Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 220 Lowness and humility are never the reasons for being deprived or oppressed

Bai Ze is angry and regretful now.

I regret it so much that I can't wait to slap my mouth.

Almost all of the six styles are completed, and Conqueror's Haki is also becoming more and more Grandmaster.

The breath of the moon is even more familiar.

In addition, even in the world of One Piece, it is considered to be the top Yinglong fruit and Baiyi Burning.

Kizaru couldn't take it with all his strength.

Although it may be worse than the current Sengoku and Garp, it should have beaten Akainu, and it is about the same level as Zephyr.

So he swelled.

At the same time, he also forgot.

The three of Akainu have not grown to their peak, and the Bullet that died in his hands has not yet achieved fruit awakening.

It can be said that these future bosses are only mature and have not yet reached the full body.

And the most important thing is that the world's highest combat power has not even been shot in the original work, and no one knows how strong his "four, four and three" are.

The Five Elders and the mysterious Lord Im.

Because of Tuoda, because he wants to take advantage of Roger's execution, which is in the limelight, he really wants to become a marine hero who is famous all over the world.

I want to appear in the coolest and most dazzling way to become the savior after everyone is defeated.

After all, not long ago, he was one of the most common social animals in China.

Then he descended the mountain of thunder by the thunder of the sky.

Even at the expense of using the beast form as the bottom of the press box.

Unfortunately, as the man in black said, that mountain of thunder is beyond the scope of nature.

So he was devoured.

He couldn't move, every scale, every inch of hair, and even every cell after the animalization was imprisoned and suppressed by the mighty force of nature.

But he didn't dare to reply to the human figure.

The small body behind the human form can't contain the terrifying thunder power in the body.

So the only thing he can do is to observe Logue town through Observation Haki, and control the phantom teardrops to fight.

But because of his current state, the combat effectiveness of the imitation teardrop is also greatly reduced.

He saw the damned Five Elders turn his attention to the bar he had been to yesterday.

Saw Akainu trying to stop the dead bald head but was easily defeated.

He used the last of his strength to activate his ability and blasted down a few lightning bolts.

But just as the lightning fell from the thundercloud, every cell in the body felt as if it had been pricked by a needle.

The blood oozing from the scales fell to the ground along with the lightning.

And these few lightning bolts are not even considered as a car.

Then Aokiji, Kizaru, Hook, Luman, Dien, Flying Squirrel, Ghost Spider, Smoker

One after another as if they were going to die, but they couldn't even touch the other's clothes Kakuzu.

Then Akainu stood in front of the Five Elders again and made a final counterattack.

As a result, every one of his bones was crushed.

I don't know if it hurts more for me at this time, or does Akainu hurt more?

No one can stop the progress of the Five Elders.

He saw Akainu's teeth smashed, saw him spray the blood of the Five Elders on his face.

Seeing the killing intent of the bald head that could no longer be suppressed.

【Hey! System! Help!】

【How to save? You are really not his opponent now】

【Then can't you just move him back to Mariejois or just kill him harder?】

[Except for you, in reality I cannot interfere with other people's behavior. And he has a huge world correction value, if I shoot him, I am afraid that I and you will be completely annihilated in the next second]

【Is there any other way?】

【Yes, I have】


[Don't you still have so many points? Go to the lottery! Maybe some key items will be drawn]

Bai Ze was taken aback for a moment, yes, doesn't he still have so many points for doing good deeds!

【Dump pump! All points are pumped!】

【The lottery starts】

【Congratulations to Host for getting fairy beans*9】

【Congratulations to Host for getting Logia Devil Fruit·Sensen Fruit】

【Congratulations to the promotion of Host Conqueror's Haki to Dacheng】

[Congratulations to Host for obtaining an orange-level weapon: Ebony and White Ivory]

A series of system prompts kept ringing in Bai Ze's mind.

After a while, the sound of the system ends.

Bai Ze ate a fairy bean without hesitation.

Just this small movement made him grin in pain.

However, in the form of a beast, the fairy bean is about the size of a speck of dust.

And the moment he swallowed it, he was instantly drained by the infinite power of thunder.

Bai Ze was dumbfounded, and ate one again despite the severe pain.

Same thing happened again..

And just when he was about to eat the third one, a scene that made his eyes tear completely happened.

The proprietress blocked the knife for Akainu.

Then it was split into two pieces.

To be honest, the proprietress and Bai Ze only met by chance.

If it weren't for Akainu's relationship, there might not be any intersection in this life.

But after Bai Ze learned something from Akainu, he had a heartfelt admiration for this woman.

As Marine Vice Admiral, Admiral alternate, Akainu appears on TV frequently.

So the mother and daughter will definitely know Akainu's identity.

However, as Bai Ze sees it, it's no exaggeration to say that the mother-daughter-run bar is a slap in the face.

He doesn't care whether the man in the family is gone or dead, but he knows that the life of this mother and daughter must not be easy.

But even so, as Akainu says, they just want to live their own lives.

I don't want to be interfered or disturbed by anyone.

Even if his bar business is bleak, life is not easy.

When Shanks and Buggy needed help, even though it was just a meal, they chose to lend a helping hand.

What is independence, strength, autonomy?

This is.

Compared with the so-called independent women who only punched online before the time-travel, I don't know where to be noble!

But she is dead...

I died because of my own stupidity!

4.7 Neither she nor Lilia should have been involved in this!

She is just the most ordinary civilian woman, her daughter is not yet an adult.

Perhaps later, she will become the retired Marine Admiral Mrs.

But now, even if Lily Tulip is complete, she can't be rescued.

For ordinary commoners like her, the Five Elders are heaven, and they don't even know what the Five Elders are.

At this time, Bai Ze was also being suppressed by "heaven" and couldn't even turn over.

A great man once said that where there is oppression, there is resistance.

Humbleness and lowness are never reasons to be taken from life.

Bai Ze moved.

He ate all the fairy beans.

He stuffed the seeds of Lily's tulip into the forest fruit.

He swapped himself with the clone teardrop.

He chopped off the sword-holding hand of the Five Elders.

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