Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 323 Video Communication

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Perhaps because of their confidence in their own strength, facing the transport ship formation led by the human flagship Tianqin and two Lake-class battleships, not all of the 73 Lake-class battleship defense teams of the Nair civilization were dispatched, and only three ships came. .

Perhaps it also has something to do with their purpose of coming here.

No matter what, what humans saw was that only three warships came. In the eyes of humans, this was a sign of goodwill.

Therefore, the high-level officials of the new government on the Tianqin are in a good mood. They have the feeling that "there are also good-faith civilizations among low-level civilizations" and "there is truth, goodness and beauty among civilizations in the universe."

While they were thinking about it, Neil Civilization sent a reply.

Yue Yuan and the others looked at ten lines and soon knew the content of the reply from the Nair people.

The first is to welcome the arrival of humans, at least that's literally what it says. The next content is to respond to what humans have sent before to discuss supply matters. However, in the reply, the Nair people did not explain the specific supply matters, but simply promised humans that they would definitely arrange the supplies.

Finally, there is the opinion put forward by the Nair people. They feel that it is too inefficient to communicate back and forth like writing letters, so they plan to establish a video call with humans, or hold a video conference or something.

In view of the previous communication, the translation of information communication between human civilization and Nair civilization is no longer a big problem, but it is true that as the Nair people said, the efficiency of such communication is indeed low.

Therefore, Yue Yuan agreed with the Nair people's proposal, and others probably thought it was a good choice.

Once the two parties have officially contacted each other, but since the two parties are not living creatures on the same planet, it is impossible to directly sit down and discuss in the same environment in person. In this case, it can only be done in the form of video.

Secondly, you can also see what form the other person is in. I don’t know when, many human scientists believed that seeing each other’s biological characteristics is a form of trust.

Of course, wearing tactical armor and going to the location designated by both parties is one way, but after going there, you have to perform various disinfection tasks when you come back, which is really troublesome.

Therefore, the first choice is to establish video communication.

However, the technical level of establishing video communication is really different from the current communication of writing letters and replying to each other.

In the past, the envelope-type messages sent and received between humans and the Nair civilization were based on the language of the Nair civilization. After all, the first message at that time was a dictionary sent by the Nair civilization, so it has always been used in this way.

And information translation, to put it bluntly, is based on regular electromagnetic wave signals. In the past, information was received, and then translated one by one according to the fluctuation patterns of electromagnetic wave signals in the information against the dictionary.

However, if real-time video communication is to be carried out, communication experts and computer experts will have to write a special set of underlying code.

The reason is that this method of communication requires data exchange between the devices of both parties.

Therefore, various things such as sequences, image groups, bit strings, bases, strip coding structures, block coding structures, and rate control algorithms need to be interoperable, otherwise real-time communication cannot be established at all.

In addition, there is also the underlying operating logic of the computers of both parties, and on this basis, the data transmission protocol, video decoding and corresponding data exchange of display data are communicated, etc.

In short, there is a lot of work to be done, but it is not difficult for human civilization or Nair civilization. As long as the two parties negotiate various protocols for video communication, it probably won't take long to come up with it.

As for whether to use human or Nel network protocols, or to establish another system, it depends on the negotiation process between the two parties.

In fact, Yue Yuan didn't care about this, so he directly gave the communications department a message and asked them to discuss this issue with Nair Civilization.

Of course, because real-time communication requires data exchange, Yue Yuan did not forget to remind relevant experts that firewall construction must be done well. He did not want to fight a network war with Nair Civilization.

If Nair civilization was not a second-level civilization, the new government would never agree to establish real-time video communication.

In this way, after both parties agreed, they negotiated various network protocols for more than ten days. Finally, with the joint efforts of communication and computer experts from both parties, a set of protocols specifically used for communication between the two parties was finally formulated. system.

After the system was completed and passed various tests without any problems, Yue Yuan summoned a group of scientists and scholars from all walks of life to the Tianqin command center and set up a long table. After everyone was seated and the time agreed upon by both parties was reached, he sent a communication request to Neil Civilization.

Now the Tianqin is in the same orbit as the three warships of the Nair civilization, but there is still a distance of more than 30,000 kilometers between the two, and the communication delay is about 266 milliseconds, or 0.266 seconds.

The latency is not too high and there is no problem making video calls.

While preparing for communication, the large screen located in the Tianqin command center had been lowered from a high-hanging state to a position flush with the long table through a mechanical movement structure.

Therefore, when the screen lights up, Yue Yuan and the others can have a panoramic view of the Nair civilization people who appear on the screen.

When the images of the two sides appeared on each other's screens, both humans and Nair people seemed to have agreed upon it. They both looked at each other blankly, as if they had forgotten to speak.

Including Yue Yuan, no one expected that the Neer people would actually grow like this. With double claws, compound eyes, a dark armor shell, and two tentacles on the top of their heads, they were simply enlarged versions of arthropods. Of course, they were double. A walking arthropod.

Oh, if you look at the overall structure, it should be a race that combines alien body shape and arthropod characteristics, but it has no tail.

At first glance, such a body shape gives people a cold, evil and uncomfortable feeling, which is completely different from the senses given by furry animals.

Many people had not felt it before, but after seeing the form of the Nair people, they suddenly discovered that those furry kobolds were actually so cute.

Like humans, the Nair people were also very shocked after seeing the human form, and each of them involuntarily clicked their claws at a certain frequency.

If humans didn't understand what the Nair people call 'expressions', they would definitely be able to feel how shocked they were.

Indeed, compared to humans, it was indeed the first time for the Nair people to see aliens in a real sense, so they were much more shocked than humans.

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