VRMMO: Alter Online

Chapter 69 - 69- White Pearl

"White, leave this to me and watch over the others, this won't take long"

Mark smiled as he looked at White Reaper who was beside him, White Reaper wanted to say something but seeing how big Mark was smiling, he just sighed.

" Okay, I'm already old so I guess I don't have to get involved with fighting all the time, I'm going to excuse myself then"

White Reaper took out a white pearl from his inventory and threw it away, he waited for a moment then he disappeared with a puff.

"Now let's start"

Mark smiled as he started jumping up and down seemingly could not wait, the men in black robes looked at each other before nodding.



They immediately pounced towards Mark going for the kill, every weapon was pointed at him, Mark smiled wildly as he saw this his eyes moved at a very fast speed as if he could perceive everything in but a moment.

With a quick movement, Mark pulled out 4 white pearls from his inventory and threw them in specific locations, it was unnoticed by the enemies, then pulled out a dagger and a few needles from his inventory..

With a quick succession, Mark threw the needles at a very fast speed that could not be seen by the naked eye, it accurately hit the forehead of the archers who were pulling their bows.


One after another the archers started to fall, the ones in front immediately charged faster and arrived near Mark, they stabbed, swung their swords forward.


"Not today"


Just as their swords were about to hit Mark, he suddenly disappeared with a puff.


"Where did he go!?"


They heard a loud yell coming from behind them, the moment they turned around, Mark was standing there with 2 people beneath him, already dead, Mark gazed at the people beneath him then suddenly smirked.

"Interesting, full diamond armor, then this is more worth it"

As Mark finished speaking, his figure blurred out once again and disappeared once again.

The leader of the group gritted his teeth as he saw Mark disappear, "Shit, why does he keep disappearing! everyone prepare!" he yelled loudly.

"You can't do that" a voice resounded just beside his ears.


A powerful kicked hit the leader's abdomen making him spew out saliva, Mark smiled as he saw this, then steam started coming out from his body.

[Pump up]

"Now, let's see how much ravaging you could you take- wait that sounds wrong anyway, here I go!"

Mark threw his dagger towards the people charging towards them hitting them accurately, he clenched his fist tightly then with a swift motion, his fist punched the abdomen of the leader who spewed out saliva once again.

The guy flew up into the air for a little bit but Mark wasn't going to let him down, Mark bent down his body and positioned himself beneath the guy and then with a very powerful knee kick.


He was sent flying towards the skies, "Woooo! don't worry I won't let you down! like um.. literally!"

"Stop him!"

Everyone charged up towards Mark once again, but Mark lifted his hand and disappeared from his position turning into a bur, Mark reappeared at the back of the remaining archers then charged towards them.

While on his way, he picked up the dagger that was embedded into one of the dead archers, Mark immediately reached the nearest archer who was preparing to fire an arrow but Mark immediately stabbed the dagger towards the guy's throat instantly killing him.

Mark didn't stay steady at that time and continued towards the archers, he killed them one after another, but due to them wearing iron armor and he was being besieged by many opponents, Mark was only able to kill 3 more of them.

*Swoosh! *Swoosh!

A rain of arrows fell from the skies towards Mark, he looked around him and he deflected some of the arrows going toward him, then he threw his dagger towards the guy nearest to him and suddenly disappeared once again.

Then he reappeared towards the flying leader of the group, even though it seemed like a long time has passed, it only took a moment for Mark to do all of these things, Mark had a big smile on his face as he gave an extremely terrifying Axe kick towards the flying leader.


With a loud explosion from the kick, it created a sonic boom as the leader was launched towards the ground, "Ohh? that's strong, how high are my stacks?"

Mark looked at his skill pumped up and saw he had already stacked a great amount for his pump up causing his strength and power to significantly increase, Mark looked at the remaining opponents and just pulled out a great halberd from his inventory.

"Clean up time"

Falling from the skies Mark raised the great halberd on his hand and swung it at the ground.


Everyone was sent flying away from Mark's attack, what was left on the ground was a deep fissure, "Finish them off" Mark said then a pearl was thrown beside him and White Reaper appeared with a bow in his hands.

With quick succession, he pulled 5 arrows from his quiver and fired it all at the same time accurately hitting its targets everything hit their throat making a 1 shot kill.

The remaining ones, Mark only raised his halberd and swung it once again, killing the surviving ones, "How is the situation on the other side?" Mark asked.

"Two of the robe men broke away from their three-man group and was moving towards the main force" White Reaper replied.

"I guess I have to contact Nyx then" Mark chuckled before calling Chris.

Now back to the present, Chris arrived at the main force, the black-robed men also arrived a few moments later, "Azi, Raven help me intercept those black-robed men!" Chris immediately commanded.

"Azi and Raven who had just killed their opponents immediately broke away and followed after Chris.

It was now the fight of two forces, who will win?

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