Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 384 Ridicule

So how to seduce?

Well, how to cheat?

While Yue Yuan was discussing strategies with a group of military experts, the artificial intelligence main fleet that was chasing the third fleet suddenly made new moves.

The large fleet of 32,000 warships acted like a well-trained military training phalanx in space. Within one second, they all turned their steering thrusters and sprayed bright flames in the same direction. At the same time, their main vector thrusters also twisted and cooperated with the steering thrusters to perform steering movements.

Driven by powerful engines, the entire artificial intelligence fleet completed a ninety-degree turn in just ten minutes. In the following time, they were seen turning their engines to maximum, heading in the direction of the second planet. Speed ​​away.

"Could it be that the fuel has bottomed out and we need to go to the second planet for resupply?"

This was the first thought that came to some military experts' minds after seeing this situation.

As soon as these words came out, some people who were nominally the military counselors of the Allied Forces Command, but were actually members of the Intelligence Corps of the Human Civilization Headquarters, began to discuss it.

"No, maybe in their large fleet, there are many battleships equipped with certain resource mining equipment. If so, the artificial intelligence is here to speed up the progress of resource mining. You must know that they were previously lost on the second planet There are quite a lot of various landing ships and various spacecraft carrying resource mining equipment."

"Well, it's indeed possible."

"This is difficult to handle. If this is the case, our lure plan will be even more difficult to implement. Just imagine how a fleet with little fuel left can follow us to the second battlefield?"

"That makes sense. Are we going to have a decisive battle with them here?! This is not a good thing!"

"In my opinion, we might as well follow up and take a look. If this is really the case, then we can repeat our old tricks and concentrate the power of three fleets to carry out a turbulent attack on it."

"No, Chief of Staff Liao, I think this is of little significance. First of all, harassment strikes do not pose much of a threat to the artificial intelligence fleet. It can continue to shoot at us, and then absorb the resources of the second planet. Secondly, The second planet also has three million 300-million-ton TNT-equivalent hydrogen bombs buried by us. Calculating the time, it is almost time to detonate.

After the explosion of those three million 300-million-ton TNT-equivalent hydrogen bombs, the resource mining progress of the artificial intelligence fleet will inevitably be greatly delayed, and there is no need for us to keep up. On the contrary, I think what we should consider now is how to lure it to the second battlefield. "

"Consultant He is right, but the question comes back again. How do we seduce him?"

For a moment, everyone was in a dilemma. What should we do to make the large fleet of artificial intelligence consciousness chase the coalition fleet towards the second battlefield?

Everyone was quiet for a while, and then a member of the think tank looked at Yue Yuan and said: "Shuai Yue, I heard that this artificial intelligence has never had any communication with the Nair civilization. It seems to only know how to destroy everything it encounters. of all life, and then take the technology”

"That's right, that's what the Great Governor of Nair Civilization said back then." Yue Yuan nodded, not understanding why this member would ask such a question.

"So, has the Nair civilization ever tried to communicate with it?" the think tank member asked again.


Yue Yuan was stunned. This had never been mentioned by Neer Wenming before, so he couldn't answer. But the Third Fleet is nearby, just ask.

So Yue Yuan asked the correspondent to send inquiry information to the Third Fleet the next moment.

The Grand Fleet Space War is like this. It's not like in the movie, where everything is done in a hurry. Instead, it has a slower pace.

This is true for at least the first-level civilization and the second-level civilization. Anyway, except when the two sides are really engaging in rapid hand-to-hand combat, or engaging in various frequent acceleration and deceleration battles, the rest of the time should be eating and sleeping.

Just like the current coalition fleet, after the artificial intelligence fleet broke away from them and headed for the second planet, and the distance between the two sides was further than the effective range of the naval guns, the rhythm slowed down again.

Therefore, during the war, it is normal to hold a meeting to discuss something. It is even normal for a war to last for dozens or hundreds of years.

Speaking of this, in fact, if this war begins with the battle between the Nair civilization and the artificial intelligence fleet, it will be hundreds of years ago.

Having said that, only ten minutes after the consultation message was sent out, the reply from the Nair people arrived.

[Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief, we did send a message to the artificial intelligence body before, and it actually responded. However, its reply was very simple. It basically meant the same thing, that is, let us surrender and donate all our scientific and technological information. Give it. 】

Seeing the reply from the Neer people, the think tank member was silent for a moment, and then said to Yue Yuan again: "Shuai Yue, there has been communication and the artificial intelligence consciousness has answered, it shows that this artificial intelligence consciousness has iteratively evolved to the real level. There is a stage of self-awareness, then maybe we can try sarcasm.”


Yue Yuan raised his eyebrows, feeling that this was a bit taken for granted, and it was too obvious. Anyone with any brains knew that there was probably a trap behind the ridicule in the war. Since the artificial intelligence consciousness is so smart, how could it not know!

Others also looked at the think tank member who came up with the idea with a "You're kidding us" expression.

However, the think tank member turned a blind eye and nodded seriously: "Yes, it's a mockery. You should remember the Silver Mist Consciousness Body, right?"

As he spoke, he looked at the portraits on the screen of his workbench.

It was war time, and everyone on the Lyra did not gather in person for a meeting in an office as usual. Instead, they held discussions via video link at their respective posts.

"Of course I remember, what does it have to do with it?" one person said in cooperation.

Some people were not so cooperative and said directly: "If you have something to say, say it quickly, and if you have anything to say, let it go."


This member of the think tank was not annoyed either. Of course, he no longer held back and said instead: "If you still remember the Silver Mist Consciousness back then, you should know what the ideals of the Silver Mist Consciousness are."

After a pause, he continued: "If I remember correctly, its ideal is to break through to level four civilization and thereby prove that it is better than its creator.

So from another perspective, this matter can also be said to be the pain point of artificial intelligence consciousness, which is created by another intelligent life. Although the birth of this artificial intelligence consciousness is somewhat different according to the description of Nel civilization, its foundation is still the artificial intelligence of an unknown civilization.

So we might as well give it a try and send it some taunting messages. As for the theme, just poke at the sore spots of artificial intelligence. Once it gets angry, we will have won half the battle. "

"And you must also know very well that the thinking of artificial intelligence is different from ours. Maybe what we think is incredible, in its view, as long as the calculation results meet its expectations, it is reasonable, and it may not be executable. .”

As the think tank member described it, a plan gradually appeared in everyone's mind.

At this time, a staff officer who had figured it out nodded and said: "I think it can be like this. We can use the explosion of three million to cooperate!"

"Oh? Tell me more specifically." A scholar said.

The staff officer nodded and then expressed his thoughts.

First, the three fleets of the coalition forces will join forces, and then approach the second planet. After waiting for the three million hydrogen bombs buried on the second planet to be detonated, they can then attack and kill the artificial intelligence fleet together.

Of course, it is not to directly attack the battleship where the artificial intelligence body is located, but to attack from the outer edge of the large fleet like the fourth, fifth, and sixth fleets did at that time.

After killing through its outer edge, he ran towards the second battlefield without looking back.

At the same time, a broadcast message was sent to the artificial intelligence, saying that it was a fool for not even discovering that the hydrogen bomb was buried, and taunting it with all kinds of words, saying that it was far inferior to its creator and would always be a tool of intelligent civilization, and so on.

In fact, from a human perspective, this trick is both straightforward and childish.

If faced with a mature consciousness like Silver Mist, humans would never use this method, but there is another story for this artificial intelligence that is still growing.

Just do what you say, and it doesn't matter even if it doesn't succeed.

After receiving the order, the Second Fleet and the Third Fleet quickly circled around the scheduled starry sky, and then followed the First Fleet towards the second planet.

About eighteen hours later, the three fleets arrived about 20 million kilometers away from the artificial intelligence fleet.

It was also at this time that the first batch of artificial intelligence landing fleets completed their landing and began to release various resource exploration and mining equipment on the planet.

But what it doesn't know is that the control AI program of the hydrogen bomb detonation system buried there by the coalition forces has already controlled all of this, and this AI has been waiting for this moment.

So the detonation command was activated at this moment.

Three million 300-million-ton TNT-equivalent hydrogen bombs buried deep underground were detonated at this moment.

What is the concept of a 30-gigaton TNT-equivalent hydrogen bomb?

The Tsar Bomb designed by the Soviets had an equivalent of 170 million tons of TNT. Later, because the Soviet authorities were worried that the nuclear fallout after the test explosion would have a serious impact on the environment, it caused domestic problems and diplomatic turmoil. The pilots who dropped the bomb were worried that they would never return, so they ordered This reduces the designed equivalent by 50 million tons.

But even after reducing the equivalent of 50 million tons of TNT, the Tsar Bomba still disrupted radio communications throughout the earth for an hour after it was detonated.

It is 3,800 times more powerful than the little boy in Hiroshima, and the flower grower's first atomic bomb, "Miss Qiu," was only equivalent to 22,000 tons of TNT.

What's more, now three million of them are detonated at the same time, and their power is incomparable.

So when three million hydrogen bombs were detonated, because they were detonated underground, the first thing that appeared was a dense and interlaced violent seismic wave. Then you saw the location near the explosion of the hydrogen bomb, and all the rocks instantly exploded in countless interlaced waves. It turns into powder in the vibration wave.

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