Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 368 Looking for the battlefield

(PS: Please collect it, I really want to collect more than 10,000!)

It was early morning again, but there was no early morning sunshine on the Tianqin. There was only a clock that timed the time. Yue Yuan woke up as usual.

After simply brushing his teeth and washing his face, he went to the cafeteria and ate some fried dough sticks and soy milk combination before starting his day's work.

The raw materials for making fried dough sticks and soy milk include flour, food powder, and soybeans, all of which are available to humans. The seeds of these crops were inherited from the original Callisto base.

Like other human space vegetables and various crops, they are grown on some special spaceships and are usually transported to various battleships via transport ships. In fact, there are other foods on the Lyra, such as some animal meat that was obtained and improved from the Kobold planet.

These things are needed for human life, not only for the personnel on the battleship, but also for the humans living in the spaceships.

Therefore, humans now have many spacecrafts specially used to grow crops and breed some animals.

After finishing breakfast, Yue Yuan came to the junction of the rest area and the office area. He could not walk directly from the rest area to the office area, but had to wait for the elevator.

It is not an up-and-down elevator in the traditional sense, but a rotating elevator, used to carry people on the battleship from the rest area to the office area, or from the office area back to the rest area.

The reason is that the rest area is a large built-in ring that rotates and has inertial force to simulate gravity, so people traveling between the two areas need to take an elevator to pass.

Just like Yue Yuan now, when he stepped on the elevator, the elevator that originally rotated synchronously with the rest area began to reduce its rotation speed. Yue Yuan himself also felt that his body became lighter during this process, until he felt that he was no longer Then receive downward traction.

At this time, the fixture holding him in the elevator was released, and the elevator door opened.

After that, Yue Yuan just touched the ground with his toes and floated towards his office along the guide rod in front of the elevator.

After roughly handling the daily affairs in the office, Yue Yuan got up and went to the Tianqin's command center, because he just checked the time and the pre-war meeting time he set yesterday had arrived.

"Shuai Yue, now that we have completed the four steps as planned, is it time for a real fight?!"

As soon as Yue Yuan finished handling his daily affairs in the office and came to the bridge of the Tianqin, he heard a voice coming towards him. He raised his eyes and saw a man in military uniform standing not far away looking at him.

This is the captain of the Poyang Lake ship!

With just one glance, Yue Yuan could tell who this person was.

Normally, the captains of each ship would be on board the ship, but recently it was known that the war was really about to start, so some captains took time out and came to the Tianqin to participate in the pre-war mobilization meeting, which also formulated specific tactics. Meeting.

Those who don’t have much time will also participate in meetings via video.

So the captain of the Poyang Lake ship came to the Tianqin in advance.

Now that the four-step strategy has been completed, after completing the last step, humans selected a closer star from the star map for the final voyage. Now the two civilizations of human civilization and Nair civilization have entered a state of deceleration and are about to arrive. destination.

Oh, maybe it’s not the last voyage. If humans are not satisfied with the situation in this galaxy, humans may continue to supply supplies here before setting sail again.

As for why there are opinions about satisfaction and dissatisfaction, it is naturally because humans are now looking for battlefields.

When fighting against an enemy as powerful as the fleet of artificial intelligence consciousness bodies, naturally one cannot just stop and do it. Terrain that is favorable for defense will definitely increase the winning rate.

Therefore, after the four-step plan was completed, the human high command teamed up with a team of astronomers and began to search for stars in the sky, with the purpose of finding a star suitable for use as a battlefield.

This choice of battlefield is indeed an advantage for humans and Nair people. After all, the artificial intelligence fleet is chasing after them, and the supply speed is almost the same. Therefore, whenever the coalition fleet stops, the two sides will start fighting there.

It has to be said that humans' tactics of using confusion and escape have already given the coalition forces the strategic initiative in advance.

So what kind of star system should be found to be a satisfactory battlefield for mankind?

This point has already been recorded in the files of the Human Command. When the second-level civilization war concept was updated, the human high command added a lot of reference terrain to the database according to the changes in the form of weapons and battleships.

For example, terrains with dense asteroid belts like the previous encounter with Kuntai civilization, or star systems with fewer rocky planets, etc.

Those star systems without rocky planets were excluded first, because an interstellar war cannot be fought at once, so the coalition forces need to have a base to supply supplies, and even build new warships while fighting.

It would be better to have a meteorite belt and a small number of rocky planets. In that case, the coalition forces arriving in advance can arrange various defense facilities for the war, such as various defensive turrets and so on.

"We are going to fight, but we have to see if this star system is suitable first." Yue Yuan responded, and then floated towards the crowd who had been waiting in the command center for a long time.

The entire coalition fleet, the human fleet alone, has 2,500 Lake-class warships. Naturally, it is impossible for all captains to be present. Therefore, the so-called crowd, including the resident personnel of the Lyran, is only more than 200 people.

The Tianqin command center is large enough to accommodate more than two hundred people.

When Yue Yuan arrived, everyone had already fixed themselves on the seats temporarily added for them. Except for those who were talking to him, the rest of the people turned their attention to the big screen, because the big screen now began to appear in front of them. Overview of the star system.

What is displayed on the big screen is a binary star system, one is a neutron star and the other is a red dwarf star. The two stars move around a common center of mass.

Judging from the images transmitted back by the detector, the neutron star in the binary star system has no planets. Instead, there are three planets in the orbit of the red dwarf star. However, there are no satellites in the orbits of these three rocky planets.

These planets are all rocky planets, and there are no giant gas planets in the entire binary system.

Astronomers speculate that a long time ago, there should have been gaseous planets in the orbit of the neutron star in this binary star system, as well as rocky planets, and there were more than one. However, the neutron stars at that time were not neutron stars.

This binary star system should have gone through a supernova explosion, and one of the stars turned into a neutron star.

However, the time of the supernova explosion should have been hundreds of millions or even billions of years ago, because the space area in the current binary star system has become very dense, and there is no trace of the supernova explosion at all.

There are no traces, it must have been erased by time.

There is a neutron star, a red dwarf star, and three rocky planets in the orbit of the red dwarf star, but there is no ideal meteorite belt or asteroid belt.

However, after looking at the data of several planets, many people believe that this place should be suitable as a battlefield.

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