Voyage: Villain Simulator, They're Here

Chapter 381 Susie's Story

The famous "BIG·MOM" pirate group was repelled at the cost of only sacrificing less than 30 Marines, which is an extremely brilliant record for anyone.

So no matter how bad Bai Ze's mood was at this time, when the fleet returned to the G5 branch, there was a smile on his face that no one could see was disguised.

According to the tradition that the G5 branch has gradually survived, it is natural to celebrate after such a big victory.

Coupled with the ridiculously large batch of supplies sent by Naval Headquarters, the canteen that can seat hundreds of people is already full.

When learning that there will be hot pot to eat tonight, even the wounded who were injured in the battle came to the cafeteria with crutches.

After receiving a steady stream of toasts, Bai Ze took a few bites and returned to his room dizzy.

He still lives in the robbed bedroom.

Outside is the office, inside is the bedroom.

He sat on the sofa in the office for a long time, and he didn't know what he was depressed about, but he was very depressed.

18 More melancholy after drinking alcohol.

And there are many more depressed people.

For example, Luman and No. 9, who were almost killed by Katakuri.

For example, Jinbei, who doesn't know how to handle his relationship with his fellow citizens.

For example, Galen, who is still debating whether or not to actually delete all the shots he took.

For example, this cold woman who broke into Bai Ze's office dizzy with alcohol.

This is Susie's second drink after the last drink.

I don't know why, but this time I drank more than the last time. Although my hands and feet were a little unruly, my mind was extraordinarily sober.

She knew that the room no longer belonged to her.

But she still walked in, and then saw Bai Ze, who was sitting on the sofa with a dignified face, come over, and fell directly into her arms.

As mentioned earlier, Susie's looks are a little worse than those of Di Yuan and others, but that doesn't mean she's not good-looking.

Moreover, the blush on her face after drinking made her, who always had a straight face on weekdays, a little more contrasting beauty.

He sat beside the Rose River embankment, waiting for the final sentence to arrive, but unexpectedly, he waited for the scene of a red-clothed girl throwing herself into the river.

Bai Ze looked at the female Marine in his arms at a loss, he had already made an oolong last time, why did he come back?

But just when he was wondering whether to send the female Marine back to her own room, Susie suddenly said: "Don't move. 99

Then he buried his face in his chest and stopped talking.

Today her opponent is Big Mom's seventh son, Charlotte Cardanci.

Charlotte Kadanci's strength is much worse than that of Katakuri and Owen.

So Susie fought back and forth with him, and it was considered to have completed what Bai Ze called the "intercept" mission.

But she knew that the reason she came to Bai Ze's room after drinking was not because of the battle.

It was the Celestial Dragons that Bai Ze made without hesitation at the Sabaody Archipelago.

For a long time, her life as a slave by the Celestial Dragons has been a shadow in her mind.

Countless nights, she dreamed of that memory and woke up sweating profusely.

Even after being rescued by Teacher Zephyr, she still had countless soft thoughts.

But Teacher Zephyr told her that soldiers have soldiers' ways of dying.

To choose suicide is to humiliate the profession of a soldier.

So she chose this blood-for-power strategy, hoping that one day she could die on the battlefield.

But after coming to the G5 branch, Susie found that there are many people with similar experiences as herself.

After getting along with them day and night, she gradually found her reason to live.

As the only woman in the previous G5 branch, she was also the highest-ranked commander.

Those soldiers don't care if you are a man or a woman, but Susie has been at the forefront of the battles and retreated at the end, and everyone who has succeeded by relying on her death-defying tactics has recognized her.

But even the Marines at G5 didn't know it, and many nights she woke up sweating from nightmares.

Wait until suddenly received a notice that Mr. Zephyr's son will come to G5 as the official commander.

Susie felt very uncomfortable.

Not because Bai Ze came, her commander was gone.

But she had also heard of this Vice Admiral named Bai Ze. Although she didn't know where he came from, she never knew that Teacher Zephyr had a son.

And this Bai Ze seems to have a completely different personality from Teacher Zephyr, who likes to show off.

Otherwise, the news about him would not have reached the icy G5 from the headquarters.

So when she saw Bai Ze on the first side, she gave Bai Ze a slap in the face.

However, this Vice Admiral, who seems to be a few years younger than himself, did not target himself at all, calling everyone a "trash".


Afterwards, it gradually entered the heart of G5 Marine through mock battles and hot pot, as well as a sentence of "waste".

Although Susie did not express it clearly, she also knew that she had recognized the son of this teacher Zephyr.

G5's Marine607 can really live better than following him.

You see, Jace, who has regained his rank, and the supplies that directly exploded the warehouse can prove it.

But as he shot Celestial Dragons without hesitation before heading to The fish men island.

Susie was surprised to find that she had never had that kind of nightmare since that day!

At first, I thought it was because The fish men island under 10,000 meters felt at ease, but now it has been several days since I returned to the G5 fortress, and that kind of nightmare has not appeared!

So she has been looking for opportunities to spend time with Bai Ze alone, but she has never had the chance.

Now that she has the courage to drink, she finally broke into Bai Ze's room.

Seeing that Susie was still in his arms and seemed to fall asleep, Bai Ze held her breath and planned to carry her back to his room.

But the next moment, his arm was grabbed by a hand.

Bai Ze's brows slightly wrinkled as he chopped this cold hand, which could be felt even through two layers of clothes.

The hand was much smaller than his, and it didn't take much effort.

But the attitude shown let Bai Ze know how determined the other party was.

Susie raised her head abruptly, but she didn't open her eyes, but she found Bai Ze's mouth precisely, and kissed it fiercely!

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