VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1186: : Continuous employment

In order not to be humiliated by the waves and the wind and others, the two people in Tokyo are not too hot and decided to leave the field directly, and they did the same. They chose to leave the first time the battle started, and Ye Luo and the others won The victory of this challenge.

Victory without a fight, this made Polangchengfeng and others stunned. According to their knowledge, Japanese people are mostly stubborn people who are poisoned by imperialism and Bushido. How can they ever think that they will escape without a fight? What's more, the one who escaped was the third-ranked master and the first priest in Japan.

"Um, it is estimated that they know they are not our opponents, and there is no point in wasting time, so just give in." Xiaofeng Canyue said, and then he sighed: "This is the first time I participated in the challenge. It's not bad to win the battle. The only pity is that you can't compete with Japan's third master."

Looking at Xiaofeng’s and Wanyue’s expression of regret, invites Yue to toast and said: “You don’t have to regret it. There will be opportunities in the future. After all, we and Japan will never stop dying in the future. It’s normal to meet Japanese Hall of Fame masters. Itchy, you can challenge Ye Luo brother and Long Teng brother in the future, of course, you can also challenge the beauty of the wind, they are all masters, I think they will not refuse your challenge."

"Can you?!" Xiaofeng Canyue was surprised, and he looked at Long Teng Tianxia and the other three people expectantly.

Although Xiaofeng Canyue has not formally fought against Ye Luo and others, but he has discussed with Changhe Sunset and Midnight Books, and it is quite a lot. From the two people in the air, he also knows the admiration and respect of Ye Luo. , I also know that it is infinitely beneficial to him to compete with super masters, but he has never had the opportunity, nor did he speak abruptly. Now that he has the opportunity, he is pleasantly surprised.

Think about it, although Xiaofeng Wanyue is quite arrogant, but he also knows that he has a certain gap with experts such as Longteng Tianxia. It is obvious that even Changhe Sunset and others can't win stably. He naturally wants to see Ye Luo and others. Strength.

"Of course, I can do it any time I have the opportunity in the future." Po Lang Chengfeng readily agreed, but she was eager to have a master to challenge him, especially young people with potential like Changhe Sunset and Xiaofeng Canyue.

Hearing Polang Chengfeng's promise, Xiaofeng Canyue was even more pleasantly surprised. Then he looked at Longteng Tianxia and Ye Luo. After all, in his mind, the operation of the two is the existence of the highest peak, and it is more beneficial to him to learn from it. .

"Yeah, yes." Ye Luo and Long Teng Tianxia nodded together, and Xiaofeng Canyue was ecstatic with their words.

"Great." Xiaofeng Canyue said, and then changed his tone: "But I also know myself. I have some gaps with the two elder brothers. I won't bother them too much in the future. I will give Brother Luo and Shu Brothers learn from each other and challenge the two eldest brothers after they have gained some experience."

Seeing Xiaofeng's waning moon sun, this knowledge advances and retreats and is so polite, Long Teng Tianxia and others praised it, and Lian Dao Nangong Yunlong cultivated a potential master.

"Hey, don't talk about this, let's take a look at our harvest this time." June Feixue interrupted everyone, and then she underestimated: "Although we use 6 [Conquest Order] to get to Tokyo The two people were killed 12 times each, and both of them died 24 times. But on average, we only got 4 heads and 12 points. This is too little, far inferior to me and Ye Luo. The six people, including the uncle and the archer of the sun never set, challenged generously."

"Of course, after all, it is 2 vs. 6, this is 6 vs. 2, and the average score will naturally be much less." Inviting Yue to toast, and then his tone changed: "Fortunately, Tokyo is not too hot for both of them. The flying mounts are all of the ancient god-level. We make a lot of money with these two flying mounts alone, not to mention that they also have some special equipment, and even one or two of them are god-level."

That’s right, Tokyo’s not too hot two mounts are ancient god-level flying mounts. The two flying mounts alone make Ye Luo and the others make a lot of money, not to mention that they have some special equipment and [Orange Spirit Pill] to leave. The pill that will disappear from the playing field.

【Orange Ling Pill】This kind of medicine must be instantly filled with blood and magic. This kind of medicine is very powerful, so there will be some restrictions. For example, it will disappear when you leave the competition field.

"That's true, these results are not bad." June Feixue nodded, and then she found something, she was pleasantly surprised: "Hehe, our luck is good, Tokyo's not too hot fire dragon is also It’s nothing, just an ordinary dragon. But this blue luan in full bloom is very interesting. It has a powerful healing output skill and a halo skill, which increases the magic recovery speed of all friendly units within a radius of 50 meters. The important thing is to allow the priest to attack or perform healing skills while riding this mount. This is obviously a priest's exclusive mount, and it can be given to Sister Qin."

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of Polang Riding Wind lit up, and she looked at everyone: "Everyone knows that this Qingluan is an exclusive mount for priests, and Qin Xin has just obtained the [Magic Guardian Shield]. The magic recovery speed is very good for her. Important, this Qingluan will be given to us, and you will discuss the fire dragon, how about it?"

They dispatched 3 people to break the waves and ride the wind, and they can also be divided into one mount according to the average head score, not to mention that sitting on the piano heart can play the role of this blue luan, so Longteng Tianxia and others did not hesitate agreed.

"Hey, this Qingluan will be given to us. The three of you can discuss how to obtain the fire dragon, don't fight." After obtaining Qingluan, I was in a good mood to break the waves and ride the wind, and I gave it to Longteng Tianxia and others. Just kidding.

"Don't worry, we are very good allies, and this game requires the concerted efforts of all of us, so it doesn't matter much for the fire dragon to anyone." Long Teng said, he looked at Yin Yue to toast, Xiao Feng Wan Yue: "I I remember that Brother Jiannanchun and Brother Nangong Longcheng are both fire-type dual professions. This fire-type dragon will be given to you. They can better exert the effect of this fire dragon. As for whoever wants it, you can discuss it yourself."

It’s not that Long Teng is generous in the world, but the most powerful fire class of the Long Family is him, and he already has a fire dragon, and the remaining fire classes are mostly ordinary hidden classes, so naturally they can’t play the fire dragon perfectly. The effect, at least, is not as good as Jian Nanchun and Nangong Dragon City, which are only dual-professionals, so it would be better to simply give them to them.

"This, let the boss decide, after all, I am a newcomer to the Nangong family." Xiaofeng Canyue said in a chattering way.

"Yes, let the bosses of both of us decide for themselves. We don't care about this troublesome thing." Yaoyue toasted and laughed.

As I was talking, a series of system [biquge520www.biquge520.xyz] all prompted the sound:


System Tips (Extreme Challenge): Congratulations to Jian Nanchun for using the fire-type natural energy stone and completing the trial task, and successfully found the fire knight-the fire dragon knight. However, since he is already a hidden professional flame magician, his career advancement is-Fire Dragon Magician, and his growth qualifications have been greatly improved. The system will reward him with a skill book of his own department. The lucky value is 1 point and the reputation is 1000 points. He is a dual profession who works in the extreme challenge field, so the system specially rewards him with a 200-level ancient god-level fire dragon for encouragement.


System reminder (Extreme Challenge): Congratulations to Nangong Dragon City for using the fire-type energy stone and completing the trial task, and successfully inaugurated the fire-type knight-the fire dragon knight. However, since he is already a hidden professional fierce warfare, his career advancement is-Fire Fighting Dragon Cavalry, and his growth aptitude has been greatly improved. The system will reward him with a skill book of his own department, with a lucky value of 1 point and a reputation value of 1000 points. Because he is a dual profession who works in the extreme challenge field, the system specially rewards him with a 200-level ancient god-level fire dragon for encouragement.


System Tips (Extreme Challenge): Congratulations on using Xuanbing Crystal Soul and completing the trial task on Tuesday. The ice magician has advanced to the Xuanbing magician, and his growth qualifications have been greatly improved. The system will reward him with a skill book of his own department. Lucky It is worth 1 point and 1000 points of prestige. In addition, because she is an advanced career in the extreme challenge field, the system specially rewards her with a 200-level ancient god-level ice phoenix for encouragement.


System reminder (extreme challenge): Congratulations to Longteng Sihai for using the ice-based energy stone and completing the trial task, and successfully found the ice knight-the ice dragon knight. However, since he is already a hidden professional ice magician, his career advancement is-ice dragon magician, and his growth qualifications have been greatly improved. The system will reward him with a skill book of his own department, with a lucky value of 1 point and a reputation of 1000 points. In addition, because he is a dual professional who works in the extreme challenge field, the system specially rewards him with a 200-level ancient god-level ice dragon for encouragement.

Four consecutive system prompts sounded through the entire extreme challenge competition venue, causing an uproar.

Think about it too. Four consecutive Chinese players have taken jobs in dual careers or dual careers comparable to dual careers, and they have also obtained four ancient god-level flying mounts. This will greatly increase China's overall strength, which is enough for other countries' Shocked.

After hearing these system prompts, Long Teng Tianxia and others were pleasantly surprised, and invited Yue to toast with a smile: "The guy Jian Nanchun finally took a dual career, and he was lucky enough to get a fire dragon, and the other three were also successfully employed. Dual professions may make the profession advanced, and they have all obtained flying mounts. The four-headed ancient god-level flying mounts have greatly improved our air power in China. In addition, the fire dragon and blue luan we have just obtained are in the air power. No country can compete with us anymore."

"Tuesday's profession really advanced to become a mysterious ice magician, her strength should become much stronger." Breaking the waves ride the wind, and then changed his tone: "Although the mount is also rewarded, it seems to be compared with Xiaoshu's I checked a lot."

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