VRMMO: Alter Online

Chapter 10 - 10- Monsters

"Welcome Back" Chris greeted him.

"Yeah, I'm back" Mark replied.

As Chris showed himself on the livestream, the viewers also started being chatty.

[Chat Box]

[Welcome back My wife!]

[She looks beautiful whenever I see her!]

[As a girl, I cant stop myself from calling her beautiful]

[Her/His gender is still unknown to us! Nevermore had mistakenly called him a guy! please be cautious! heart is a very fragile thing!]

[Who cares! if there is a hole its fine!]

[Upstairs, that is disgusting... but I like it]

[Ugh, please dont use such dirty words!]

Mark ignored the chat box and curiously looked around, the reason why he left the base building to Chris was he was not confident in his architecture.

Looking around, its much better than the tree house that he had in mind, it was large enough to fit 5 people, and there is still some space to place items.

"How is the tree house?" Chris asked.

"Better than I expected, anyway, here are the spoils that I got, you can take it" Mark said as he handed the items he got from mining.

"Okay, there is a bowl of water over there, you can drink it" Chris said.

"Okay" Mark nodded and drank the water, his thirst bar has already gone down by 8 points, drinking the bowl of water replenished his thirst bar to full but the water tasted salty so Mark could only put up with it.

His thirst bar turned green, meaning he was slightly poisoned but it disappeared after a few seconds.

Mark then turned his head towards the sky and it was now night time, the sun is gone and the whole world turned dark.


The howl of the wolf resounded on their ears, the sound of skeletons walking, the growls of the zombies, the slithering sounds of the spiders, and many more monsters.

Mark looked below him and saw something like an apocalypse from a movie scene, Mark and Chris were high up the ground and the monsters couldn't see them.

[Zombie Lv. 10]

[Skeleton Lv. 15]

[Spider Lv. 5]

That was all the monster Mark could see for now, Alter Online had millions of different kind of monsters.

What he sees now was only a tiny bit fraction of it, though he doesnt know where he could find the other monsters but it was said that the world is divided into 12 continents.

All players will start at the first continent, its name is New Continent , it was usually called the newbie continent by the beta testers.

Speaking of players, Mark and Chris havent seen one, it was said that there are millions of players in Alter Online.

"Ahhh! Map is going to be useful in this kind of cases," Mark scratched his head from frustration.

Alter Online doesnt have a built in map like every other games, a player needed to explore the world and record it on a map for his map to have some use.

Well, he could get one from an NPC like the beta testers said but NPC's wont appear until the second continent, it was such a pain!


Mark noticed that the whole tree house lighted up, he turned his head and saw Chris who made a torch.

"Go craft a campfire, lets cook the rabbit meat you got earlier" Chris said.

"Okay" Mark nodded.

He then started crafting the campfire, since they were situated in a tree house, Mark needed to make precautions so he wont accidentally burn the tree house.

He first made a simple pit, then laid stones there, then another around it, then make sure there are no leaves near it.

He then placed the wood that he just finished cutting earlier and placed them on the pit he made earlier, he placed the charcoal in the middle and lighted it up.

Thankfully, lighting it up doesnt need any fire, as the system will just ask him if he wanted to light it up.

This campfire will last until the morning which is enough for them.

"Here is the rabbit meat, there is no seasoning so it wont taste good though" Chris said.

"Well, we cant waste resources right now, so lets just go along with it for now" Mark said then starting separating the meat and placed it near the fire place where it could be cooked.

He split it up to 4 pieces 2 tonight and 2 tomorrow, that way, they have food for the morning.

They then waited, Mark decided to check up the chat box and they were all talking to each other, not really minding him.

"Oh, wait, the ranking, I wonder what changed?" Mark thought.

He then checked the rankings.


1. Nevermore- 32 achievement points.

2. Darkenzu- 14 achievement points.

3. Cyberpunk- 13 Achievement points.


9. Nyx 11 Achievement points.


"Oh, Nyx, you are on the ninth place in the rankings" Mark exclaimed.

"Really?" Chris replied excitedly and immediately opened the ranking system and just what Mark said, his name was on the rankings.

"That is so cool! how did I get on the top 10 so easily?" Chris thought then decided to check her notification bar.

"Hey did you find how?" Mark asked.

"Yeah, I received 5 achievement points for building a tree house, then 1 point for this, 1 point for that, then 3 points for having tons of resources on me, then 1 point for the earlier" Chris said.

"That is great!" Mark said.

"Dont praise me, you have 32 achievement points, Mr. Rank 1" Chris said teasingly. , but he looked very beautiful when he said that.

Mark caught a glance on his chat box and saw the chat exploded, it was moving very fast, there are now 900,000 people chatting at the same time!

"Oh, they increased the capacity" Mark nodded, if only they increased it to 2 trillion which is the over all population of the whole Blue Planet, it could have been great.

But alas, they were still on testing period and could only raise the users in the channel slowly.

Mark sighed and gave Chris a cheeky smile and replied with his catchphrase that he had been saying since he was a kid "What can I do? I have good brains"

"Tsk, keep bragging!" Chris clicked his tongue.

"Now, lets start eating, the rabbit meat is cooked" Mark said.

They then ate the rabbit meat which doesnt taste that bad but it could have been better if there is a salt.

After eating they rested, moving in the night is just a suicide, and they still have a lot of work to do tomorrow.

Slowly, the sun started rising up and the monsters littering around started to hide back where they crawled out from.

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