Not surprisingly, after Ye Luo and Firework Yi Leng jointly used their combined skills, they would defeat the Japanese army, and then a unilateral massacre. Because most of these Japanese players can't fly, the samādhi with flying ability is almost It is invincible, and her arrival can kill more people.

Knowing this too, the people like Po Lang Ride the Wind and June Feixue began to envy them, and they hated that they had no teleportation skills.

"Ye Luo, I will summon the Frost Dragon later, which can increase my attack power a lot, so that our combined skills will be more powerful." Firework Yi said coldly, and she started to summon the giant. Long.

The increased attack power of the Primordial God-level mounts is also considerable, and these attacks can also be converted into great damage with the combination of skill bonuses, which can even kill Japanese players in seconds.

The Frost Dragon and the Dark Sacred Dragon are huge in size, and Japanese players found them far away. However, at this time, the harmful effects of militarism were manifested. These people did not immediately escape. Some of the few have the ability to fly. The players flew up, and then rushed to Ye Luo and the others.

As they guessed that the fireworks are easy to cold, the Japanese army does not have many players who can fly. There are only ten or twenty players, and there are only two or three dual professions. These people simply cannot stop the fireworks and others.

The two-headed dragons were flying very fast, and they soon approached the large Japanese troops. They didn’t say much when sitting on the Qinxin, and flew away from the mount. Then they first performed [Sound Waves] and then [Wind Crane]. More than 10 flying players stunned.

This didn't stop there, sitting on the heart of the piano and using the [Qin Yinhua Eye] controlled a dual class that used big moves, so that there was not much power left to intercept Ye Luo and the others.

Fireworks and Ye Luo would not miss such a good opportunity, bypassing the remaining few people, and easily came to the sky above the center of the Japanese army. They did not say much, directly used invincible means, and then used [Ice Fire* Wanjian Energy Sea (Group)].

Soon, thousands of energy arrows containing ice and fire energy fell, covering a radius of 50 meters.

In the past, many players in the Japanese army were forced by Ye Luo to use invincible means, and many even used invincible means twice. This also means that many people have no invincible means, so they can only carry it hard. With.

The combined skill damage bonus of Ye Luo is the sum of their attack power multiplied by 200%. Their attack power was originally high, but now they are riding a dragon, their attack power is ridiculously high, so the combined skill damage It is also quite high, not to mention that the combination of skills hides a high probability of crit, and the number of damages exceeding 3 to 400,000 in a single period of time floats.

When the skill fell, Ye Luo's attack power instantly increased by 126%, which also meant that he killed 126 people with this skill.

It's not that the combined skills are less powerful, but that many people below have taken [Damage Reducing Dispersion], and some priests have cast immunity to the surrounding teammates, so this combination of skills instantly kills not many players.

However, this combo skill is different from the normal combo skill, and it also has continuous damage. The previously attacked player will suffer 5000 ice attribute and 5000 ignition attribute damage every second for 10 seconds, which is nearly 100,000 damage. Ye Luo's attack power continued to increase.

After combining the skills, Ye Luo was not welcome. The magic wand and the long sword were shot one after another, and the group attack skills were displayed one by one. The players who were left behind were instantly killed, and his attack power quickly reached 200%.

As predicted, the next is a massacre. Ye Luo, whose attack power has increased, can be called a killer. Only one or two group attack skills can kill opponents in seconds. After the group attack skills are displayed, it is a normal attack.

Although it is a normal attack, his attack has a wide range of splash effects. Any attack is a group attack skill, and the group attack skill has a chance to burst a critical strike, 8 times the damage, plus his attack power It is 300% of the original, even if the splash damage effect is only 50%, it can kill one shot in seconds.

After Ye Luo and Firework Yi Leng launched their attacks, Samadhi also teleported to this side. Looking at so many players with residual blood around, she was also welcome, with group attack skills such as [Fist Shaking the World] and [No Shadow Fist]. After the show, it also caused a lot of damage, and many Japanese players were controlled by her, which delayed their escape.

Samadhi is quite clever. She deals specifically with priests and magicians, so that her killing speed will be much faster, and without the priest, the healing output of Japanese players will be much worse, and it will be easier to kill them.

When Ye Luo and the others attacked, the fireworks were easy to be cold, and they were not idle when sitting on the piano heart. The former did not attack the players below. Her goal was the Japanese air power, especially the two players who performed their ultimate moves. Delaying them can buy Ye Luo and others a lot of time.

That's right, if two people who are using their ultimate move approach, with their blood, defense, and high recovery ability of blood and magic, it will take some time for Ye Luo to kill them. Some of these players are afraid that they are Japanese. A lot of players escaped.

As previously predicted, after seeing Ye Luo’s combination of skills and Ye Luo’s terror damage output, the Japanese players realized that something was wrong, and their commander immediately issued the order to disperse and escape, which would undoubtedly reduce losses as much as possible. In this case, Ye Luo just didn't have time to entangle the two dual-professional players, he frantically chased and killed those who wanted to escape.

Soon after more than 10 seconds, the invincibility status of Japanese players has long disappeared, and even players with two invincibility methods have all been displayed. At this time, Ye Luo can also kill more easily.

Seeing Ye Luo dealing with people in his own country like cutting vegetables, the two dual-professionals who used their utmost tactics were horrified. One of them entangled fireworks and became cold, and the other pounced on Ye Luo. He wanted to hold it as long as possible. Ye Luo, buy some time for their people.

"Sister Shi, you use your big moves to stop him, and don't let him interfere with Ye Luo." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. When she said this, she cast [Ice Spirit * Thousand Arrows] on the player who rushed towards Ye Luo. .

Knowing that Ye Luo is the main output, Samadhi did not hesitate, and immediately cast [Tai Chi Grand Master], and then she rushed towards the person, because the person was slowed down by the fireworks’ cold skills, so it’s not difficult for her to get entangled. he.

In fact, she can easily entangle the target even without the help of fireworks and Yi Leng's samādhi. After all, her equipment level is much better than that of the person, and her operation skills are better. The most important thing is that the Tai Chi master has a lot of control skills, so she even entangles even It was easy to kill that person.

No one interfered, Ye Luo could chase and kill those who fled [August One Chinese Network] unscrupulously, leaving pieces of corpses wherever she passed.

"Ye Luo, it took about 4 minutes for those air powers to get here one after another, so you have to kill as many people as possible during this period. After all, it will be a lot of trouble if you get entangled by them." Attacked another dual professional player side road.

"Understand." Ye Luo said lightly.

In 3 and 4 minutes, although the Japanese players were scattered, the speed of the Dark Sacred Dragon was so fast that Ye Luo could almost kill the target in seconds. Therefore, he killed a lot of people during this period. Roughly calculate his points and increase by nearly 2000 points. , Which also means that he killed nearly 700 people, which is almost half of all.

Because Japanese players are fleeing, it also means that the slain cannot be resurrected by the priest, and they will lose a chance to resurrect because of this. So many people lose a chance to resurrect, and the loss can be described as heavy.

As the fireworks Yi Leng said, after 4 minutes, the air power that blocked Ye Luo and the others successively came to support, and at this time, there were not many players left in the Japanese army.

Seeing Ye Luo chasing their people, and seeing that so many players on their side were killed, these people were furious, and their few dual professional players immediately performed their big moves, and then rushed to Ye Luo.

Ye Luo didn't pay attention to them. Riding on the dragon, he continued to chase and kill the escaped players. The Dark Sacred Dragon was fast, and he didn't worry about being overtaken in a short time. What's more, the people who came to support used their big moves. It is not wise to fight it hard at the time.

After another minute, Ye Luo killed another 2, 30 people. At this time, there was no one around, and he began to turn to deal with those air forces.

Because these people have been flying for a long time, they don't consume much mana, and many people even fall on the ground. Ye Luo wouldn't be polite with them. He rewarded them with group attack skills and easily killed them.

At this time, sitting on the piano's heart, the firework is easy to get cold, and the former gives Ye Luo the ability to cast spell immunity, so that he can rush to the enemy line unscrupulously, just like before.

Before, Japan’s air power was very strong, but Ye Luo and the others killed a few, and many people have already performed ulterior moves. Their air power was much weaker. Before, there was nothing but Ye Luo three people, let alone now. What's more, there is now another samādhi poem.

Samadhi is also a wise person. She rushed into the enemy's formation in an invincible state, and then used [Tai Chi * Bipolar Reversal], so many people were involved in an atmosphere by her.

Ye Luo would never miss such a good opportunity. The skills such as [Sweeping Reincarnation], [Energy Blade], and [Sky Thunder Rolling] were displayed, and high damage figures floated above their heads. No surprise, they were killed in seconds. The strength of those who came to support was greatly weakened, and it was no longer enough to compete with Ye Luo and the others.

The players of their own large forces were almost slaughtered, and the few remaining people also escaped. Now the air power has been greatly weakened. These people also realized that the losses will be more severe if they continue to fight. They looked at each other and then began to flee. .

"Hey, I ran away again, but this time you have to leave some talents." Samadhi smiled.

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