Ghost Spider’s expression gradually calmed down.

“It seems that I have been underestimated too~!!”

The two famous swords in his hands were also entwined with the incomparable essence of armed domineering energy in the next moment.

At the same time, a doubt suddenly emerged in his heart:

“Is this guy really a pirate who has just been out at sea for less than half a year?! Why is he so skilled in swordsmanship and domineering skills?!”

“If it’s really because of talent that you grow extremely quickly…”

The dark knife reflected the ghost spider’s uncertain eyes, “Then no matter what, we must kill him completely here!!”

The blades of the two knives also became extremely black! ! !

boom! ! !

A new round of collision begins again.

Just when Sauron and Ghost Spider were fighting.

“Who are you?!”

Dalmecia, an elite general of the Navy Headquarters, a master of physical skills and proficient in the six movements, stared at the man in a suit with gold left in front of him who was smoking a cigarette.

“You are also a member of the Straw Hat Pirates’ ship, right?!”

Dalmecia said solemnly, “I haven’t seen the bounty order. It should be a newcomer who just joined, right?!!”

“Wait until I capture your captain first, then I will take care of you. Get out of my way!!”

Dalmecia shouted lowly and tried to get around him.

After he finished speaking, the marines who gathered around him after realizing the situation also responded one after another:

“Leave it to us to deal with the new members of the Straw Hat Pirates!!”

However, before they could get closer, they were intercepted by a group of pirates from the Whitebeard Pirates.

“Hey, little brother, don’t worry. Although you are a newcomer on the Straw Hat ship and may not be used to such a battlefield environment, with our help, we can definitely defeat these bullshit navy!!”

The leader was a tall pirate who greeted Sanji warmly.

Sanji: “…”

New…new guy? !

He took a deep drag on the cigarette.

Dalmecia in front of him didn’t even look at him anymore. He fired a few flying finger guns casually, then stepped on the moon steps, trying to bypass the distance and chase Luffy away. ! !


Whoosh! !

As soon as Dalmecia took off into the sky, she felt a blur in front of her eyes.

Then, he saw the man in a black suit appearing above him in the air.


Dalmecia reacted suddenly.

His expression changed greatly, and he immediately put his hands on his chest.


When he used the six defensive moves, the skin all over his body instantly sprouted fur with black and white spots.

Animal type, dog fruit and Dalmatian dog form! !

He is an animal-type ability user, and at this moment, he quickly transformed into a human-animal form.

At the same time, the shadows of the dark leather shoes poured down from the top like a violent storm! !

Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta! ! !

The unpretentious and sharp kick hit Dalmecia, who had hurriedly prepared defensive measures.

“Air Force·POWER·SHOT!!”

On top of the black leather shoes, there is an indescribable strong aura of armed domineering, as well as a feeling of grief and indignation with a bit of personal grudges~

boom! !

The kicks fell like raindrops, but it was Dalmesia who used the iron block, under the huge force of falling from top to bottom.

His entire body also quickly fell to the ground.

boom! !

Smoke and dust filled the air, gravel flew, and a large hole was made where Dalmecia fell.


The faces of the naval soldiers who gathered around suddenly changed.

Even the pirates on the Whitebeard Pirates’ ship were dumbfounded by Sanji’s kicking skills.

“So strong…”

“;..,.?””.:”:;’.!.,,.::;'”??,,;!”?.;!:”,,”? !”!”.’;:,;,??! The tall pirate muttered.

“With such terrifying strength, is he really the new member of the Straw Hat Pirates?!”

“Or is he also a legendary pirate who was released from the deep sea prison by Straw Hat?!”

“But why, I don’t have any impression of his reward order in my mind…”

The man scratched his head and felt that his head was short and his knowledge was short.

“Cough cough cough~”

Amidst the smoke and dust flying in the hole, a light cough came.

“You’re so careless, you made such a low-level mistake on this battlefield…”

Dalmecia climbed up from the hole, her body covered in filth, and there were some blood stains around the Dalmatian’s mouth.

He wiped the corners of his mouth and stared closely at Sanji, who had fallen down and stood there.

“I didn’t expect that an unknown member of the Straw Hat Pirates would have such powerful kicking skills…”

Nobody? ! !

Click, Sanji was shot with another arrow in the chest.

“I thought that the only one in the Straw Hat Pirates who was good at kicking was [Blackfoot] Sanji. I didn’t expect that there would be such a master in hiding!!”

Dalmecia stood up slowly;

“I still underestimate those pirates who are not rewarded by the bounty order. Little do I know that there are crouching tigers, hidden dragons in this sea, and there are endless masters!!”

There is no bounty on my head…

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Sanji also had an arrow on both knees.


[Thank you ‘..’ for the three rewards! ! ].

I am [Blackfoot] Sanji, okay? ! A big pirate who grew up? At such a young age, he has such strength?

“I have another question!”

Dalmecia said in a deep voice, “Besides you, where is [Blackfoot] Sanji who is also good at kicking?!”

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

He also looked around vigilantly, “When your warship fell just now, I couldn’t find any trace of [Blackfoot] Sanji!!”

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! !

“Is he that kind of despicable person who plans to hide and carry out sneak attacks like that?!”

Dalmecia looked directly into Sanji’s eyes and shouted, “Or is he a coward who dare not come with you even when all your members are here?!”

Sanji: “…#¥%@!!!”

His face twitched and he smoked out the cigarette in his mouth.

“I am……”

He opened his mouth tremblingly with a mouth full of white smoke, “That [Blackfoot] Sanji!!!”

This sudden roar immediately shocked everyone on the set, whether they were navy or pirates.

Even some of the captains of the Whitebeard Pirates, as well as Zoro and Ghost Spider who were fighting there, were trembling with fear.

Without him, the tone of this voice was too sad and indignant, every tone seemed to be filled with great humiliation, and every word was crying like the animals in the mountains and fields were wailing.

“Why is that idiot so crazy?!”

Zoro was so angry and speechless that he wanted to look over, but the ghost spider in front of him was also pressing forward, making him really deal with the opponent in front of him.

“you say……”

Dalmecia opened her titanium Dalmatian eyes wide, “Are you [Black-footed] Sanji?!”

“Eh eh eh eh?!!”

Not to mention Dalmecia himself having such a reaction, the admirals nearby and the pirates of the Whitebeard Pirates were also shocked.

He was so shocked that his eyes bulged and were about to pop out of his head.

“What do you mean?!!”

Sanji was so angry that his liver ached, and he had not yet finished venting his grief and anger, “Why can’t I be [Blackfoot] Sanji?!!!”

“No, what can’t I be? I am [Blackfoot] Sanji, okay?!!!”

“Impossible, absolutely impossible!!!”

Dalmecia opened her mouth and denied it directly.

“Your appearance is very similar to the one in the reward order. I can only say that it has nothing to do with it!!”

His eyes were full of disbelief, “It doesn’t look alike at all!!”

“Yeah yeah~~”

The navy soldiers and the pirates from the Whitebeard Pirates next to him nodded at the same time.

It seems that in this matter, the two sides have found the same understanding in their absolutely hostile positions.

“That’s so annoying!!!”

Sanji was furious and shouted angrily.

When it comes to things he hates, his own reward order definitely ranks at the top.

It was the pain of his life to mention this! ! !

“Believe it or not, I am [Blackfoot] Sanji!!!”

“What do you want to do by pretending to be [Blackfoot] Sanji?!”

Dalmecia scolded righteously: “Even if you are a pirate, you have to use your own strength to make a name for yourself on the sea.”

“It’s not like you don’t have such strength yourself, why do you have to take the place of others, and it’s in the name of your own companion?!”

“It’s simply extremely disgraceful!!!”

After saying that, Dalmecia looked at Sanji with a very contemptuous look.

Sanji: “…!!!”

I really want to stew you and make dog meat! ! !

Sanji’s face was as dark as the bottom of a pot in the kitchen that was burnt due to Luffy grabbing food.

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