VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1183: : Terrorism

The damage output of [King Sword Slash] is very high, not much worse than [Ten Thousand Swords Returning] to some extent, but the coverage area is much smaller, but after Ye Luo used this skill, it still kills 2,30 in seconds. An Italian player, and his attack power has also increased.

Ye Luo’s attack power was originally very high, but now it has increased by about 20%, which is even more terrifying. At this time, he flies with both hands, various sword skills and magician skills are displayed, and the number of killings is also rapidly increasing. , The attack power is the same.

The air power of Italy’s team was originally weaker than that of China, and it lost a lot of air power under the attack of dozens of nearly hundreds of mammoths, so the air power is much worse than that of China. Attacking the enemy’s air power, Italy’s air power soon became scarce.

Regardless of the Italian air power, Chinese players can attack unscrupulously. With the absolute superiority of mounts, equipment, and numbers, the battle situation presents a one-sided trend, and this trend is even more so after the five people arrived.

That’s right, the squad headed by Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind is almost composed of the most elite players in China. Everyone is a super master. The level of equipment is still top-notch. The mount is the most powerful flying mount, although only 6 people, but the overall fear of injury they cause is higher than dozens or hundreds of players.

Think about it too, not to mention the damage output of Longtengtianxia and June Feixue, but for Ye Luo and Breaking Waves and Wind, the damage output of the two will become extremely terrifying after their attack power increases. Any one or two skills can kill in seconds. One piece, this damage output is not worse than hundreds of people.

"Hey, the battle has come to an end. Looking at it like this, we can't kill a few people at all." June Feixue couldn't help complaining. Of course, he didn't forget to attack when he said this. The powerful group attack skills continued. The large amount of damage in the film floats, and the damage is quite considerable.

"Originally, we could still be there when the battle was at its worst, but Brother Ye Luo speeded up the end of the battle alone." Yingyue raised a glass and said with a wry smile: "Look at the current damage figure of Brother Ye Luo. He also killed hundreds of people at the very least, which is close to the total number of enemy troops."

"Yes, Brother Ye Luo's damage output is too high." Long Teng Tianxia nodded.

The addition of the 6 people who break the waves and ride the wind is undoubtedly worse for the Italian players. Watching the Chinese side suddenly added 6 flying mounts and watching them join the flock, most Italian players were shocked, thinking of the previous system prompts. They know who these 6 people are and why they are so powerful.

Italy is also a big game country, and there are many masters in the country. They also tried to do the 280 level mission yesterday, and they were still the most powerful team to do it, but even the mobs can't beat them, so they also know How difficult this copy task is.

However, the 6 people including Po Lang Cheng Feng were able to complete this task. From this we can also see how strong they are. So after seeing them, the Italian commander immediately ordered a breakthrough and escaped as many as they could.

Coincidentally, at this time the light of the holy world appeared, and all players were shrouded. Not only were they driven out of the strange state, but each player was in an invincible state. This is undoubtedly an opportunity for the Italian players. They are invincible. The state rushes outward.

It seems that the fireworks are easy to be cold. She simply issued a few orders, and the follow-up troops rushed in from multiple directions. They easily surrounded these people, and these people took turns using group attack skills or spilling [Fluorescent powder] to prevent someone from escaping after hiding.

All aspects have an advantage, and the team is commanded by fireworks, easy cold, night rain, etc., the battle is not suspense at all, and the Italian players even have no chance to escape.

When the Italian players were shocked by the terrifying damage output of the six people including Po Lang Cheng Feng, Ye Yu Fei and others were also quite shocked. After seeing the six people, they realized that Ye Luo had already walked in front of them. Mounts and other aspects are better than them by one or two grades.

Ye Yu Fei Fei is also a smart person. Naturally, I know that this is the result of Ye Luo and the others completing multiple trials and dungeons, especially the rewards of 280 level dungeon missions. The fallen suit, [Yellow Spirit Claws] and Primordial God-level treasure chests are all Can greatly enhance the player's strength.

"Hehe, Sister Feng and Uncle Ye Luo, you are so amazing, you actually completed the 280 level dungeon mission, which many countries have not been able to complete." Saturday chuckled.

"Yes, we heard the system prompts earlier and rewarded so many good things. This time we can make a lot of money and our overall strength will be greatly improved." Smiling Feiyang attacked and said: "Don't say anything else, just Those dragon pet eggs that are rewarded can greatly strengthen our air power."

"That's right." Othello took the stubbornly, her pretty face was full of expectation: "A treasure chest of the Primordial God level, should I be able to open the Primordial God level equipment and props, is there anything I can use?"

Everyone is accustomed to saying ‘Is there something I can use in Othello’, and now they laughed at this sentence, but they were also very curious about what good things Ye Luo had obtained this time.

"Is there any powerful props like [Painting the Ground as a Prison]?" Zhiyue asked as he rode the golden eagle as fast as possible: "We already have a lot of [Conquest Orders]. ] Hehe, with luck, we will be able to eliminate tens of thousands of people."

Hearing this, everyone looked forward to it even more and asked again and again.

"The equipment of the Primordial God-level should be difficult to obtain, because these things appear too early now, at most some energy stones of good fortune." The voice of Samadhi sounded in the team channel, and then the tone changed: "Of course, if luck is good enough If you do, you can get some, but the probability is too low, especially for props like [Painting the Ground as a Prison], the probability of producing this kind of thing is less than one in ten thousand."

"That's true. Our 6 Primordial God-level treasure chests have produced 3 natural energy stones, 1 profound ice crystal soul, 1 ancient god-level amulet and 1 god-level skill book. There is no Primordial God-level equipment." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, her tone was full of smiles: "But it is also very good to give us 4 more powerful dual professions in China, and that 1 skill book is also very powerful, presumably Qin Xin has already learned."

That's right, after getting the skill book, she sat on Qinxin and learned it, and then propped up the magical shield. Next, she hardly has to worry about being attacked. While attacking, she will add blood to the Chinese players. There is a great battlefield. the trend of.

"Yes, it's good. After learning the skill book that Ye Luo gave me, I was equivalent to two or three times more vitality. In fact, the effect is even better, because both the supplement of vitality and mana can increase my Qi and blood, there is no need to worry about being killed in a short time." Sitting on Qin's heart, his tone was full of joy, not knowing whether it was because of the powerful skills or because the skill book was a gift from Ye Luo.

While talking about this, I sat on Qin Xin and posted the [Magic Guardian Shield] skill book to the chat channel. More or less some little girls showed off the appearance of being gifted to her by my dear.

There are many smart people in the team. After seeing the introduction of [Magic Guardian Shield], they realized the power of this skill, which also attracted the envy of all priests.

"Sister Feng, you said you got 3 energy stones and 1 mysterious ice crystal soul?!" Othello was excited: "The mysterious ice crystal soul knows the same thing as the lava crystal soul by hearing it, which can advance the ice class. What about the 3 energy stones of good fortune, did you get Ye Luo? Are there any knights or earth-based classes available?"

"Unfortunately, these good fortune energy stones were obtained by the three of us. Ye Luo obtained the skill book, the beauty of Flying Snow obtained the mysterious ice crystal soul, and the beauty of Fengfeng..." Seeing the pretty face of Polangchengfeng Full of murderous aura, invited Yue to toast very wisely and did not choose to say it, and then the tone changed: "This time we have taken some advantage. If there is a land-based energy stone, we can consider selling it to you, but it just happens to not. and so……"

"Uh, you got the three natural energy stones, and there is no ground connection yet?!" Othello was stunned, and then she looked at Po Lang Chengfeng: "Sister Feng, your luck is too bad, right."

"We don't want to, who makes us feel bad." Po Lang Chengfeng said in a bad mood.

"Sister Feng, don't us, it's you. The treasure chest of the Primordial God-level actually only comes out of an ancient god-level equipment. This luck, tusk..." June Feixue said, she ignored the waves and rides the wind to kill people. His eyes continued: "What I got is the profound ice crystal soul, which is comparable to the energy stone, or equal in value. As for Uncle Ye Luo, his luck is also quite good, although the [Magic Guardian Shield] is only a **** Level skills, but for Sister Qin, the value is extraordinary, even higher than the value of the energy stone. After all, the priest's biggest role on the battlefield is to increase blood, and to protect himself from being killed can he increase blood."

"Yes, I like this skill." Sitting on Qin Xin responded, there was a faint smell of joy in a little woman.

Seeing that the waves and the wind are going violently, Ye Luo hurriedly changed the subject: "Well, the 10-second invincibility time has passed. Let's hurry up. We have other things to do after solving these people."

Hearing that, everyone hurriedly acted, and those Italian players quickly reduced under the advantage of several times the enemy.

"Uncle Ye Luo, what are you going to do next?" asked Saturday, her tone full of expectation: "Why don't you continue to do the 280 level dungeon mission? This is also pretty good, although there is no first reward. The kills must be generous, but they are also very good. Maybe they will reward some Primordial God-level treasure chests."

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