Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 350 The Nair Fleet

This distance is roughly equivalent to the distance from the sun to the Kuiper Belt, which is very far, but from the perspective of a secondary civilization, it is already quite close.

There are two reasons why it was discovered at such a close distance.

One is naturally that the fleet is very concealable when it is not accelerating or decelerating, and the other is that the direction in which the fleet is coming is not in the direction that humans are focused on.

The universe is three-dimensional, so the fleet can enter the star system from more than just the ecliptic plane of the star. The further away from the star, the larger the space, and the difficulty of detection naturally increases geometrically.

There was a fleet intrusion from outside the galaxy. This news immediately aroused the high-level attention of the human race, and everyone became nervous.

"What's going on? Have you found out? Where did the fleet come from? As well as its size and level of civilization!" The door of the Tianqin command center opened, and Yue Yuan's figure floated there.

When Yue Yuan arrived at the command center, many members of the think tank were already present, and other relevant personnel were filing in through the gate.

As soon as the words came, a person who already knew the situation replied: "Shuai Yue, it has been made clear that it is in the direction of the boundless star of the pot lid. According to the picture of the fleet decelerating captured by the detector, the number of the fleet is about a thousand. Among them, there are about 700 lake-class warships and more than 300 other types of spaceships. If there are no accidents, it should be the Nair civilization fleet, but I don’t know why they are here.”

"In the direction of the boundless star on the pot lid? Nair civilization?!" Yue Yuan frowned, and at the same time, he slowly pressed his body to the main seat to stabilize it.

When he received the news, he thought a lot. He originally thought he had encountered some other civilization just like when he met Kuntai, and he had already prepared for the worst in his heart. He only thought about the chance of Nair civilization. The youngest, but I didn’t expect that it was actually a Nell civilization.

Hearing that it was Nel civilization, the tense nerves of everyone present were relieved a lot, but there were also many experts and scholars who frowned.

It seems that these people also find the emergence of Nel civilization very strange.

No, someone, a scholar, spoke up: "Commander, I always feel that the Neer civilization's coming here is a bit strange. Logically speaking, we got along well with them before. We should have informed them in advance that they were coming. Why did they disappear so quietly?" Come on, if we hadn’t slowed down, we wouldn’t have discovered so quickly that we were planning to do something wrong!”

A member of the think tank also said: "Yes, we have established communication with them a long time ago. They could have sent us a message in advance before setting off. There must be something wrong with it."

Another member of the think tank also nodded and said: "Do they regret handing over the 'scientific research team' to us? No, that's because we came through formal channels. They have no reason to cause trouble at all, unless our All their intentions were seen through. But how is this possible? They have never had contact with other civilizations, so how can they know that the basic common sense information about the Milky Way we gave them is false?"

Seeing everyone thinking this way, an expert shook his head and said: "Maybe they don't know we are here at all. You must know that it took us ninety years to travel from the boundless star with the lid to this star. And we have been here for more than a hundred years. I guess the Nair civilization would not have thought that we would still be here after that long!

Moreover, if you think about it again, when we left, the Nair civilization at most knew the direction of our voyage, and we did not tell them our destination, so they most likely did not know that we would stay here. "

"No, I prefer them to know, because we did not change the course at all during the voyage, and although the second-level civilization can sail longer distances in the Great Hibernation, the risks will also increase greatly. , and staying for a hundred years is not very uncommon for a second-level civilization, so my point of view is that they know our destination, so the people coming now must be evil." Another scholar expressed his thoughts.

"What's the use of guessing here? There's too little information. I think it's better to send them a message first and ask them what's going on!"

"You don't need to say that the consultation information has been sent out, but it hasn't 'flew' yet."

Because the distance between the two sides is now only fifty astronomical units, and the Nair civilization is obviously heading towards the white giant star, the human fleet will definitely be discovered soon.

Considering this, after learning that it was the Nel civilization, humans sent an inquiry message to it.

And the last person is right. After all, the distance between the two sides is still fifty astronomical units. Information travels at the speed of light, and a round trip takes at least 13.8 hours.

So now, unless the Nair civilization fleet sends a message in advance, we can only wait.

Of course, we can't just wait and see. Now that the intention of the visitor is unclear, the human fleet will naturally have to take corresponding measures.

So Yue Yuan immediately asked Man Yuemei, who had just arrived at the flagship of the Second Fleet, to lead the Second Fleet to adjust its attitude and advance ten astronomical units towards the Nair civilization fleet.

Due to the orientation of the Nair civilization fleet entering the white giant, after the second fleet reaches the predetermined position, if the white giant ecliptic plane is used as the plane, then the second fleet will fly upward.

At the same time, the First Fleet where the Lyra was located moved closer to the residential spacecraft cluster, making a protective gesture.

After that, Yue Yuan also asked the relevant departments to issue a yellow warning ring order, so that the various staff who were still on the Great White Star could return to the residential spacecraft as soon as possible, and to prepare all types of spacecraft and working platforms to be retracted at any time.

In the event of a conflict, it is necessary to ensure that the residential spacecraft cluster and other non-combatant spacecraft are kept away from the dangerous area.

However, what humans did not expect was that while waiting for the sent message to be replied, another detector discovered another fleet that had begun to slow down.

Before humans could take the next step, the detector discovered that the third fleet was beginning to slow down.

Like the previous first fleet, they pushed back from the decelerating course. If there was no general direction change midway, then these three fleets all came from different star sectors of the Nair civilization.

But there is one difference. There is a significant difference in the numbers of the two fleets that follow and the fleet that appears first. Judging from the deceleration tail flames, the total number of the second fleet is about 700, including more than 400 lake-class warships and about 300 other types of spacecraft. The third fleet that appeared was larger, with a total number of about 2,700 ships, but there were only more than 900 battleships, and the other 1,800 ships were most likely other types of spacecraft.

If they were all battleships, humans would think it was very reasonable, and they would feel that they were here to cause trouble as they expected. But now there are so many other types of spaceships, which is strange.

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