Voyage of the Stars

Chapter 55 This is already the mildest policy

Under the instruction of the new government, the Propaganda Department vigorously promoted the beautiful vision of the future of mankind, in order to encourage people to increase their expectations for the future life.

On the other hand, the new government continues to strictly control the use of hibernation cabins. Basically, except for collective hibernation required for long voyages or special administrative approval, it is almost impossible for ordinary people to hibernate.

It is impossible to use hibernation to skip the stage of hard work and wait until technology is developed in the future to wake up and enjoy it. Take advantage of the good policies now and work honestly to contribute to human development.

Of course, this kind of policy that uses life span as a bargaining chip has nothing to do if it encounters someone who really doesn’t want to live. Oh, provided that this person does not touch the "Leave It Alone Act."

The new government is not a charity. If you don’t want to live, then just die. It is impossible for all of the more than 80,000 people to be like this.

It sounds very inhumane, but for the sake of mankind, the new government is very determined to implement this policy.

It is guilty to lie down, but it is glorious to fight.

After the introduction of this series of supporting policies, in the following time, the marriage registration office suddenly changed from a deserted one to a bustling one.

But some people are happy and some are sad.

Because of the extreme imbalance in the ratio of men to women, this policy has been opposed by many men and a few women, and some even privately called out the experts to get out.

Those who oppose it are mostly men who are not good enough because they feel they cannot compete with others. Generally speaking, they complain that this policy is unfair and does not take into account the imbalance between men and women.

The few female opponents are almost all female boxing sloganeers. Their reason is very simple, that is, they criticize the new government's policy for not paying attention to female boxing and treating women as tools for childbirth.

As a leader, Yue Yuan naturally heard these calls. Today, the ratio of men to women in humans is about 1:0.6, which means that there are about 50,000 men and more than 30,000 women. There will really be 20,000 bachelors at this time.

But what can Yue Yuan do? With this situation, what can I do? After all, the original Callisto base was not built for humans to escape to the stars in the future.

All he could do was let the Propaganda Department vaguely guide the way of thinking of these men, and then continue to implement this population policy firmly. If you can't marry me now, then you should work hard for another eighteen years and wait until you are good enough to marry the next generation.

Of course, you can also work hard to give yourself the opportunity to obtain the right to use the life potion. As long as you have the ability to give yourself and your future partner a long life, then you still have to worry about finding a partner?

As for the few women who object to female boxing, Yue Yuan can only say sorry.

In fact, among the policies formulated, this population policy is already the most moderate. In addition, there are two other filings, the first is the artificial embryo plan and the other is the "Morning Hall" plan.

The detailed reports of these two plans are now in Yue Yuan's office, but they have not been announced.

The so-called artificial embryo program is actually an in vitro fertilization program. In this plan, the New Deal will establish an institution called the "Human Fertility Center", and then this institution will initiate the collection of male sperm and female eggs from all human beings.

After collecting a certain number of sperm and eggs, the "Human Child Care Center" will scientifically match the sperm and eggs based on the relationship between the source DNA and close and distant relatives, and then conduct in vitro fertilization and initial fertilized egg cultivation at the "Human Child Care Center".

After the fertilized egg reaches the desired level, it will be transplanted into the uterus of the recipient woman and allowed to conceive offspring. These offspring will be raised by the "Human Childcare Center", or the fertilized egg can be taken away and raised by the man and woman if they wish.

In this plan, the proposer pointed out that all women of appropriate age must be obliged to accept unconditionally three to five fertilized egg recipients. They also suggested that those who do not accept the crime should be criminalized. The most serious case could be a crime against human civilization.

For humanity!

Such a crazy plan made Yue Yuan feel frightened, so he simply suppressed it and did not announce it or adopt it.

As for another plan called "Morning Hall", it is not much better.

According to the description in this plan, the new government will make room in Hope or build a new functional large cabin called "Morning Hall".

According to any regulations, all human women who reach the appropriate age must go to the "Morning Palace" within the specified time to carry out breeding tasks with the men automatically assigned by the system, and the newborns will be raised by the "Morning Palace".

In order to avoid emotional entanglements in the future, during the mission, both parties must wear hoods or masks that conceal their identities, as well as voice changers.

However, based on ethical considerations, this plan also stipulates that both men and women can also choose whether to disclose their identities to each other. If they disclose their identities to each other, it will be regarded as a voluntary union between both parties, and the offspring born in this way will also be raised by the family composed of both parties.

In the breeding mission of "Morning Hall", the mission target set for a woman in her lifetime is three to five newborns.

If the woman is married, she does not need to go to the "Morning Palace" to carry out the breeding mission, but the family must have three to five newborns within the limited number of years after marriage.

This plan is slightly milder than the artificial embryo plan, but it will also seriously damage the ethics and morality of today's humans.

If it is to be implemented, we must go to great lengths to create a social ethics system that is consistent with this plan.

This is true for both scenarios.

It can be said that the cost is very high. If it must be implemented, it will inevitably change the existing social ethics system, and the social structure and humanistic thinking will also inevitably change accordingly.

Overall, the risk is too great.

And it is also very crazy. It seems that it is not a last resort now, so Yue Yuan did not agree to these two plans.

In fact, in addition to these two crazy plans, there is another even more incredible one called the "Artificial Uterus Project."

As the name suggests, the "Artificial Uterus Project" is for humans to use technology to create a uterus-like breeding ground, and then relevant technicians and machinery and equipment will take care of various breeding conditions.

This plan does not require women to have children. It is a plan that claims to free all women from the pain of childbirth. However, because there are too many technologies involved and the regression of human technology, many details of this plan cannot yet be realized, and it has not really been written into a feasible plan. It is just a plan idea.

Therefore, after such a comparison, it appears that the population plan announced now is very humane.

It's simply too mild.

And just such a policy is still being criticized by those men and women. Yue Yuan said that the baby feels miserable!

Of course, if the social backlash is really serious, then Yue Yuan would not mind releasing these plans so that the opponents will know what is humanity and what is madness.

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