Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 132 Bai ZeVS Bullet

No need for too many words.

Even if all objective factors aside, Marine and the pirates will never die when they meet each other.

A long sword with only two fingers thick and no sword grid, as if it could be easily broken, blocked Bullet's punch.

The terrifying airflow that erupted from the intersection of the fist and the sword blew the surrounding volcanic rocks far away!

The ground beneath the two of them exploded.

Bai Ze's sword-wielding hand was numb for a while, and his eyes narrowed, as expected of a monster that can draw with Rayleigh!

Bullet seemed a little surprised to see that his punch was blocked, but the madness in his eyes was even greater, and a sinister smile was drawn on the corner of his mouth, like a child who found an interesting toy!

Another punch!

When the light started, Yan Mo came out of the sheath, and neither of them got any benefit for a while.

Seeing that both of his punches were blocked, because of his height advantage, Bullet suddenly clenched his hands into a hammer and smashed it towards Bai Ze's forehead!

Heavy and ruthless with unparalleled fighting strength, even steel and iron bones will inevitably collapse under this hammer!

Bai Ze's knees were slightly bent, and he put his knives on his waist with his backhand.

Before the arm hammer is about to touch you, draw the knife!

Two crescent moons suddenly appeared, and Yuehua was extremely soft, but it swept away this powerful hammer!

Wherever the hidden snow can reach, it even breaks through the Bullet's armed defense and cuts a bone deep wound!

As the blow was deflected, Bullet's upper body opened wide!

Bai Ze seized the opportunity and kicked his chest with a terrifying sonic boom!

What's outrageous is that Bullet's colleague who was about to fly upside down after being kicked by this kick was able to punch Bai Ze's left shoulder!

The two were deeply embedded in the mountain at the same time.

The smoke dissipated, and Bai Ze walked out slowly with a sword in each hand.

And Bullet also twisted his neck and laughed wildly, "Interesting, interesting! A new monster has appeared again.

"If I'm a monster, what are you?" Even though he knew that others would call him that in secret, Bai Ze was still a little unaccustomed to it.

Slowly raising Zang Xue, his eyes swept across the blade of the sword and cut to the man in the distance, the cloak behind his back moved automatically without wind.

The answer to him was Bullet's stride.

Every step he took was like a mountain that was about to fall, and that terrifying aura that was as captivating as hell was all pressed on Bai Ze.

Facing the Bullet's active attack again, Bai Ze hid the snow in front of him, and Yan Mo hid behind him, and also greeted him like an arrow from the string!

Electric light kept beating on him, and he responded directly to the huge mountain that fell towards him with the might of thunder!

At the moment of being close to the body, Bullet recharged everything again and punched, pointing directly at Bai Ze's face!

With the advantage of hand length, Bai Ze forced forward with his sword to block, and knew the strange way of unloading the opponent's force. When the fist and the blade intersected again, the muscles swelled several times again with a roar! Ignoring the right arm The blood is dripping, and it is about to break through all methods!

Under this punch, Bai Ze's right hand holding the sword was really suppressed, and he had no choice but to change the hidden sword technique to a straight stab!

The wind howl that Yan Mo broke open suddenly exploded!

Faced with this dagger that was directly at his heart, Bullet didn't rush to laugh, and with a thunderous speed, he withdrew his right hand that suppressed Zang Xue, and slammed it down on Bai Ze's head again with both hands in the shape of a hammer!

After Yan Mo stabbed Bullet's body, a spark burst out at the intersection!

At this time, Bai Ze was too late to dodge the hammer!

You can only turn your head away and carry it with your left shoulder!

With the sound of bones shattering, Bullet looked at Marine, who was vomiting blood, in surprise. His hammer didn't kill him directly!

But grasping the distraction of the opponent at this moment, Bai Ze endured the pain and raised his teeth from the bottom to the top!

Cut a big hole in Bullet's chest and cut off his left ear!

Bullet feels pain after a long absence!

Bend your arms and hit Bai Ze's head with an elbow!

But a strange electric current made his movements stagnant for a moment. Taking advantage of this momentary opportunity, Bai Ze shaved and stepped back several dozen meters to distance himself.

In just one face-to-face, the two were already dripping with blood.

Finally had the chance to take a breath, Bai Ze let out a long breath.

・・・・For flowers・・・

He was directly shocked by the battle of this man in front of him.

In such a short period of time, it can be judged that Zang Xue's lethality is greater, so the main defense is on his right sword, so he will choose the tough Yan Mo.

If it weren't for the pervert-like defense and recovery power of Yinglong Fruit, he would have been able to smash himself into flesh with that single blow.

"It's really hard." Bai Ze couldn't help but say.

"The sword is good." Bullet nodded.

Before the words fell, the two disappeared at the same time.

In Bullet's line of sight, Marine, who was originally in front of him, appeared behind him like a teleportation, and the long sword pointed directly at his carotid artery.

Knowing that his armed color couldn't stop this sword, Bullet shrank his head to hide behind this sword.


But Bai Ze, who was still in the air, turned his body sharply, and kicked his chest with countless electric lights on his right leg.

Bullet stood firm, and at a speed that was impossible for his size, while dodging the hidden snow, he bent his right arm, and hit the lightning and thunder foot with his elbow!

Before the legs and elbows even crossed, Haki, who took the first step, directly shook the ground under the two of them twice!

And between the elbows and legs of the two, a terrifying black current appeared!

"This person's Haki even surpasses Zephyr!" In an instant, this thought flashed through Bai Ze's mind.

At this time, Bullet didn't think about anything, he was enjoying it.

Except for Roger, it's been a long time since he could enjoy it so much.

Not even the man who plays with the sand can do it!

But the next moment, Bai Ze attacked from left to right!

Dozens of crescent moons are continuously swung in one second!

Bullet put his hands up to protect his head, and blood splashed constantly on his arms, but apart from the two sword marks that were deeply visible to the bones, they were all skin injuries.

Then there was only a roar, and the sword in Bai Ze's hand suddenly turned into a black blade!

Slashing towards Bullet's waist!

Let him have to put one hand down to resist or counterattack!

Since what you are doing is to break all methods with one force, then I will tell you what is the martial arts in the world, only fast and not broken! Spoon.

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