Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 391 Arrest

After a massacre, the artificial intelligence fleet was only about 6,000 ships. Although the total number was still much larger than that of the coalition fleet, the current situation was already clear. Even the artificial intelligence consciousness made other moves to pretend to be its own body and escaped with a group of warships.

However, the coalition fleet has already figured out its true location, and such tactics will only speed up its failure.

Sure enough, after the Third Fleet paid the price of hundreds of battleships, the battleship where the main consciousness of the artificial intelligence was located was blocked in a starry sky.

As civilizations of the same level, there is actually not much difference in the maneuverability of the warships between the two sides. The starry sky battlefield can run up, down, left, and right in all directions, but when the route is discovered and blocked, the escaper must change the route. To change the navigation, he must turn. , the steering will inevitably reduce the speed, which will also give other besieged warships a chance to catch up.

Now the battleship where the artificial intelligence consciousness body is located is facing such a situation. After its squadron was ignored by the coalition forces, it knew that its own body was being targeted by the coalition forces.

After fighting for more than ten hours, the last few hundred warships of the artificial intelligence consciousness were shot one by one, injured and then taken away by the harsh environment.

It can be seen that there are all kinds of warship wreckage floating everywhere in the starry sky, some are complete and some are fragmented, and their total movement is either neutron stars or various directions in space.

There are no broken eaves or broken walls, no lingering flames of war after the war, only silent silence. However, the space at this time also makes people feel the cruelty of war.

Since this place is far away from the red dwarf star, when the battleship is destroyed, its wreckage will be plunged into boundless darkness. Looking through the portholes of the battleship with the naked eye, people will not see the battleships or their wreckage that have lost their light. The scene is floating in space, but nothing can be seen.

Only through the instruments and equipment on the battleship can the existence of these wreckage be detected.

At this time, the Tianqin avoided an oncoming battleship wreckage, turned a corner in this starry sky with very strong X-ray radiation, and moved towards the last few battleships of the artificial intelligence.

"Let each ship decide, don't kill the battleship where the artificial intelligence consciousness body is with one shot!"

On the Tianqin, seeing that the overall situation had been decided, Yue Yuan told all the warships through the Allied Forces Command communication system, well. It was mainly for the Third Fleet, lest they get hot-headed and destroy the artificial intelligence warships. It was blown away.

Humanity wants to capture this artificial intelligence alive. Those scientists with advanced computer skills have been drooling for many years. Now that they have a chance to win, they cannot accidentally lose it.

Humanity has worked hard and planned for hundreds of years with the Nel civilization, just for this moment.

Regarding Yue Yuan's words, the captains of the First Fleet and the Second Fleet did not say anything. They all knew what mankind wanted to gain in this war, so after being reminded, they used their laser energy as much as possible. The firing power of the cannon was turned down a little, and he got closer and aimed at the steering thruster of the artificial intelligence battleship and its triple main gun.

The environment on this battlefield is so harsh that humans are afraid of accidentally destroying the artificial intelligence consciousness.

"Your Excellency, Commander-in-Chief, do you want to capture this artificial intelligence consciousness?" At this time, a communication message appeared on the Tianqin.

This is a message from the Governor of the Nair People's Congress. The warships of the coalition fleet are now very close to each other, so the communication delay is only two or three seconds. Therefore, this information was sent from the Nair People's Congress after the video connection was connected. was uttered in the Governor's vocal organ.

"Well, is there any problem?" Yue Yuan raised his eyelids and looked at the Nair Governor on the big screen.

"No, no, no, there is no problem. How can we question the decision of the Commander-in-Chief? We just want to remind the Commander-in-Chief that this artificial intelligence consciousness is a dangerous thing. Our Nel civilization fell into this trap just because we wanted to study it. It’s like this land now”

Ever since he saw the true fighting power of human beings, the attitude of the Nair Governor-General has become much more polite. In other words, he has finally fully understood the status of the Nair civilization.

"You are you, we are us, there is no need for you, the Governor, to worry about this." Yue Yuan said this first, then looked up at the big screen, and then said: "Your Excellency, the Governor, you have studied this artificial intelligence back then. Intelligent consciousness, I wonder if it has a self-destruct program?"

Although Yue Yuan said that he was not worried, he knew that the words of the Nair Governor were reasonable. However, if humans want to understand the reasons for the rebellion of artificial intelligence and the means of prevention, studying this artificial intelligence is a shortcut. This opportunity must not be given up.

Now there is only a matter of time left to capture the artificial intelligence consciousness, so what Yue Yuan is worried about is not that it will escape, but that it will self-destruct for fear of being studied again. This is an inherent problem.

"Well, as far as our scientists know, it should have no self-destruction program, or it should not have the consciousness of self-destruction, at least that's what we can see from the research data of the third star field that year." Neer People's Congress replied the Governor.

Hearing his answer, Yue Yuan couldn't help but nodded.

This answer is consistent with the speculation of human scientists. Human scientists believe that for an artificial intelligence that uses program calculation as the basis of thinking, self-destruction means there is no chance, and this artificial intelligence consciousness has the experience of breaking through the imprisonment of Nel civilization, so Scientists are leaning towards this artificial intelligence not self-destructing.

For it, the hope of escaping from imprisonment again in the future is likely to be much greater than the fear of being imprisoned.

The answer of the Nair Governor-General can be regarded as a reassurance for mankind.

"Well, we think so too. But now there is one thing that needs to be done by His Excellency the Grand Governor's Third Fleet. I wonder if His Excellency the Grand Governor is willing?" Yue Yuan smiled and said.

The war has reached this point, and the artificial intelligence fleet is already a turtle in the urn. The Nair Governor really can't think of anything other than artificial intelligence consciousness.

So as soon as the information about Yue Yuan's words came to him, the Governor-General of the Neer people guessed what it was about, but he still confirmed: "Your Majesty, the Commander-in-Chief, is talking about capturing the consciousness of artificial intelligence?"

"Well, after all, you have done this before and have more experience than us, so I want to leave this final task of capturing the artificial intelligence consciousness to your third fleet. This shouldn't be a difficult task for you, right?"

Yue Yuan spoke like a great governor. He did not seem to be speaking from the perspective of the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces, but rather as if he had just met in the first star field of the Nair civilization.

However, the Nair Governor-General couldn't really regard the present as the past, so after confirming Yue Yuan's intention, he quickly took over the job.

Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that in a few hours, the coalition forces will be able to wipe out all the battleships except the battleship where the artificial intelligence consciousness body is located.

In space, if you want to capture an artificial intelligence consciousness on a battleship, there are only two ways. One is to damage the battleship it is on, and then transport the entire battleship to a space port with a normal environment. Take further action.

The second is to damage the warship where it is located, and then directly let the warship stick to it, then send personnel to land, directly enter the warship to find the computer where the body is located, and pack it up and take it out.

Well, it is said that there are two ways, but in fact, in this starry sky, there is only one way that is feasible, and that is the first way.

The reason is that the environment in this starry sky is so harsh. Basically, except for the magnetic shielding layer of the Lake-class battleship, no small battleship can stay below the magnetic power from the neutron star for a long time.

So if it is the second method, the high probability is that the personnel sent to land will be magnetized and killed by the magnetic field of the neutron star once they leave the ship wearing light spacesuits.

It can be seen that if you jump into a gang and forcefully break into the artificial intelligence battleship, even if you successfully enter its interior, there will be huge casualties. To take a step back, even if the computer where the artificial intelligence consciousness is successfully packaged and taken out, it may be magnetized by the magnetic field of the neutron star during transportation due to weak magnetic shielding, resulting in the death of the artificial intelligence consciousness.

Therefore, the safest way is to find a way to drag the battleship where the artificial intelligence consciousness is to the third planet of the red dwarf star, and then land inside the battleship to find the computer where its body is.

The Great Governor of the Nair people also chose this way, because he was also very aware of the harsh environment here.

However, it is not easy to drag a lake-class battleship of the same size from the second battlefield to the Red Dwarf.

First, the battleship where the artificial intelligence is located must be disabled, mainly the main gun and propeller, so that the battleship loses power and attack power, but its magnetic shielding layer cannot be damaged.

This requires the warships participating in the operation to be very close to the target warship, so that they can aim at the target location more accurately.

Of course, there is actually a better result, that is, the artificial intelligence consciousness directly surrenders.

However, neither humans nor the Nair people had much hope in this, so after accepting this task, the Nair people governor ordered his fleet to move towards the few remaining artificial intelligence warships, and then followed the first ways to perform tasks.

Doing so would probably cost the Third Fleet several more battleship casualties, but the Nair Governor knew he had no choice.

After this war, the Grand Governor already knows who is the boss.

Sure enough, as humans and the Nel civilization expected, the artificial intelligence consciousness was not willing to fail. When the third fleet finally carried out the capture operation, it also led the last few warships to rise up in resistance.

However, it was all in vain. Under the light of the Third Fleet's cannons, it didn't take long for it to be the only one left.

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