VRMMO: Alter Online

Chapter 42 - 42- Killing Intent

Mark and the other 2 spent a few hours looking for Alexa and her group, it was hard to spot them since everything is covered in snow and Alexa said they were wearing clothes made of white wool to keep them warm and also to easily camouflage in case of attack.

And so after meeting them on a mountain, Mark and the group decided to rest.

"Let's rest for today and start our journey tomorrow, white, horses if possible one for everyone, and you guys, wood and coal" Mark commanded, his voice was stern, and this way he could also discern the people who came here.

All of them were looking at him as if they saw their idol, and wanted to worship him, they also introduced themselves.

Aynara, a human female who was very cheerful and seemed always to be in full energy, her character was tall and that thing is also huge, anyway, she seemed to be adept in playing games and she is also good at fighting in normal standards.

Next is Raven, an elf, he was aspiring to be an assassin and his idol was Chris, though he also idolizes Mark since he also admired his skills, Raven doesn't have any foundation in fighting but he said that practiced parkour in the forest so he had good movement, but other than that, he had no other good points.

Next is a friend of Alexa, a duke, her name is Summer, she played this game because of Alexa, she said she is good at building and crafting, she has a shy personality, and she was still shy on Mark's presence but she looks at him like he was some kind of god to be worshipped or something.

As for the other members, 2 were human, 1 dwarf who made his avatar tall, 3 beastmen, and 1 angel, 1 demon, and the last is a dark elf, it was a weird combination in a group especially an angel and a demon, and they always try to fight each other whenever they have the chance.

It was no secret that the angel and demons hate each other so much, they were always at each other's throat and if not for the Universal Government stopping their war, it could have last for eternity, it was said that their hate for each other is a racial trait or something but the angel and demons refused to tell why they hated each other.

There is also similar hate from other races, for example, the dwarves and elves didn't hate each other that much that started to wage war with each other but their hate started with each other because they trash-talked each other.

But there is something that Mark must confirm first, but that will be for later, the group did their task, some cut trees, and some mined stones and coals, with more people their efficiency was faster, it didn't take long for them to make a temporary shed and stay there.

It was already night time and everyone was inside the shed, Mark was sitting on a chair while looking at the demon and angel kneeling in one leg in front of him, Mark turned off the live stream for now and listened to them.

Mark sighed, so it was not that these two came because they idolize him but to recruit him to their factions, they aren't so arrogant to be only angels or demons factions, even dragons are recruiting other races despite their pride, The Angel name was Mikael and the Demon was Aetex, a female demon.

And it also meant something for Mark, it meant all forces are focusing on Alter Online, and they were treating it seriously, 'it's like what Merlin said was true' Mark thought, he then looked at the two people in front of him.

"I refuse, I already joined a faction" Mark replied with a calm tone but to make sure they won't have any funny thoughts, Mark revealed a slight of his killing intent that was hidden.


An unbearable pressure descended on the angel and demon. What they saw when they turned to look at Mark was but, a tall, tall mountain that extended up to the skies. At the surface, it wasn't an ordinary mountain. But instead - one full of corpses where Mark was standing at the top looking down upon them.

It only lasted a second but for them, it felt like an eternity, unconsciously tears came out from their eyes and they almost peed themselves from fear.

"I hope that works as a warning, don't have any funny thoughts, the rules had already been passed to the universal government, tell your leaders that it will come out soon, and they must abide, those who break the rules, they know what will happen, also never tell anyone about what happened here," Mark said in a deep tone.

"W-we understand, we will relay it to them" Mikael and Aetex replied with shaking voices, their body could not help but shiver, at first they were given a mission that to make Nevermore agree, if not eliminate him.

'But who can eliminate that monster?' they both thought, they were veterans of war from thousand years ago they fought dragons and even fought alongside gods but this was the first they felt something like this, if possible, they wanted to warn their leaders to not do what the hell they have in mind!

"You can leave," Mark said.

The two looked at each other but they didn't have the energy to argue with each other, they bowed at Mark then walked out, the two laid on the bed that was crafted earlier and finally logged off.

Mark sighed, then turned his head towards the side where a figure emerged from the dark, it was the dark elf named Azi, "What do you need?" Mark asked.

Azi stood in front of Mark and kneeled with both knees and with his forehead on the ground, "Please! help our tribe!" Azi begged.

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