Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 344 Conspiracy

Tell the Second Star Territory this news that is just speculation?

No Nel person could react. For a moment, he didn't know what Ulta wanted to express or what the purpose of doing this was.

After a while, a Nair man finally looked at Ulta, shaking his abdomen and said: "Your Excellency Ulta, you don't want to intercept humans and then ask them the truth? This is impossible, and it is not possible. It is said that this human civilization is powerful, and based on their good intentions in the past, we should not take action against them."

"Of course we won't take action!" Ulta clicked his claws a few times, and then continued: "We won't take action, but we can't guarantee whether the Second Star Region will take action!

We only need to tell the Second Star Territory that the human fleet is the entire human civilization and that they are actually a wandering civilization. We also need to tell the second star field a series of information we have about the destination of the human race this time, the composition of the fleet, the number, etc. Two Star Territory, this is enough. "

Ulta paused for a moment, then continued to explain his plan.

When humans proposed to purchase scientists, he objected, but no one listened. He had no choice, and there was no evidence. However, after receiving the broadcast information from humans about the Galactic Alliance, he disclosed all the information. They were connected in series, and they guessed the fact that human beings may be a wandering civilization.

And he himself couldn't swallow the fact that his compatriots were taken away by humans, and because of the gathering of low-level civilizations based on the Galactic Alliance and other information, he was convinced that humans' motives for buying the Nel people were absolutely impure.

At this time, Ulta continued: "Your Majesty the Great Governor, first of all, our goal must be to unify the Nel civilization, so as long as it is possible to weaken the second star field, it is absolutely beneficial to us, then wait for the second star field spacecraft When we arrive, we will definitely not be able to tell them about No. 1 Alloy. Only by not telling them about No. 1 Alloy will they be able to take risks."

"Having said that, I'm afraid this alone is not enough!" said a Nel man who agreed with Ulta's idea.

Ulta raised his pincers and added: "Of course it's not enough. We can sell all the technologies except No. 1 metal materials to the Second Star Region, and then tell them that human civilization still has many cutting-edge technologies obtained from the interstellar trading market. Technology, it’s just that our first star field is weak and we dare not take action directly.”

"This is somewhat possible, but what if the second star field requires us to go to the target star of mankind this time?" The Nair man just now asked worriedly.

"Then we will notify the fleets of other galaxies to go. In short, it cannot be our fleet here. The reason is very simple. If our fleet here moves, the humans will definitely find out." Ulta seemed to be confident.

At this time, another Nair person who did not agree with this approach spoke up: "Your Excellency Urta, it is a bit unkind for us to do this. After all, all this is just your guess, and even if human civilization is a wandering civilization, they did not do anything bad to us during this period. Not only did they not, we also obtained a lot of technology from them.

Not to mention the powerful alloy material No. 1, the use of quantum computer technology and artificial intelligence source code alone is enough to increase our combat effectiveness by another level.

I dare to say that with No. 1 alloy and artificial intelligence technology alone, our first star domain unified Nel civilization can just wait for the day. At this time, it is not a wise choice to go back on our word and anger human civilization. "

"No, Sir Will, it is not our First Star Region that is the enemy of mankind, but the Second Star Region. We can dispatch fleets from other star systems to go with the Second Star Region, but we are going to fight against human civilization. Keep the communication friendly.

If there is a conflict between the second star field and humans, we can observe it first. If humans have materials more powerful than Alloy No. 1, then we will help humans and inform human civilization about the current status of the three forces of our Nair civilization. . "

Ulta clicked his claws, looking complacent: "At that time, we will tell the whole story and the plot of the second star field to human civilization, and then provide some benefits to human civilization. I believe them You will definitely agree to help us accomplish the great cause of unifying civilization!

If the warships of human civilization are more powerful than Alloy No. 1, then we will unite with the Second Star Region to destroy them. "

After Urta finished speaking, a Nair man said with indignation: "Your Excellency Urta, you are trying to lure the Kodu beast into your house (lead the wolf into the house). We have finally sent away human civilization. What you are doing , wouldn’t it drag our entire Nel civilization into danger, I don’t agree with this.”

As soon as these words came out, other Nair people immediately echoed: "Yes, it is a consensus that we cannot reveal the internal situation of our civilization. Once we leak the news, we will inevitably become the common enemy of the second and third star regions. How can we be rivals then!"

"Humph!" Ulta made an onomatopoeia, and then said in a contemptuous tone: "Everyone, it has been three thousand years since our Nel civilization was divided into three forces. During this period, each of them went their own way, and the cultural differences gradually became apparent. And in the past three thousand years, It has passed, but no one force has unified strength. If this continues, I am afraid it will really split into three different civilizations.

It’s not like you haven’t seen the star map of the distribution of forces in the Milky Way. There is more to the universe than our Nair civilization. We must complete the unification as soon as possible before we are qualified to live in this universe. If this continues, if the next time we encounter a wandering civilization no longer like human civilization, nor as kind as human beings, then we will face catastrophe.

So I think long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. As long as we have the help of human civilization, we don't even need to wait thousands of years to complete the reunification of civilization. "

No one expected that Ulta would pay this kind of attention, and for a while the entire Nel People's Conference Room fell into a noisy discussion.

While the Nair people were arguing about this, the human fleet had drifted away, and eventually disappeared into the dark universe, until it completely disappeared from the Nair people's telescopes.

Human beings never imagined that the piece of advice they sent to the Nair people before leaving would actually become the trigger for all kinds of other information, exposing themselves as a wandering civilization.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he set foot on the road to stardom, the Nair people who had always been so kind before were plotting against him behind his back.

At this moment, because the target star is 27 light-years away from here, after completing the acceleration, human society has issued the Great Hibernation Order and embarked on a ninety-year voyage alone.

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