Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 274 Marine, the least like Marine

It is well known that Marine's recruitment criteria for soldiers are varied.

No gender, no race.

Sometimes even an unlimited number of species.

But there is such a force, they are bloodthirsty, they are brutal and violent, they are lawless, and they take pleasure in killing.

This is the G5 branch enough to be called "Marine-Pus".

Because of their brutal and reckless behavior, not only civilians see them as if they saw pirates.

Even inside the Marine, they were never welcome.

However, it is precisely because they have been suppressed and excluded that the internal unity of the G5 branch is abnormal.

Moreover, their combat effectiveness is far superior to the soldiers of the same rank in other branches or even the headquarters.

When they heard that Bai Ze had chosen such a ghost place to work, everyone came to persuade him.

According to Bai Ze's current status, all Marine branches in the world can be chosen by him, and he really can go wherever he wants.

But he smiled at the kind persuasion of his colleagues.

To be honest, although he looks very good in Marine now, in fact, except for the three people who have been following him and a "everything according to what" Hina, there is actually no team.

Therefore, the G5 branch was the stronghold he chose for himself.

As in the impression, the island where the G5 branch is located has heavy snow all the year round.

Bai Ze took the lead to leave the ship by himself, and arrived here unwittingly.

Looking at this huge fortress with many scars on the outer wall but still exuding the smell of guns and fire, although there was not even a guard at the entrance, the corner of his mouth still rose.

What he was most worried about at first was that the G5 base became the appearance of disobedience after Vergo arrived.

Now, it seems that a long time ago, a big boss deliberately or unintentionally made this place a branch independent of Marine.

And his current father, Zephyr, seems to have debuted at the G5 base.

There is no need to say who this big guy is.

No wonder Zephyr looked at him mockingly when he announced that he was coming to the G5 branch. (This point is also dared to write after seeing the relevant graphic materials)

The sky was getting dark, and the gate of the fortress was still closed.

Bai Ze just sat cross-legged at the entrance of the base.

The heavy snow falling in the air was avoiding his body intentionally or unintentionally, and was careful not to let himself fall on him.

At this moment, not far away came the roar of cars and the laughter of men.

Bai Ze was stunned when he heard the movement.

Cars rarely appear in the world of One Piece.

Didn't expect to see it here.

A roughly modified military pickup arrived.

Several big men who didn't look like Marine were pouring drinks into their mouths.

He even started because the people around him stole his wine.

The driver was holding the steering wheel with one hand, and the other hand still couldn't handle it.

He even had the armband of "on duty" hanging on his Zuo Bi.

It seems that this driver is the guard on duty today.

Bai Ze smacked his lips and stood up.

At this time, everyone in the car also saw this man who suddenly appeared at the gate of their own base.

A leading man patted the driver on the shoulder, pointed to Bai Ze and leaned over to say something.

With a grin on the driver's face, he slammed on the accelerator and rushed towards Bai Ze!

And Bai Ze didn't dodge, just looked at them with his hands behind his back.

To be honest, this clanking car seems likely to disintegrate at any time, no matter how hard the accelerator is.

But coupled with the fierce expressions and eyes of everyone in the car, the deterrent effect is indeed not small.

The cars eventually stopped, not because they wanted to.

Instead, Bai Ze raised one foot and stepped on the front of the car just as it was about to hit him.

The whole car turned over from his head and fell heavily behind him, turning it into a pile of scrap metal.

Fortunately, the people in the car were all in good hands, so they jumped off the first time.

But under the gesture of the leader, they did not rush to do it.

"What do you do?" The leader asked with a contemptuous expression, showing the coldness and arrogance in his bones.

"I'm looking for someone." Bai Ze laughed.

"Who? 35

Bai Ze continued with a smile and said, "Whoever is the most senior will find him.

These people, who were more like pirates than Marine, were silent for a while and then frowned at the same time.

They know that people who dare to stand up at the gate of their base by themselves are definitely not good people.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・

But the other party said that he was looking for the biggest official.

what does it mean? and that tone

His calmness fell before the eyes of the man whose rank should be Lieutenant Commander, which was a provocation.

In G5, and even in this sea area, there are not many people who dare to talk to him like this.

Lieutenant Commander tilted his head, leaned very close to him, stretched out his right index finger and pointed to the other's eyes.

Bai Ze took a step back slightly.

Because the alcohol on the other party is too strong.

But when he withdrew, Lieutenant Commander laughed outright: "What? A sissy who doesn't even dare to drink?"

Then he straightened up, grabbed a bottle of wine from the hand of the person behind him, and sprinkled it directly on Bai Ze.


Bai Ze didn't move, not because he didn't react, nor because he was frightened.

Lieutenant Commander and the few Marines looked at him with mocking smiles, ready to see him turn pale, even screaming.

But he didn't expect that the man was still standing on the spot where he entered his eyes.

And none of those drinks fell on him.

The pale yellow liquid floated in front of him so strangely.

The expressions of everyone suddenly became solemn.

Then Bai Ze moved.

He raised his right leg and kicked it just like that.

The Lieutenant Commander stood very close to Bai Ze, who had long legs.

The black leather shoes were placed on Lieutenant Commander's body, and Lieutenant Commander instantly turned into a black line and shot out behind him.

It directly penetrated a snow-capped mountain not far away.

Bai Ze silently retracted his leg.

Only at this moment did the Marines react and threw away the wine bottles and took out their weapons.

As the most powerful Lieutenant Commander among them, the life and death of being kicked by the opponent is unknown.

But there was no fear and fear on everyone's faces.

Instead, it is violent and bloodthirsty.

The hands holding the weapon did not tremble at all.

Just as the long knife was about to slash down, a cold female voice sounded from above: "If you don't want to die, put away the weapon. This is the commander."5

Bai Ze looked back and saw that on the city wall of the fortress, a black-haired woman with a lady's fine cigarette was looking at her spoon with a rather complicated look.

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