VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1103: : Get started

While breaking the waves and riding the wind to deal with players from Japan, South Korea and the United States, the fireworks Yi Leng and others came to the edge of the basin. After watching the decoy person was found and then killed, Ouyang Feiri and others were a little anxious and wanted to take action immediately. , But was stopped by the fireworks Yiyi.

Although a team led by Firework Yi Leng has arrived, the other two teams led by Nangong Yunlong and Longteng Tianxia have not arrived at the agreed place. Only by encircling the three parties can they exert the greatest advantage of this tactic and can easily kill. The most dead people in Japan, South Korea and the United States.

This is more than that. At this time, many of the players who chased the three of the waves and the wind have used their big moves. Their big moves are still for a while. If they rush past this time, they will undoubtedly face a very strong resistance. Reaching the goal will be a lot more difficult.

Most of them have experienced the power of the firework tactics, and they also know that this time is not the best time to attack, so although Ouyang Feiri and others were quite impatient in their hearts, they did not act rashly.

In yesterday’s discussions, everyone agreed that fireworks easy to cold, Eastern Stars, etc., will be the command of this competition, and fireworks easy to cold are faintly led, plus Eastern Stars, Ye Yu Fei, who are good at tactical layout, are not there, then It is understandable to follow the instructions that fireworks are easy to cold.

Calculating the time and the speed of Longteng Tianxia and others in their minds, after feeling that it was almost the same, the fireworks issued an order to start to act. They continued to hide and quietly went in the direction of the players from Japan, South Korea and the United States.

"What I want to tell you has already asked you, remember to strike out the damage in the shortest time, try not to accidentally injure your own people, and use invincible means if necessary." Although this is said, the firework is cold and once again tells everyone : "The pastor resurrected our people after confirming the safety of the surroundings to ensure their safety."

This time, they brought a few priests. In addition to giving them blood and spell immunity, the purpose was to find time to save people. Of course, their most important task was to protect themselves. After all, they still have a lot of Important task.

After the order was over, Fireworks Yi Leng did not say anything, and moved on, while Misty Rain and Misty Yiyun were near her.

After 2 minutes, the fireworks were easily cold. They were only 20 meters away from the enemy. At this time, they also launched a sneak attack. More than 30 people from the three teams flew together, and then used the big move to use the big move, summoning the flying mount to fly. Mount, and then kill players from Japan, South Korea and the United States.

With a sound of dragon chants, the fireworks are easy to be cold, the dragon world and the Nangong Yunlong trio summoned the dragon together, and they were not stingy with their skills. The three dragons performed [Dragon Yin Nine Heavens] together, and all the players around them were Dizzy, but not including Chinese players.

The tactics have been discussed previously. At the beginning of the battle, the control skills are the main focus, and the wide-range control skills can control as many people as possible. In this way, in order to avoid accidental injury, everyone should disperse, or take [Invincible Pill] and use invincible methods.

The [Dragon Yin Tianxia] displayed by the ancient divine beast dragon covers a wide range and can stun the enemy target for 3 seconds. This time is enough for the fireworks to be cold and they can do a lot of things.

Because players from Japan, South Korea and the United States are mostly gathered together, and the fireworks are easy to be cold, they appear quite abruptly, so many people are stunned, and the people who greet them are overwhelming. Group skills.

[Ice Spirit* Thousand Blade Arrows], [Ice Spirit* Thousand Blade Arrows], [Surprising Wind Blade], [Viciously Toxic Fog] and other group attack skills were displayed, and the damage numbers floated.

Misty Rain and Misty Yiyun were asked to stay by her side by the fireworks and Yiyun. After she summoned the frost dragon, the two women forcibly stood on top of the dragon. Misty Yiyun was not welcome, and directly used 【 Wind Dragon Transformation], and then display group attack skills one by one.

As for Misty Rain, although she is not a dual class, the poisonous magician also has a lot of group attack skills, and his attacks can also impose negative states on the enemy, such as slowing down, such as weakening the enemy's defense, which can also be regarded as increasing the damage output. .

Misty Rain Two powerful magicians stand on the dragon and attack. Although they don't have the dragon's attribute bonus, they are condescending and don't have to worry about flying mana. They can attack unscrupulously and their damage output is also considerable.

A flying mount is equipped with two powerful magicians. This is the tactics arranged by the fireworks Yield. Long Teng Tianxia and Nangong Yunlong are also carrying two magicians on the dragon. At this time, they attacked enthusiastically. The number of damage in the film floated, and in just one minute, players from Japan, South Korea and the United States lost 1,200 people.

That’s right, the reason why there are so many casualties is that most of the players selected this time are dual-class players. Even if they are not dual-class, they are magicians with flying ability. Various group attack skills are covered and they can be played in a short time. High damage.

After the initial panic, players from Japan, South Korea and the United States also reacted. However, most of the players with flying skills previously lost a lot of magic and were unable to fly because of chasing the waves and riding the wind, including some dual-class players. The air power is extremely weak and can only be beaten passively.

This is the biggest effect of letting the waves and the wind act as bait, consuming the enemy's magic and reducing their air power, so that the fireworks are easy to cold and they can take people to suppress them with air superiority.

In addition to these, players from Japan, South Korea and the United States have 6 or 7 dual professions that have lost their big moves. As a result, there are only more than 10 players with big moves and magic.

Of course, these more than 10 people are also elite masters. After the initial panic, they also reacted, used their big moves, and then greeted the fireworks and others.

However, at this time, powerful dual professions such as Xiaofengwan Yue, Hero Sword, Long River Sunset, which are good at heads-ups, are ushered in. Coupled with the help of powerful magicians such as fireworks easy to cold, misty clouds, and Wednesdays, they also bear a little bit. No, there were even some casualties at the beginning.

When the fireworks were so cold and they acted, breaking the waves and riding the wind finally stopped fleeing, turned and killed them, and on Wednesday they directly cast [Lava Giant], then [Summon Lava Spirit], and then [Meteor Fall] , [Flame Fire Sea], [Lava Dress], [Lava Vortex] and other skills, and the powerful output ability of the Lava Mage is fully reflected.

At this time, the reinforcements of one's own side arrived, and there was no fear of cover on Wednesday, so he could attack as much as he wanted.

Under Wednesday’s attack, many players from Japan, South Korea and the United States lost their blood, and the waves and the wind naturally did not treat them politely. She sighed for a long time, and then launched a crazy attack, [Sword Qi], [Kuang Lei Jian Ying], [Thunder Sweep] and other skills were displayed, harvesting a lot of heads at a time, and her attack power has also increased a lot.

"Why do the fireworks keep me [Thunder Dragon Transformation]? It must be very cool to use this skill at this time. After all, my attack power has increased by 100% plus 10,000 dead energy damage. Two skills can kill one piece in a second." Po Lang Chengfeng was quite dissatisfied.

That's right, it didn't take long for breaking the waves and riding the wind to kill more than 100 players, and the increased attack power and death attributes of the [Murder Orb] reached its full value. At this time, her damage output was already high.

Of course, if she casts [Thunder Dragon Transformation] again at this time, then her damage output will be higher, maybe as she said, any skill or two will kill any enemy without invincible means.

It's just that she was very obedient to the instructions of the fireworks to be cold, and did not display it, although she was quite unhappy about it.

"The fireworks let you keep the big move naturally has her intention. After all, players from Japan, South Korea and the United States are likely to have hidden killers. You and Nangong Yunlong, Longteng Tianxia and others can keep the big move to prevent it in case, anyway, there is a dragon plus Your damage output is not much worse than using a big move." Sitting on Qin Xin while attacking, said: "In addition, under the blessing of [Murderish Orb], your attack will increase by 100%, and the murderous attribute will increase by 10,000. Point, this is not worse than the state after you cast the ultimate move. The most important thing is that you can maintain this state for 1 hour, while the ultimate move can only last for 5 minutes."

That’s right, if you talk about attack power alone, the increase in [Pearl of Murderous Spirit] is not worse than [Thunder Dragon Transformation]. The most important thing is that the former can last for a long time. It is enough for her to do a lot of things. .

"Well, that's true too." Po Lang Riding the Wind nodded, and she looked around: "With the mount bonus, my defense power and vitality are very high, and there are many life-saving skills, plus fireworks. When I arrive, not many people can threaten me, so there is no need to transform to increase my life-saving ability."

That's right, the defense power will be doubled after the big move is performed, and the blood and mana value will be 5 times the original, so the player's life-saving ability will increase a lot.

But now almost no one can threaten the existence of the waves and wind, so there is no need to use the big move, it is better to keep it to cope with the emergency.

After breaking the waves and riding the wind and others, other people who acted as decoys also started, such as the book of the middle of the night, such as Long Jieyu, especially Long Jieyu, she used a big move, although the archer's group attack skills are few, but down Can also cause a lot of damage to the enemy.

With dozens of masters working together in one time, the situation of players from Japan, South Korea and the United States is even worse. Although they have not yet reached the defeat, they are not much different.

"Hey, it would be great if Uncle Bacchus led the army to kill at this time. Unexpectedly, he could kill a lot of people." Seeing that many players from Japan, South Korea and the United States were killed, the previous depression of breaking the waves and riding the wind was finally relieved. .

"It’s not very good for Uncle Bacchus to appear at this time. It’s best to wait for the players from Japan, South Korea, and the United States to flee, or after their dual professional player tactics are over, so that our people can defeat them in one fell swoop, and there is almost nothing. Damage." Sitting on the piano heart while attacking.

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