Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 382 The War between Heaven and Earth

It’s just over 10,000 kilometers, too close.

A landing spacecraft was still lowering its orbit. Before it could dodge, it was hit by a flash of positron cannon and turned into space debris on the spot.

But then, the ground positron cannon turret was hit by a faint beam of light falling from the sky. It was not as good as the spacecraft that was hit by it. The violent energy explosion directly blew the turret to pieces on the spot.

There is no doubt that this is the work of the artificial intelligence Lake-class battleship in orbit, a positron cannon.

That Lake-class warship would have been fine as early as when the ground base cannon was about to fire. At the moment when the positron cannon fired the positron beam, the base turret would temporarily close the magnetic shield. At this moment, it was hit by the positron beam in space. The Lake-class battleship captured it and was taken away by a "space-based" positron cannon.

Explosions continued to appear above the planet's orbit, but there was no sound. Only the occasional burst of bright light told the spectators that another landing ship had just been destroyed.

An electromagnetic railgun fired from a base on the ground spanned a distance of more than 10,000 kilometers, escaped the gravity of the planet, drew an arc in the sky and entered space, and then a long string of flames erupted from its tail nozzle, like a rocket It also turned a corner in space and headed towards the Lake-class battleship not far away.

If it can hit, this electromagnetic railgun carrying a hydrogen bomb warhead can definitely destroy this Lake-class battleship. However, its speed is still not as fast as the speed of light laser energy weapons and positron cannon.

When it was still a hundred kilometers away from the artificial intelligence battleship, it was illuminated by the close-range laser cannon on the battleship for three seconds. It was finally detonated in advance by the high heat of the laser and turned into a unique firework in space.

This is a silent battle, a symphony of light and fire.

Tens of thousands of various landing ships were reduced at a speed visible to the naked eye. They were either burned through by laser energy cannons or destroyed by a single shot of positron cannons in the mid-air landing.

Their wreckage and corpses turned into iron rain under the gravity of the planet in the subsequent time. The gravity of the planet gives their fragments a strong momentum, turning them into a hail of lethal bullets.

Since this planet has no atmosphere, the wreckage of these landing ships did not turn into beautiful meteors in the sky like meteorites entering the earth. Instead, they were accelerated faster and faster by gravity, and finally bombarded the ground.

For a time, pieces of dust were scattered on the planet. The impact of the wreckage of the spacecraft was like powerful bombs, causing smoke and dust to billow on the ground.

The sound caused by the impact spread from the earth to all directions, and short and strong sound waves spread through the earth, causing waves of earthquakes to occur on the ground around the impact.

Numerous debris collided at the same time, causing the sound waves to intersect, just like countless stones being thrown into a calm lake, arousing interference waves.

Countless rocks were shaken into powder by these staggered interference waves.

Rumbling sounds spread across the earth.

Even some larger wrecks caused no less noise than 'Miss Qiu' when they hit.

Under such intensive impacts, the rocks on the planet that were shaken into powder were also lifted up and evacuated by the intense impact. Suddenly, the places where the debris fell more densely formed a dusty scene, and they were even shaken up to a thousand meters in the air.

So when the subsequent wreckage fell to the ground, the dust turned into a defensive dust curtain to a certain extent. When the debris that subsequently roared down broke into the dust layer, it was like a meteorite breaking into the atmosphere. In the rapid and fierce collision and friction, it suddenly turned into a ball of fiery red iron. The smaller debris was directly decomposed, and the larger ones were , then penetrates the dust layer, and then plunges into the ground, stirring up even greater dust again.

It's a pity that these naturally fallen spacecraft wreckage are not accurate, and the vastness of a planet is beyond people's imagination, so that most of these naturally fallen wreckage hit the desolate land without facilities, otherwise they might be able to hit the ground alone. base turret destroyed.

Another laser energy weapon fell from the sky, but the accuracy of this laser energy column seemed to be poor. Its first impact point did not directly hit the ground base turret, but landed on a turret three kilometers away.

But the next moment, the missed laser energy column came back to life.

It only stayed at the first point of impact for 2 seconds. Just after it burned the ground rock into a piece of quicklime, it began to move sideways.

It is like the light of a searchlight, focused on the ground. And its focus point is countless times brighter than a searchlight. The ground that is concentratedly illuminated is simply impossible to see directly.

The intense laser energy beams converged into a blazing light spot. As the light spot moved, a red and white road appeared on the surface of the planet.

The blazing light spot did not move very fast.

The reason is that its source is a Lake-class battleship in low-Earth orbit. To ensure the accuracy of burning, it cannot move too fast.

It is precisely for this reason that every place it sweeps has enough time to burn, so wherever it sweeps, all the rocks on the ground turn into quicklime, and all the land turns into scorched earth.

The beam of light quickly streaked across the ground for three kilometers, and finally stopped on a turret.

The magnetic field shield only works on charged particles, and laser energy weapons belong to the category of high-energy lasers, so this beam of light directly ignores the magnetic field shield, and after a few seconds, turns the ground turret into a pool of molten iron.

Then due to the continuous burning of high temperature, the energy supply facility in the turret was detonated. Finally, in the loud explosion, the turret was reduced to ashes.

Well, this planet has no atmosphere, so this so-called "bang" is actually a sound transmitted to the ground.

It is precisely because this planet has no atmosphere that laser energy weapons can be far away in low-Earth orbit and still have such unparalleled power.

The light of explosions in space continued one after another, and the light of explosions and ground vibrations on the planet's surface did not stop either. The fierce battle between the two sides, in a short period of time, was seen as countless vertical and horizontal beams of light, bursts of light, and rain of spacecraft debris. After a while, a dense dust cloud appeared everywhere on the ground. .

That was caused by orbital bombardment and the bombardment of landing craft debris.

In the process, countless secondary battleships and various spacecraft used for landing paid a heavy price. Tens of thousands of spacecraft carrying various equipment were destroyed, and tens of thousands of secondary battleships turned into iron rain.

Of course, the losses of ground turrets are not small, because they cannot move like battleships and spaceships, and are often hit by laser weapons from Lake-class battleships in orbit. As we have seen before, warships in orbit are often not shot with one shot, but move horizontally when the laser landing point is deviated.

The base turret cannot move and is often destroyed by the sweeping laser.

Both sides have suffered losses on each other, but so far, no secondary battleship or landing craft has been able to successfully land.

The defense system carefully arranged by humans is still very powerful.

It can be said that the artificial intelligence fleet failed in the first batch of landing operations. They paid the price of tens of thousands of secondary warships and tens of thousands of various landing spacecraft, but they still failed to land successfully. Of the more than 4,000 Lake-class warships in low-Earth orbit, nearly a thousand were destroyed.

In view of this situation, the AI ​​program of the artificial intelligence consciousness finally came to its senses. It transferred the battleship cluster originally located in far orbit to participate in the offensive against the ground turrets.

It seems that it plans to use more warships to conduct orbital bombing on the ground.

Indeed, as long as these hateful ground base turrets are not destroyed for a day, it will be difficult for it to successfully land. And if you don't kill all these turrets, even if you successfully land, it will be difficult to transport resources back to space.

So this time, the AI ​​program of the artificial intelligence consciousness has also become smarter. Perhaps it has calculated a result that is unfavorable to its landing plan.

As a result, in the subsequent battle, it gave up the combat method of dispatching various landing craft and secondary battleships to land, while using lake-class battleships to conduct orbital bombardment.

Instead, they concentrated their computing power and used all the Lake-class battleships in the squadron to clear the ground turrets.

The actions of the squadron AI program of the artificial intelligence consciousness were quickly seen by small detectors floating around the battlefield, and the sight of these small detectors meant that its actions were quickly learned by the coalition command.

"Shuai Yue, the artificial intelligence squadron on the second planet has made further moves!" The first mate of the Tianqin, who had been paying attention to the situation on the second planet, immediately said.

He felt that this time, Yue Yuan would not ignore it like before.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Yue Yuan nodded and said: "Well, it seems that the AI ​​program has reached the point where it cannot break through the planetary defense network in that way. It is understandable that it changes its strategy at this time. It would be a pity if it continues to use the original method. It would be nice to just go down, what a pity!”

Yue Yuan shook his head and sighed. He knew that if the remaining battleships of the artificial intelligence squadron were allowed to join the battle and then fight against the ground base turrets safely in the planetary orbit, it would not take long for the ground turrets to be cleared. .

Although there are still three million 300-million-ton TNT-equivalent hydrogen bombs buried that year, they will not be detonated until the artificial intelligence fleet successfully clears all ground base turrets and conducts various types of spacecraft landings.

The purpose is to slow down the resource development speed of artificial intelligence and destroy some of their mechanical equipment, landing spacecraft, etc. for mining resources.

Before that, Yue Yuan didn't mind causing some more trouble for it.

Well, the main reason is that he doesn't want the artificial intelligence squadron to conduct orbital bombing so safely.

With this in mind, Yue Yuan pondered for a moment, exchanged opinions with a group of human military experts, and then said to the correspondent: "Inform Manyuemei and ask her second fleet to find an opportunity to break away from the main fleet of artificial intelligence consciousness and go to the second fleet. Two planetary orbits to conduct harassment operations against the squadron over there. Well, let her remember that the fleet must maintain high maneuverability and must not be bitten by that artificial intelligence squadron. Her second fleet must do It's just a containment, not a real fight!"

The Fourth Fleet is gone, and the Fifth and Sixth Fleets have also gone to the planet base on the other side of the red dwarf for repairs. Although the Third Fleet is a coalition fleet in name, it essentially belongs to the fleet of the Nair Governor-General. The Nair fleet.

The 4th, 5th, and 6th fleets sent previously suffered heavy losses, so naturally Yue Yuan could not let the third fleet go this time.

Well, it’s still six thousand today*^_^*

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