VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1231: : The arrival of the elite

Although Tokyo Myth and his friends will have certain attribute bonuses in the condensed energy cage of [Painting the Land as a Prison], it does not mean that their strength is against the sky. If it really traps tens of thousands of people, I am afraid They are not opponents, especially after this team of 3,4000 people has been slaughtered, so the kind of samādhi poem said if it hardly exists.

"It's not that there is no chance, because Japan can also join hands with other countries." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned and almost forgot about this. If Japan joins forces with players from several countries and gathers tens of thousands of people and then uses [Painting the Ground as a Prison], it is really possible that the so-called ‘if’ in the Samadhi poem will appear.

"Hey, Tokyo Shinhwa led an elite team to sneak attacks on teams in many countries. This action has offended many countries. I am afraid that few countries are willing to join forces with them." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently.

"There are no eternal enemies but eternal interests." Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "If we see China in the future, we have a great hope to win the first place. I don't think other countries will just watch this happen. They must Will choose to target us, and it is not impossible to join forces with Japan, South Korea and other countries to deal with us."

"Uh, it seems that it is really possible." June Feixue said: "Yesterday you also saw that Britain and France and other countries have formed alliances. As time goes by, the security area is getting smaller and smaller, and players from these countries can gather together. It is not impossible to gather tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of people. Even if we face these coalition forces, the pressure will be great."

Hearing that, everyone was silent and knew that if this were the case, their pressure would indeed be much greater.

"That's why the fireworks will deliberately keep the dark night and the elite team led by Tokyo Mythology. Now that they have tasted the sweetness, they will naturally not stop so easily." Samadhi said, she laughed: "No surprise they picked up. The actions that come down will become more and more radical, and more and more people will be killed in other countries, so our pressure will be less and less."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course, the number of murders in the dark night will soon surpass Ye Luo, and South Korea's total points will surpass our China. Not surprisingly, they will replace us as the target of the public, so our pressure will It’s smaller, so there’s nothing to worry about right now."

"Yes." Fireworks said coldly, her voice as calm as always: "What we have to do now is to preserve our strength and join another team as soon as possible, so that our ability to deal with accidents will be stronger."

"Hey, our two teams will continue to move forward next to the edge of the safe area. The chance of encountering enemies will be the smallest. It will probably not take long before they will be able to merge with Dongfang Tiantian and their team." Polang Chengfeng Road, she Qiao's face is full of smiles: "I heard that Uncle Fengxing said that Dongfang Tiantian and their team are also very strong. We are united strongly, and there is no big problem with two or three times against our enemies."

This time against the Japanese team, Po Lang Cheng can see the strength of Chinese players. Although part of the reason is because of the number of players, it also sees that the quality of individual Chinese players is higher than that of the opponent. If you really fight, you will be twice as good. The enemy can also deal with it.

It takes several times the strength of the enemy to be able to wipe out a team. That is to say, 4 to 5000 players in China are equivalent to tens of thousands of players in Japan. After all, destroying a team is much harder than destroying it.

"Hey, yes, we are very strong now." Othello laughed strangely: "What's more, the coalition forces of Britain and France and other countries broke out in fierce conflict yesterday and suffered heavy losses. It is not that simple for them to gather again. Maybe a large number of players will be eliminated during this period, after all, the teams of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are still in action."

That’s right. Yesterday, the United Kingdom, France and other nations suffered countless deaths and injuries. So many players landed randomly in a safe area. After so long, many people must have formed small-scale teams. These teams are the elite teams led by Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. The best hands-on goal, so that countries will suffer even more losses.

Hearing that everyone no longer worried about this issue, they are ready to continue to act according to the plan after all the Japanese players are resurrected.

While chatting casually, Jing Ke's Qin's voice sounded on the Chinese team channel: "Everyone, Tokyo Mythology led dozens of flying cavalry to where you are. It is estimated that they will be there in 5 minutes."

When working on the Japanese team, in order to prevent other large teams from taking advantage of the chaos, Wuming sent many assassins to warn the surroundings, such as Jing Ke assassinating Qin, such as Ye Ban San Geng and others, and their existence is also very useful.

"Tsk tsk, Tokyo Mythology actually brought people here. It's really a life and death." Bacchus Dukang smiled: "Isn't it just dozens of flying cavalry, even if the beautiful women are not in the wind, we can easily defeat them."

"Yes, we are not a small team in an ordinary country." Nangong Yunlong took the stubbornly.

"Since they are here to die, let's kill them all." Ouyang Feiri said, he couldn't wait.

"No, keep them." The cold fireworks sounded in the team channel, and her voice was as cold as ever: "Keeping them is more useful than killing them, let them continue to weaken the strength of other countries."

Fireworks Yicold has a high reputation among the Chinese players. Even she is the commander-in-chief of the Chinese team. Even the **** of wine Dukang, Fengxing and others listen to her on many things, and she makes many big decisions. Since she said so, then things are decided like this.

"Yes, they are not a threat to us anyway, let them weaken the strength of other countries for us." Bacchus Dukang echoed, and Wuming and Nangong Yunlong also expressed their opinions one after another. No one opposed the fact that fireworks are easy to be cold. Decided.

The fireworks were easy to be cold, and the Bacchus Dukang and others also expressed their opinions. Then the matter was decided. Then the Bacchus Dukang and the others commanded everyone to gather, break the waves and ride the wind and wait for the flying cavalry to rise into the air to prevent Tokyo Mythology and others from sneaking.

"Sister Fireworks, what if Tokyo Mythology they take the initiative to attack us?" asked June Feixue, her beautiful eyes gleaming with ray of light: "They take the initiative to take the initiative, then we can't be blamed. They can't let them bully and not fight back."

"Don't worry, Tokyo Mythology is not a fool. When the enemy and our strength are very different, they dare not attack us." Samadhi said with confidence: "Unless they don't want to win the first place, they want to be ahead of schedule. eliminated."

"That's right, our overall strength is ten times that of them. How dare they attack us." Po Lang Cheng Feng said, and then the conversation turned, his tone was full of domineering: "Before they bullied us because of the number of people. Today we are bullying and bullying them because of the large number of people. Although we can't kill them all, let's scare them and frighten them."

When I say this, it is easy to be cold when breaking the waves and riding the wind to see the fireworks.

"This is natural." Firework Yi nodded coldly.

"Haha, I'm happy when I think about it. It must be very interesting that the top Japanese master is scared away by us." Yueyue raised a glass and laughed: "Wait, we will shoot the video of Tokyo Mythology escape from all angles, and then put it on. On the Internet, that will definitely arouse a lot of people's onlookers."

"This is too horrible and interesting." Bacchus Du Kang said, and then his tone changed, he couldn't help laughing: "But I like it, who makes this guy a bit arrogant? In this case, he dare to come over. "

"Haha..." The crowd couldn't help laughing.

Not to mention that Dukang, the **** of wine, and the others are chatting while waiting for the arrival of Tokyo Shinhwa and others, and it is said that Tokyo Shinhwa leads an elite team to the place where their large forces are located at the fastest speed.

I originally thought that with the mobility of my elite squad, it would be able to get there before all of their large units were slaughtered, and even if it was a little later, they could take the opportunity to launch a sneak attack on the chaotic Chinese team, but I didn’t want them to be far away from their destination. At a long distance, they learned that their large forces had been annihilated, which made their eyes distraught.

As they said, the killing of this 3,000-person team has a great impact on Japan’s overall strength. It will be much more difficult for them to gather together again. More players will be killed in the future. It will be more difficult for them to get the first place.

"Boss, our army is wiped out. According to our reports, China is very strong, but there are hundreds of air power. Famous Chinese players such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Dragon Teng Tianxia, ​​Bacchus Dukang, etc. are there, even now we are in the past. It's useless." A player of the elite team said solemnly: "The flying mounts of the waves and wind, Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others fly faster than ours. If they rush in, they will chase us, so we people. ..."

Although this person did not continue to speak, everyone already understood what he was going to say.

Think about it, the elite team of Tokyo Shinhwa only has dozens of people, but they have 2,300 people, and the ranks of their flying mounts are better than theirs. If you just pass it rashly Will be hunted down, and they don't even have a chance to escape.

Hearing this, the Tokyo mythology looked condensed, but what he thought of, he said: "No, they shouldn't take action against us. Although we can’t help them in the past, it’s not meaningless. For example, we can confirm China. What is the player’s air power, such as determining what killer they have."

"Why don't they shoot us?" Another person in the elite team was puzzled.

"Because they still need us to weaken the strength of other countries, it is more useful to keep us than to kill us before. They naturally know how to choose with the skill of fireworks and coldness." Tokyo Mythology said, and then his tone changed: "Of course. If there is a chance, we can also make a sneak attack and kill some of them."

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