"What? Are you in a bad mood?"

During dinner, Bonney looked at Bai Ze, who didn't talk much on weekdays, but asked very little today.

Only then did Bai Ze come back to his senses like waking up from a big dream.

The jelly that can serve as a snack for Celestial Dragons is naturally made up of extremely precious ingredients.

However, Bai Ze has never liked this kind of strange taste.

But jelly used elsewhere is enough to sink every man.

Especially after looking at Celestial Dragons, who usually stand tall, kneeling in front of him and showing his clumsy skills.

It can also achieve the effect of double satisfaction in the mind and life.

This sense of conquest has to be fascinated by people.

But afterward, the two of them were lying on the sofa, smoking cigarettes made by Bai Ze himself, but they were silent.


Bai Ze shook his head.

"Is it because of the wedding tomorrow?"

After disguising, Bonney occasionally slipped out for a walk.

It is natural to know that Mariejois will hold a grand wedding in addition to the World government meeting recently.

The protagonists of the wedding are two Celestial Dragons.

The bride is, of course, the nasty woman who has been showing up in the lab lately.

Bai Ze once again sighed at the woman's sensitivity.

But still shook his head.

"What are you thinking about? Hurry up and eat."

Hearing this, Bonney took a deep look at Bai Ze, and then started to eat hard.

After Bonney slumped on the sofa and touched his stomach, Bai Ze suddenly asked.

"I have a question I've been curious about."


"You...why are you so desperate to 'commit to me'?"

"So you know?"


Bai Ze rolled his eyes, and made obvious hints so many times, if he didn't understand, would he still be a man?

"Because, I don't trust you." Bonney raised his head and stared at Bai Ze seriously.


"Do you know what the outside world thinks of you?"

"I would like to hear about it." Rarely, Bai Ze found himself interested in this topic.

"Executioner, above Marine, the biggest lackey of Celestial Dragons, a roadblock of true justice, a demon butcher, a pornographer, a pervert, a scientist with a strange XP in his brain hundreds of times more than scientific inspiration..."

Bonney counted one by one with his fingers.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Bai Ze interrupted her in disbelief.

The ones in front are barely able to welt, what the hell are those in the back?

Is this how the outside world sees you?

"And what is most discussed with you is why you were put in the Impel down prison."

"So have you come to a conclusion?" Bai Ze took a sip of his coffee, already feeling how outrageous the answer to this question was.

"People say what they say, but the credible one is that you transformed a few Celestial Dragons into your RBQ. That's why the World Government is so angry, and would rather lock you up without your scientific research results."

"Cough cough cough... Some people believe this too?" Bai Ze almost spit out another sip of coffee.

"I didn't believe it before, but now I believe it?" And Bonney nodded seriously.

"Why? It's not like you haven't seen Celestial Dragons before. Except for a few, the others are so hard to be called human." Bai Ze complained.

"But I've been here for so long, and you didn't do anything to me. So I think your sexuality may be a little strange."

"Ahem...so that's why you're so eager?"

"Accurately, because an old man told me that the strongest relationship between a man and a woman is the physical relationship."

At this point, a blush flashed across Bonney's face.


There is an old saying that the fastest way to a man's heart is the esophagus.

And the fastest way to a woman's heart is Yin D.

Because Bonney can't cook at all, he chose to do the opposite.

Well, this is in line with the carefree character of female pirates, using the simplest way to solve the most complex problems.

"You still think so now?"

Hearing this, Bonney fell silent.

In just a few days, the man in front of him is obviously not as rumored.

Except for the strange rule of not being disturbed by anyone in the lab every afternoon.

But this is understandable, after all, he is a scientist and needs to study some advanced knowledge alone (Bai Ze: That's right, that's right!)

At other times, this person is in a daze with a cup of coffee.

Yes, it's a daze.

Never thinking.

If it is thinking about problems, then the whole person will not have such a strong sense of loneliness at all.

It is this loneliness that makes Bonney always want to approach him unconsciously, to have a few more words with him, and to have some contact.

"Don't think about those that are missing, rest early."

After a long absence, Bai Ze reached out and touched Bonney's head.

After he finished speaking, he reached out and took the white coat that was put aside and put it on.

"Are you going out?"

A few days of getting along, let the female pirate also have a little understanding of this man's living habits.

This person only goes out when exercising in the morning, and basically stays at home at other times.

After dinner, he should be alone in the laboratory until late at night.

"Well, after thinking about it, I still think I should go see it."

Bai Ze said softly.

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