“Boom” a tornado flew out from the bottom of the sea, and Karp used the moon step, carrying Sengoku and the red dog, and landed on a rocky rock like a hill.

“This: What it feels like. “Karp just put the Sengoku and the red dog behind, he felt a very outrageous breath, his muscles trembled and stood upright, and he suddenly looked up at the sky.

What caught his eye was that Su Chen was suspended in the sky, with several very peculiar black spheres behind him.

“What a terrifying breath.” Karp’s face was solemn, a drop of cold sweat flowed from his forehead, his back was faintly cold, and a trace of fear appeared in his heart.

The former Roger failed to make him fearful.

The former Lockes did not make him fearful.

There is no one in the whole sea, and he can be afraid of it.

But looking at Su Chen who stood in the sky, Karp had a fear for the first time.

It’s like an ant meeting a dragon, like a creature in a lower dimension, meeting a creature in a higher dimension.

“Su Chen…” Karp raised his head and stared deadly, Su Chen, who was suspended in the air and looked down on everything.

“God: The power of . Karp muttered.

The current Su Chen gave him the feeling that he was as small as a human meeting a god.

You can only look up!

Above all things, comparable to the power of the gods.

What’s going on?

Karp couldn’t understand why Su Chen could change so much in a short period of time.

What happened in just a minute of diving to the bottom of the sea?

“You must make a move, you must not back down here!” Karp burst out with a cherry red domineering aura and jumped violently, leaving sonic booms wherever it passed, and his fists rubbed against the air, causing the space in this area to vibrate.

This is an all-out blow that he used all, armed color domineering!

Su Chen’s fingers moved slightly, and black Dao seeking jade covered his whole body.

Boom boom –

The violent collision caused the sky to tremble violently.

The white clouds of the entire area were dispersed by this punch.

The sea rolls up huge waves, and people outside the triangular sea can feel the collision here.

This punch was very terrifying, but the black substance covering Su Chen’s whole body did not have the slightest crack.

“What’s that~?” Karp stepped on the moon step, jumped back sharply, and opened a long distance from Su Chen, his old eyes stared, covering Su Chen’s whole body with black substance.

What is this play?

It’s hard, it’s really hard.

But it’s more like: His fist did not touch the black substance.

It’s weird.

“Under the six paths, they are all ants.” Su Chen looked proud, looked down at Karp indifferently, and said, “You are a mortal, how can you touch the power of all things.” ”

He now has the power to change the world.

You can even activate unlimited monthly reading.

Of course.

Infinite Moon Reading is a false world, and he has no interest in being king in false dreams.

“Six Dao? The power of all things? What stupid thing you are saying, watch the old man punch you awake! Karp was slightly startled, not understanding what Su Chen meant at all.

“Even if you are stubborn, you can get this far, and you have done well enough.” The black substance formed a ball and wrapped Su Chen’s entire person.

“As a reward, keep your eyes open, further power!”

The black giant ball did not move at all, just suspended in the sky.

“What is this kid going to do again?” Karp’s face was ugly, and he slammed into the black giant ball, but no matter how he attacked, he could not cause the slightest crack.

Not even vibration.


On a mountain-like boulder, the Warring States slowly opened, and into the sky, Karp was attacking with all his strength, a strange black giant ball.

“Karp, what is that!” Sengoku looked at the black giant ball suspended in the sky, his face changed drastically, and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes.

“What a breath is this: It’s scary. Warring States felt the giant Dao Seeking Jade, and his heart trembled after the breath he emitted, and his face was incredulous.

For the first time, he felt a terrifying aura. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even the overlord color of Lockes in the past did not make him so afraid.

“Sengoku, quickly find a way to solve it.” Karp landed on the ground, stared at the black giant ball in the sky, and said in a deep voice, “Otherwise.. It is very likely that something will happen, very dangerous. ”

Although the black giant ball in the sky, there is not the slightest movement.

But he had a sense of crisis, a premonition that something big was going to happen.

“Your fists can solve it, how do you let me figure it out?” Sengoku glared at Karp angrily.

Karp’s fist is one of the world’s most destructive attacks.

And even Karp’s fist couldn’t destroy the black giant ball.

What else can be done about this?

“What’s that?” Chi Inu slowly opened his eyes and looked at the black giant ball formed by the Dao Jade at that moment, and a look of horror gradually appeared in his eyes.

For the first time, he felt such an outrageous terrifying aura.

Scored three times!

Everyone’s first reaction was fear and disbelief.

Karp looked very anxious and said, “.~ Don’t ask, Su Chenren is in that black ball, he seems to be planning to do something, hurry up and think of a way.” ”

“Ruined is!” The red dog snorted coldly, bursting out of ultra-high temperature lava, and his fist turned into a big red dog, fiercely pounced on the black giant ball in the sky.

The lava in the form of a big dog “boom” did not cause a single scar after it hit the surface of the black ball, and then all the lava slipped towards the sea.

“An ability I’ve never seen before.”

The red dog’s face was ugly, his ability was enough to melt any hard substance, but he couldn’t cause the slightest damage to the black giant ball.

That’s outrageous.

Sengoku gritted his teeth, hit the ground with his fist fiercely, and said unwillingly, “Can we just wait?” ”

Although they didn’t understand what Su Chen was going to do, could they only wait for Su Chen to walk out of the black ball?

The black ball that “crunched” suspended in the sky appeared one crack after another, and finally completely shattered like an eggshell, revealing Su Chen inside.

Warring States (Qian Qian Zhao) and the others stared at Su Chen, who was standing in the sky, and all of them were stunned.

Su Chen had pale skin, a scarlet nine-hook jade reincarnation eye on his forehead, he held a black scepter in his hand, several Dao Seeking Jade were suspended behind him, and his long pale hair swayed in the wind.

Six Channels!

“Hum-” The huge aura spread throughout the world, causing all the strong people to tremble, even the four emperors of the New World were stunned.

“You’re still there? Then witness together, this power over all things. Su Chen held the scepter in his hand and looked down at everyone in the audience indifferently.

He waved the six scepters slightly, and a chakra containing the power of the six paths cut the entire sea into four pieces.

“It’s terrifying!”

Warring States and the others looked at it with a confused expression, cutting the sea tiger into four pieces.

What is the outrageous power of cutting the entire sea into four pieces?

“Harnessing this power is not that difficult.” Su Chen snorted coldly.

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