Because some didn't know how to deal with those camera phone bugs, Bai Ze left the cafeteria and returned to his office while everyone was not paying attention.

But as soon as I sat down, the phone worm rang before I could even get a cup of coffee.

He laughs at himself, saying that his personal phone worms are ringing more these days than he did three days before joining Marine two years ago.

But he still got through.

To his surprise, it was Kizaru who called.

The future Marine III Admiral in the original book, except for Aokiji who always avoids himself for some reason.

Akainu and Bai Ze- have a gay relationship.

Of course, being gay here means that they have the same goals and ideas, not some other messy relationship.

And Kizaru is Bai Ze's purest friend.

Bai Ze is located in Marineford's small yard, and Kizaru came only below the cadets of Zephyr's training camp.

When they are together, they don't talk about military or politics.

I would only talk about which Sabaody Archipelago's food is delicious, and what stupid thing Garp did was scolded by Sengoku.

Even if Bai Ze doesn't know whether Kizaru really wants to make friends or has other ideas, he always feels a long-lost relaxation when he gets along with him.

I just didn't expect that even he is calling now.

"How's it going." The phone bug perfectly imitated Kizaru's expression and half-dead tone.

"Speak straight, monkey." Bai Ze didn't bother to be polite to him.

"It's terrifying, Bai Xiao... You know that I don't have any real friends in Marine except you. Of course there's no one I care about in that group of cubs.

Bai Ze didn't speak, he knew that Kizaru's words were definitely not finished.

The phone bug continued: "Marine, who I joined at the age of 26, spent a period of time at Base 41 before entering Teacher Zephyr's training camp. During a battle with pirates, we encountered an ambush and almost wiped out the entire army. It was a close call because the commander of Base 41 gave me the chance to survive, and he only had one son."

"So what?" After a long silence, Bai Ze said, "You want to let his son live under your wings all his life? Even if he resists this way of life from his heart?

"Also, don't you really think about what is fair? Including you, the thoughts of the big figures in the headquarters are very unfair in my opinion. Every soldier who fought bloody on the front line has his own opinion. Story. Don't forget, I also have an old Zephyr who sacrificed everything for Marine... In my opinion, sacrificing the only male in the base chief's family has no power to escape, not to mention he is a soldier himself ."

"Fair?" Kizaru's voice came again, "They are officers, not ordinary soldiers. If they really go to the front line, sacrificing one is a loss."

"When I faced Bullet, Shiki, including Whitebeard, I never thought about running away," said 39 Bai Ze.

"That's because you're strong enough," Kizaru said.

"You should have heard what happened to me at The fish men island." Bai Ze thought for a moment, then turned to say: "Those men in black appeared again. I know you don't want to know who they fell to the ground, so I never I told you about these things. But I want to tell you that an ordinary civilian on The fish men island died in front of his wife and daughter in order to protect my subordinates, and my subordinates, until they left The fish men island, and did not see a trace of negativity on his widow's face."

Before Kizaru could speak, he continued: "You and I almost died in Logue town. 35

"You're the Admiral candidate, and I'm the so-called new Marine hero, but we're not like those rotten old undead, hiding in Marineford, enjoying glory and avoiding danger. Oh, you seem to be doing that.

"If I let those young masters and young ladies leave G5 because of these calls, is it fair to the ordinary soldiers who died on the front line? Or is it fair to them?

Ignoring the sarcasm on the other end of the phone, Kizaru was silent again.

After a while, he said: "Don't forget, when it comes to equality and fairness, if you didn't see Garp Vice Admiral and Mr. Zephyr successively, and without the secret help of Marshal Sengoku Admiral, then it's up to you to fight Celestial Dragons at Sabaody Archipelago. What, you can only spend your whole life in Impel down to be the youngest Vice Admiral ever in Marine like you are now?"


Bai Ze's eyes narrowed slightly, he took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice with a trace of undisguised anger: "I never denied their help to me! But don't forget! That's why I am here today because I killed Blood Owl, Blake, Bullet, Roger, and Shiki! These are all things I fought for!"

He said to the phone bug: "Whenever, anywhere, and anyone who wants to talk about my background, I can say with all my goddamn confidence that this is all done by Lao Tzu!

After the voice fell, the two phone bugs closed their eyes at the same time.

This pair of Marine Vice Admiral, who should have disliked each other, got along in the name of friends, and for the first time, such a strong hedge broke out.

In the office, Kizaru held the phone bug and looked back at the deep night sky outside the window and the Marines who were still patrolling below, with a wry smile on his face.

The reason why he said the earlier misleading remarks was because he was very worried that his friend was really sold by Sengoku and counted the money for him.

As a person who has been stationed in the headquarters for a long time, he is very aware of how terrifying the energy of those big bosses who have been hidden behind the scenes for many years.

After all, not everyone is an idiot like Lincoln.

After an unknown amount of time, Kizaru smiled self-deprecatingly.

After a long absence, he took out a cigarette and held it in his mouth, thinking that when Bai Ze was angry and declaring his merits, he did not mention that he saved countless Marines in Logue town, including himself.

Knowing that the other party took the rescue of a colleague for granted, unlike the others, which are all credits.

He said calmly: "I know, if you can't stand it anymore, tell me, I'll stand it for you."

Bai Ze's heart softened a little after hearing the words of Kizaru, who was a fisherman.

"Don't worry, not only did Marshal Kong say that he would come to inspect for a while, but the headquarters also sent a film crew to record our life in the barracks. Actually, I know that he is here to supervise me. I am afraid that I will really kill those young masters." Spoon.

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