VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1151: : Retreat and fight

According to the plan, Ye Luo rushed into the enemy's formation. After using the invincible means, he used the [Ten Thousand Swords Return]. The effect of this skill was much better than he expected. Together with other group attack skills, his attack power Soon it increased by more than 150%, and the attack power was still increasing rapidly. It must reach 200% soon. At that time, I was afraid that he could kill many enemies with 2 or 3 skills in seconds, including all the knights with added quality points. .

Ye Luo is quite clever. He started to rush outwards after casting [Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong]. With his strong offensive power and multiple group attack skills, it is not difficult to rush to the edge of the Japanese team. Can escape.

Because they were worried that group attack skills would accidentally hurt their own people, few people used group attack skills, and Ye Luo's position was excellent, and his single skills could not lock him at all. The disadvantage of this large number of people was reflected.

As for the players in Japan who have flying mounts, because they are mostly on guard in front and on both sides, and Ye Luo deliberately avoided them, it will take some time for them to rush over after seeing the chaos.

Using [Bright Wings] to accelerate, Ye Luo flew again, and quickly rushed out of the crowd with his speed advantage, and then [Flash] to avoid a few players charging him, and then he moved towards the direction where the fireworks were easy to cold go with.

The fireworks and Yi Leng two women have been paying attention to Ye Luo's situation, and they have been moving closer to his direction, and when they saw him about to rush out, they summoned the frost dragon.

The next thing was simple. Ye Luo used the [Shattering Technique] after flying to get rid of the chaser easily, and then flew onto the frost dragon's back.

Without Ye Luo's request, the fireworks are easy to cold and control the dragon to fly away, so easily get rid of the pursuers.

Special equipment such as [Fire Cloud Ring] was borrowed from June Feixue. The Frost Dragon's flying speed is very fast. Even the fastest flying mount on the Japanese side can't catch up, let alone those who display flying skills to pursue. People out.

After getting rid of the chase of those people, Ye Luo summoned the dark sacred dragon, and then he looked at the people who rushed towards them, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "This is not a closed space, the speed of the dark sacred dragon. It is much faster than their flying speed. In this case, they are undoubtedly seeking a dead end when they chase us. I now have a chance to kill them in seconds."

That’s right, even if you don’t use the skills, Ye Luo’s current attack power is just a normal attack, and there is a chance to kill the opponent in seconds. The attack power is increased by 200%, plus he has a certain chance to trigger 7 times the critical strike. Kill all players except for the dual professions that use the ultimate move.

On the side, the firework Yi Leng did not speak, because she knew that Ye Luo's words were true, and her role could also be reflected at this time. The Ice Dragon Archer can slow down or freeze the target, so they don’t have to worry about being chased. on.

"Ye Luo, it's best to deal with these people within ten minutes, otherwise the increased attack power after the Light of the World will be expelled, and it will be difficult to kill them at that time. After all, there are some priests who follow them. "Sitting on the piano, reminded.

"Sister Qin, I understand." Ye Luo smiled, and then he looked at the people who were chasing him: "Here are dozens of people who can fly, and those who have flying mounts are here. I really can afford it. we."

"That's because you are famous. No, Ye Luo is famous. They know that you are great, so they are like a big enemy." The voice of Breaking Waves and Wind rang in the team channel: "Unfortunately I can't pass, otherwise it will Have a good time."

Whether it is a reminder to complete two trial missions or three victory through the [Conquest Order] challenge, Ye Luo's name has been widely known, and these also fully demonstrate his strength, and it is not surprising that many people know it.

"Hey, it seems that Uncle Ye Luo killed more than 200 people before. It is a preliminary revenge for them." June Feixue smiled, and then her tone changed, her tone was full of regret: "If I and Wednesday It’s good to go over. After you use the invincible skills, you can use the combo skills. Tsk tsk, that must be very cool."

"The "gold content" of the 200-odd people that Ye Luo and the others killed is not that high, because there are priests who can resurrect them. Although Ye Luo has gained points and red light stones, those Japanese players did not reduce the number of resurrections." Samadhi Shi said , And then his tone changed: "It would be great if they can be dragged down, so that some of them will reduce the number of resurrections. The most important thing is that their people will be very dangerous after their team is broken up, so their overall strength will be Has been weakened a lot."

That’s right, most players are now with their own country’s team. If they are killed and then randomly resurrected, they are very likely to be a team from another country. This is a very dangerous thing, unless they have Yeluo, break the waves and ride the wind as powerful as them Strength.

"It's a bit difficult to completely disperse them. After all, there are a lot of dual professional players among them. We rushed over and they would cooperate with players with flying mounts to resist us." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "If it was before, Ye Luo It’s good to say that the increased attack power of killing can last for 1 hour, so we can play with them slowly, but now there is the light of the world, don’t forget that some of their people may have skills like [Tracking Arrow]."

[Tracking Arrow] is a must-have skill, otherwise it can be used on the player, and it can also be used on the mount. If they shoot the mount, Ye Luo and the others will be forced to perform big moves, otherwise they will be very dangerous to be besieged.

There are thousands of Japanese players, and it's not surprising that some players have the necessary skills similar to [Tracking Arrow].

Knowing that the fireworks are easy to be cold, the words are true. Breaking the waves and riding the wind shook his head and said: "Forget it, you can kill as many people as you can. Anyway, it makes them uncomfortable.

In response, the firework was easy to cold and turned off the communication device, and then the longbow was raised. [Ice Spirit*Thousand Bladed Arrows] have been displayed, and the few people who chased the fastest were hit. Their flight speed slowed down, even Two or three people were frozen for 0.5 seconds.

The attack distance of the fireworks is easy to be cold, reaching more than 30 meters. I am afraid that there are not many people attacking the distance in the whole Tribulation game. With this advantage, she does not have to worry about being attacked at all, so there is no need to worry at all. Will be hit by a skill similar to [Tracking Arrow].

In addition, the Frost Dragon's flying speed is faster, faster than tracking those people, so there is no need to worry that someone will overtake them, they can safely attack.

The attack distance of sitting on the heart of the piano is also very long, the strings fluctuate, the sword chants with clank, and an energy arrow whizzes away, which also caused some trouble to those chasing after.

As for Ye Luo, he also rode the dark sacred dragon to attack. After he switched to the magic wand, because of the [Attack Extension] and the dragon bonus, the attack range was also more than 20 meters, but the attack range of the group attack skill was a little close, and it needed to be with the enemy The target can only be attacked after getting closer, while ordinary magic bomb attacks can be easily avoided.

After riding the dragon, Ye Luo has very high blood and defense power, and it is nothing to resist some attacks. In addition, sitting on the heart of the piano can help him get rid of negative states, and it can also add spell immunity to him. , He doesn't have to worry about being controlled, so he will occasionally rush into the enemy's formation, and then he will use some group attack skills.

Attack power increased by 200%, and Ye Luo added all his own attribute points to intelligence, his damage output is very high, often 2 or 3 group attack skills can kill the target, and even the priest behind Can't afford to increase blood.

Of course, Ye Luo is also quite smart. He focuses on remote occupations such as priests and magicians of the other party, not only because these occupations pose a great threat to them, but the most important thing is that these occupations are crispy occupations and are best killed.

Seeing the effect of spell immunity disappeared, Ye Luo retreated. At this time, he also killed a lot of people, and even emptied the toughness of some mounts and lost the mount.

Of course, the enemy also counterattacked. Although Ye Luo could resist with high defense and high energy and blood, the toughness of the dark sacred dragon declined very quickly, and it must not last long.

In addition to the decrease in toughness, someone on the opponent also used a skill similar to [Tracking Arrow] to the Dark Sacred Dragon, so that the following players have a chance to besiege, if he is surrounded, then they must use [Reincarnation Domain]. , Otherwise he has a chance to be killed.

Fortunately, Ye Luo used to deal with archers who were pursuing them, so there were not many archers left. Although there were many archers who could fly, they were still a little far away from them. Worrying about them coming, there are not many players who can perform [Tracking Arrow] skills on the Dark Sacred Dragon. Soon the Dark Sacred Dragon woke up, so he was not surrounded.

"Hey, the setting of the toughness of the mount is too troublesome, otherwise I can charge more unscrupulously." Ye Luo sighed: "Looking at the current situation, my dark dragon won't last for too long. The tenacity will be cleared, and my situation will be very dangerous at that time."

"Before your group attack skills also cleared the toughness of the opponent's two flying mounts, and the toughness of the other mounts is not much. It will probably not be long before they will lose their mounts," she said, sitting on Qin Xin. With a chuckle: "In addition, Fireworks and I also specifically attacked those people's mounts, which speeds up the speed at which they lose their mounts. Without the mounts, these people pose less threat to us."

Although players can easily avoid the attacks of energy arrows and swords, the mounts are huge and it is not easy to avoid them. Fireworks are easy to cold and know that their ordinary attacks are difficult to hit those elite players. The targets of ordinary attacks other than the group attack skills are those mounts. This effect is also very good. The toughness of those mounts is reduced a lot, which speeds up the time for those people to lose their mounts.

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