Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 342 Completed Supply

In response to this phenomenon, as far as Yue Yuan knows, the population management department has begun to take action in recent years.

They have begun to conduct various surveys among the public on the issue of fertility wishes in various forms in society, and collect opinions and suggestions from all parties.

If everything goes well, I believe it won't be long before a new bill on population-related laws will be proposed.

Yue Yuan is not directly responsible for this matter, but as a leader, he also knows some of the contents.

The Population Management Department probably wants to amend the previously enacted law, which seems to be aimed at those years when both spouses' life potions expire at the same time.

Whether it is a mandatory requirement like the first use of life potion, or various incentives, Yue Yuan does not know. After all, this matter is still in the questionnaire stage, and many ideas have not been made into proposals by relevant personnel.

In fact, Yue Yuan generally doesn't care much about reforming part of the law. All relevant people are responsible for it. He will only be involved in matters such as completely changing an original policy.

For example, abolishing the original population policy and then launching the artificial embryo program.

Of course, although the growth of the human population is not fast, it is still stable. Moreover, for more than a thousand years, this normally formed family concept of within three generations has been generally recognized by society. Therefore, the artificial embryo project has still been sealed in the archives. , has not been discussed.

Not to mention the population policy, just after the two people who came to Yue Yuan to ask for leave left, the Tianqin and the other two Lake-class battleships began to leave the orbit of the Guogai No. 5 planet and return to the human fleet.

The negotiations have all ended, and the specific implementation and handover have been going on for several years. There is really no need for the Tianqin to stay here.

In this way, five years flew by.

During these five years, various elemental elements and minerals were transported by Nair people ship after ship, and human fuel tanks were gradually filled.

A series of industrial spaceships located outside the meteorite belt such as various primary processing projects, secondary processing projects, organic chemical plants, inorganic chemical plants, etc., with sufficient raw materials, are also continuously producing various kinds of products for mankind. kind of product.

Human industrial spaceships are the same as battleships. When in standby, the cold nuclear power furnace is turned off, but the heavy nuclear fusion furnace is always working.

Because these industrial spaceships are the same as other residential spaceships. In addition to the acceleration and deceleration state during the navigation phase, they also require electricity to maintain various equipment on a daily basis.

Not to mention the industrial spacecraft in production state. The surging heavy nuclear fusion power furnace provides sufficient energy for various types of factories inside it.

With sufficient energy, they can use carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen and other readily available resources and various compounds extracted from ores in the universe, and use superb chemical technology to synthesize a variety of substances. grade raw materials.

For more than ten years, every minute and every second, there are countless alkanes, alkynes, anhydrides, esters, organic acids, quinones, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, alkenes, carbohydrates, phenolic nitriles , carboxylates, halogens, ethers, heterocycles, aminoacyl alkanes, alkynes, anhydrides, esters, organic acids, quinones, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, alkenes, carbohydrates, Phenols, nitriles, carboxylates, halogens, ethers, heterocyclics, and aminoacyls are synthesized by chemical plants on industrial spaceships.

After these organic chemical raw materials are synthesized, they may be reprocessed with other inorganic chemical raw materials, such as inorganic salts, inorganic bases, inorganic acids, oxides, industrial gases, etc. according to various formulas, and then become the next level. product.

Plastics, fertilizers, synthetic rubber, dyes, spices, paints, detergents, and various chemicals will also be separated in various chemical processes, then sorted by specialized humans, and finally stored in human warehouses.

The so-called resource replenishment. Resource replenishment is not just about replenishing fuel and then throwing various mineral materials into the warehouse. It is also about turning these raw materials into various supplies needed for human daily life and the development of the entire civilization. Various consumables.

Of course, the process of processing and presenting products must be completed by humans themselves. According to the agreement, in addition to cold fusion fuel, the Nel people are only responsible for providing materials and raw materials.

Five years have passed, the trade handover has been completed, and the supply handover has also come to an end.

Now in the original orbit of the planet Guogai No. 5, the Nair transport spaceships coming and going from the planet's synchronous orbit have changed from busy traffic to sporadic stars.

The human transport ships here are also waiting for the last batch of cargo to be handed over before all leaving.

Not long after, Yue Yuan, who had already returned to the main fleet, also received news that the last batch of transport ships had set off.

He is currently in the bridge of the Lyra, giving instructions to the entire human fleet to prepare to set sail.

After he issued a series of orders, the first officer of the Lyra suggested: "Shuai Yue, I suggest that after we leave, it is safer to tell the Nair civilization about the Galaxy Axis Alliance."

"Oh? Are you talking about the Galaxy Axis Alliance broadcast?" Yue Yuan looked back.

The first mate nodded, obviously he had been thinking about this issue for a while: "Yes, from the beginning of contact with the Nair civilization to the present, we have been able to make it clear that the Nair civilization has never received broadcast information about the Axis Alliance of the Galaxy before. .”

Yue Yuan touched his chin, opened and closed his mouth and said, "Are you worried that they may be deceived by the Galaxy Alliance in the future?"

"The main reason is that I think this Nair civilization is pretty good." The first officer did not deny it. He continued: "But the key is the basic common sense information about the Milky Way that we sold them. If they are really taken away by the Galactic Center Alliance, we can It’s all exposed.”

"Yeah!" Yue Yuan nodded slightly. He also felt that what he said made sense, but he felt that the point was not here, so he said: "Even if they are not deceived by the Galaxy Alliance in the future, the information we sold to them will be exposed sooner or later. , but the point is not that. The point is that if they are deceived by the Galactic Alliance, our information in this star field will probably be exposed.

If they find out the truth about the Galactic Alliance, they will probably become angry and furious. They will probably use the power of the Galactic Alliance to look for us everywhere and drag us into the water. "

"Shuai Yue makes sense." When the first officer heard what Yue Yuan said, he knew that his suggestion had been adopted.

"We can wait until we start to accelerate."

Yue Yuan said this to the first mate, asking him to take responsibility when the time came. Then he dialed Man Yuemei's communication, and then said: "Man Yuemei, on this voyage, your second fleet will be the first." Echelon, residential spacecraft cluster, industrial, factory spacecraft, biosphere spacecraft and other types of spacecraft in the middle, I will lead the first fleet to the rear and officially set sail ten days later."


Thanks to book friends 201709...449 for the 1,500-coin reward, thank you to 202103...216 for the 2,000-coin reward, and thank you all for your recommendations and monthly votes. It seems that no one commented to let me know that I am not single-player.

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