be so many fleet forces to protect it, and it is just right for humans to go to the Vast Star of the Pot Lid.

Of course, all this is based on the Nel civilization telling the truth. In short, after humans used the lack of energy as an excuse to reply to the Nel civilization, they continued to sail silently in the silent space.

To be on the safe side, the human fleet adjusted the standby engine power to the minimum, just to ensure that the fleet would not be slowed down by the dust in the stars during the long voyage. The detector at the front even turned off the thruster after adjusting its direction to improve concealment.

In this case, if the Nair civilization wants to truly observe the human fleet, it may only be able to do so when the human fleet reaches the boundless star of the pot lid.

By that time, the leading detectors were estimated to have arrived in the galaxy. In this way, we can just take a peek at the situation of the vast star on the pot lid.

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