VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1148: : Ye Luo's Plan

Seeing that Japan’s total points are increasing rapidly, and the number of resurrections of many Chinese players is decreasing, it is easy for everyone to guess that a large Chinese unit has a conflict with the Japanese team. Contacting the Tokyo Mythology has just obtained [Painting the Ground as a Prison], black and white The chess expression became serious. After all, being killed in the enchantment cage may directly die 6 times, because Tokyo Mythology will definitely use [Painting the Ground as a Prison] and [Conquest Order] together.

Although the use of [Drawing Ground as a Prison] and [Conquest Order] together to reduce the number of deaths from target killings is not the same as using the [Conquest Order] to challenge the player, the former is killed but the number of [Conquest Order] is increased by one, while the latter is The number of [Conquest Order] is multiplied by two, but the former can be used for multiple people, while the latter is only one person.

If Tokyo Myth really uses [Painting the Ground as a Prison] and [Conquest Order] to trap a group of Chinese players, if these players are killed, everyone will lose 6 chances to resurrect. This is a very serious consequence.

"It shouldn’t be the case, because Tokyo Mythology wants to use [Painting the Land as a Prison] and you have to think about it. At the very least, you must gather some Japanese players. If you use it rashly, he may be killed himself. The scope of the envelope is very high, and there will be many trapped targets." Samadhi said, and then his tone changed: "So it is unlikely that he immediately used [Painting the Ground as a Prison]. It is very likely that a Chinese team happened to meet Japan. A slightly larger team in China, and then the two sides exploded into conflict, and China was at a disadvantage."

When the samādhi said these things, she looked at June Feixue. The June Feixue who was familiar with her immediately understood what she meant, and hurriedly checked it out. After finding out the results, she let out a sigh of relief: "I After investigating some, the Chinese players who were killed only lost 1 chance of resurrection, not 6 times. Obviously, it was not Tokyo Mythology who used [Painting the Ground as a Prison] on them and then killed them. After all, Tokyo Mythology will definitely do this The props are used together with the [Conquest Order]."

[Drawing a land as a prison] can be used together with [Request Order], and the number of deaths reduced by players killed in enchantment cages is related to the number of [Request Orders]. I think anyone will use both together because of the benefits, The harm to players from other countries is even greater.

Hearing that, other people also breathed a sigh of relief. Although some Chinese players were killed, they only lost one chance to resurrect. This is much better than losing six chances to resurrect.

"Feixue, which of our teams has encountered Japanese siege?" Po Lang asked.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind inquired about the purpose of these is also very simple. If the team being attacked is close to them, they can go to support them as quickly as possible. Even if they can't rescue, they can find the Japanese players who attacked and kill them.

"There were many people from the Yinian family who were killed. It should be the team led by Yinian Chengde and others." June Feixue said, she looked at the fireworks and became cold.

Because the extreme challenge map is very large, Chinese players land on this map randomly, so they gather to different places after landing, so there are several teams, such as the team led by the waves and the wind, such as the team led by Tiandi and others , Such as the team led by Dongfang Jitian and others, and Yi Nian Cheng Mo and others also led a team.

The number of teams varies, and some are slightly larger. For example, they have nearly two thousand people in their team, such as the team led by Tiandi and others, with only one or two hundred people.

Although the size is different and the number of people is different, the various teams are moving closer to each other. For example, the team headed by Tiandi and others have merged with them.

The location and trajectory of these teams are quite complicated. June Feixue didn't remember it at all. Among the crowd, only fireworks could remember easily, so the former would look at the latter as if inquiring.

"Fireworks, how far are they from us?" Breaking the waves asked impatiently: "How long can we get there by flying mounts?"

"Sister Feng, give it up. The team headed by a thought into a demon is almost on the opposite side of ours. Even if it is flying, it may take a day or two. When you rush over, they should be almost killed. "The firework Yi Leng shook his head, and then changed his tone: "Even if there are our people, there are only a few people who can reach them here. To be precise, only myself, because Ye Luo, Sister Shi and Sister Qin's teleportation skills are still in the CD."

"My skill CD still has 8 or 9 minutes." Suddenly Ye Luo's voice rang in the team channel: "Fireworks, in our mysterious pavilion, who has more than 1,000 friends with me, who is there to become a monster? They should It can last for 7 or 8 minutes."

"My skills have the same cooling time, presumably Sister Qin's is the same." Samadhi said, and then her tone changed: "Although we can't change the situation in the past, we can still kill some Japanese."

"Huh, that's right, you can't make the Japanese player so cheap." Po Lang Chengfeng snorted coldly, "Unfortunately, I can't send it over, otherwise I must make them look good and let them know that China is not good to bully."

"7, 8 minutes..." Fireworks Yi Leng muttered, she muttered to herself: "Seven or eight minutes should be enough to end the battle, because the number of people in their team is only three or four hundred, and according to them The speed of death, the number of the other party is at least a thousand, it is useless if you rush over, and we can't contact the people over there, even if we know who is there, we may have been killed, you send it over. It's useless."

"Yeah, our people may also be killed. After being killed, they will randomly land on the game map, so it is useless for Uncle Ye Luo and the others to teleport." June Feixue muttered.

"There are always people who will not be killed, such as assassins." Ye Luo said: "And this is also easy to confirm, know who is there, and then see if his resurrection times have decreased, and wait until my teleport skill CD is completed. After that, I teleported it over, and then chased down the Japanese team along the way, even if they could not be wiped out, it would make them feel uncomfortable."

"Hey, yes, our assassins are not that easy to be killed." Book Guai said with a smile in the middle of the night, and then he urged: "Sister Fireworks, you should think about who has become a demon in a thought. Sister Feixue, please check it out. Whether that person was killed, so Big Brother Ye can teleport over, and even Sister Fireworks can teleport over directly."

"You kid, the first half of the sentence is a good idea, and the second half is not a good idea. Although the fireworks are great, they are archers after all, and the number of opponents is more than 1,000. If she accidentally falls between the enemies, even if she can ride a dragon, she will inevitably be killed." Breaking the waves and riding the wind did not speak in a good manner, and then his tone changed: "It is safer to let Ye fall over, I believe he will It can be killed even if it falls on the opponent's crowd."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued, her tone full of regret: "Actually, I can too, but I don't have the teleportation skills, so I can't teleport it at all."

Fireworks Yibing did not respond, but began to think about it. After a while, she said: "The Slender Hand and Jian Er should be in the same team as Yi Nian Cheng Devil, Feixue, you can see if they are killed."

Fireworks is easy to be cold and smart. The two said that not only have the friends with Ye Luo more than 1,000, but also are assassins. After all, assassins are the most difficult to be killed in the team, because most of these people will go out to investigate and see that the team is not in the right situation. Will also use stealth skills to escape.

"Sister Fireworks, Slender Hand and Jian Er have not been killed once, which means that Uncle Ye Luo and Sister Shi can teleport over." June Feixue was full of expectation.

"Ye Luo, you can teleport it after your teleportation skill finishes the CD. Sister Shi and Sister Qin don't pass." Firework Yi said indifferently: "Ye Luo, please notify me after making sure there is no danger around, and I will also teleport. In the past, and at that time, Sister Shi should have been able to teleport back, and here is the command of him. If it doesn't work, we can still contact each other."

"What, do you send Sister Fireworks?!" Othello said in astonishment. She is also a smart person, and instantly understood why fireworks are easy to be cold. She became excited when she thought of the possibility.

Firework Yi is only an archer, and the group attack skills are extremely limited. Although she has the Frost Dragon, her role in team battles is not too great, and she insists on going over this time, naturally she wants to join Ye Luo to use combination skills.

That's right, because of the special communication device, Ye Luo and Firework Yi Leng can work together to display a combination of skills, and this skill is a god-level skill in a team battle, and one skill may kill one in a second.

"Hee hee, I understand. Sister Fireworks is going to send over and use Uncle Ye Luo to perform combo skills." June Feixue also woke up, she was very excited: "[Ice Fire* Wanjian Energy Sea (group)] Ah, this But the most powerful combination skills in the entire Heaven Tribulation game, especially the fireworks sister and Uncle Ye Luo together, especially after Uncle Ye Luo has acquired a few ancient artifacts, the power of this skill must be extremely impressive, flying to Japan The top of the team teamed up to use this skill, tusk, unless they use invincible means, they will be killed in seconds."

"I don't believe that the Japanese team can react and use invincible means. I don't believe that everyone in their team has invincible means. With a combination of skills, Ye Luo can at least kill hundreds of people, so Ye Luo's attack power will increase. Coming up, as long as you avoid the light of the holy world, then the next step is massacre." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, she was very excited: "Great, this idea is feasible, and it will surely cause the Japanese to suffer heavy losses."

"It deserves it, who would let them provoke our people." Zhiyue said angrily: "It's best to kill all of them, not leaving one!"

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