VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1237: : Mission fever

Tokyo Mythology is also a smart man. He is very good at strategy and tactics like Samadhi and fireworks are easy to cold. In addition, his large team in South Korea in the dark, mobilized thousands of people and an elite team, and successfully defeated the South Korean team. It is not difficult to kill most of them then.

The fact is also true. Tokyo Mythology’s plan went well. Korean players were killed except for the hundreds who were lucky enough to break through. The hundreds who fled were also chased and killed by the elite team. Little, and eventually had to fall apart, it can be described as heavy casualties.

Again, the team being defeated is not the most serious thing. The most serious thing is that the players resurrect and land randomly in the safe area of ​​the playing field. If they are placed, they are likely to be killed again, especially in the current situation. in the case of.

As the game progresses to the present, most players from various countries have found large teams. At this time, individual players and small teams scattered in the game are very dangerous.

After this war, the number of murders in Tokyo Mythology has increased by thousands, surpassing Ye Luo and Dark Night ranking first, and Japan's total points have also increased greatly. Although it has not reached the first place, it is now third. , The distance to the second is only a few thousand points.

It's just a few thousand points, which is nothing to Japan. After all, after this war, they have obtained thousands of red awning stones, and using these red awning stones to open the dungeon reward points can surpass South Korea.

"Hey, boss, this time the plan is perfect. There are 3 to 4,000 players in South Korea. We can actually kill 90% of them." Heilongtian cut and said, and he was depressed by the four Ye Luo defeated before. Sweeping empty: "Boss, your number of killings now ranks first, and our total points have reached the third. This is a very good result."

"The most important thing is that it has greatly weakened South Korea's overall strength, and their threat to us is much smaller." Susano God took over: "If we can deal with China, our chances of winning the first place will be even greater. "

The corner of the mouth evokes an arc, Tokyo Mythology said: "Don't worry, we will have a chance to yin China sooner or later. I don't believe that they will not conflict with teams from other countries. We have left eyeliners around the team and wait for them to compete with other countries. When the team fought fiercely, we took the opportunity to sneak attack, and we must have caused them heavy losses."

"Hey, that's right." Heilongtian Slasher laughed, and then thought of something, he looked at Tokyo Mythology: "Boss, what are we going to do next?"

"Continue to send out spies to find that kind of medium and large team, and then wait for the opportunity to take action against them." Tokyo Mythology issued an order and saw the God of Susas start to act, he continued: "As for us, we will wait for the reply, so the attack will be more effective. Plan, the efficiency will be higher."

"Aren't we just waiting like this?" Hei Longtian cut his brows and frowned deeply: "Although the efficiency of killing the players and small teams is a little worse, no matter how small the mosquitoes are, they are meat. The points have improved a lot."

"In order to deal with China, we need to rely on other countries to improve our own strength, and the latter point is particularly important." Tokyo Mythology said, seeing Heilong Tianzhan and others nodding, he continued: "The best way to improve strength is to do Trial missions, dungeon missions to get rewards, such as depraved suits, such as some high-level flying mounts, especially flying mounts or special equipment, the more the better, the previous wave breaking the wind and the others are relying on the air power to far exceed ours. Easily slaughter our large forces."

"Trial quests are unavoidable, so you can only do dungeon quests, but the rewards for 260-level dungeon quests are too bad, and there are only fallen suits..." At this point, the **** of Susao has bright eyes. When he got up, he was faintly excited: "Boss, you want to do a 280 level dungeon mission, can we do it?"

"It didn't work before, but now we have encountered another big team. There are a lot of elite masters leading this team. We selected the most powerful 3 people. And we also studied the 280 level dungeon mission, and there is absolutely no problem in completing it. "Tokyo Mythology is confident and authentic.

That’s right, Tokyo Mythology, Heilong Tianzhan, and Susa’s God are masters from the team that was defeated by the waves and wind riders. There are other teams in Japan. Those teams also have super masters, with 6 people, and Already familiar with the 280 level dungeon, and even thought out the tactics to deal with it, it is not impossible for Tokyo Mythology to complete this dungeon task.

Thinking of this, thinking that after completing the 280 level dungeon mission, it is possible to obtain the Primordial God-level treasure chest and the [Conquest Order], and at the worst, you can also obtain some degenerate suits, and the Black Dragon Sky Slash and others are excited.

Then they didn't waste time, choosing suitable masters according to the needs of the copy, and then 6 people started to do the task.

Not to mention that Tokyo Mythology once again tried the 280 level dungeon mission, and said that the dark night was furious after learning that his large forces had been attacked.

I originally thought that the large army would be safe at the edge of the safe area, but I did not expect to encounter a large-scale Japanese team and an elite team, and almost annihilated the entire army. It can be described as a heavy loss. This made the night extremely angry and remembered it in his heart. After this hatred, I am ready to attack the Japanese team if I have the opportunity.

Of course, with Dark Night’s resourcefulness, he also analyzed that a large Japanese team had been attacked before. He knew that the Japanese team that attacked them was the only large team in Japan. He let their assassins stare at this team and had a chance. Shot again.

Although the large team was defeated, only some players escaped, but there were some assassins scattered around, and it was no problem for them to monitor the Japanese team.

Taking a deep breath, the dark night was ready to continue the next action, but a system prompt rang, indicating that the American player had completed the 280 level dungeon mission. This news made him a little bit scared, and his face became serious. .

As the game progresses, most players from various countries have found a large force. Elite masters gather to form a strong team of 6 people. It is not difficult to form a strong team of six. Coupled with a few days of research on the Raiders, they can complete the 280 level. The dungeon task is not impossible. After the two teams in China, the American team also completed the task.

Although the reward for completing the 280 level dungeon mission 5 times is much lower than the previous few times, and there is not even a [Conquest Order], there are rewards such as ancient god-level treasure chests and fallen suits, which can greatly increase players. Overall strength.

As they said in Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, although it is difficult to obtain the Primordial God-level treasure chests after completing the 280 level dungeon mission, the ancient god-level treasure chests are also needed by all players. After all, no one can gather a complete set of ancient gods. God-level equipment, but the ancient god-level treasure chest has a certain chance to open this level of equipment.

Still the same sentence, even Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng, players who are in the forefront of equipment levels have several god-level equipment, not to mention others.

In addition to the ancient god-level treasure chest, the three-piece set of jewelry artifacts, the fallen suit, is also needed by most players. This suit can greatly improve the player's overall attributes, especially the damage output. After all, jewelry equipment is attack equipment.

It is also knowing that these things can greatly enhance the player's strength, so the dark night's expression will be so solemn after hearing that an elite team in the United States has completed the 280 level dungeon mission.

Although during this period of time they killed a lot of people and added a lot of points with the action of the elite squad, their overall strength has not improved much. After all, they have done almost no difficult dungeon missions or trial missions. The troops do.

Because most of the tasks done by the large units are dungeon tasks of level 260 or lower, and this level of dungeon tasks will not reward too good equipment, so the overall strength of their large units has not improved much.

If things go on like this, the overall strength of other countries will far surpass them. This situation is extremely unfavorable for them, and it is precisely because of the look of these dark nights that they are so solemn.

And the following three consecutive voices made his face heavier. These three system prompts were that the 6-man team from Russia, Germany, and France had completed the 280 level dungeon mission and received several rewards.

"No, if we continue to be unable to improve our strength, we will be surpassed by people from other countries, so our elite team will have a much lower killing efficiency, and there will be no chance of winning against elites from various countries in the future. I want to persist until the end. Impossible." Dark Ye said in a deep voice.

"Boss, what are we going to do?" Razor said solemnly: "Should we also do 280 level dungeon missions? Now we have gathered a lot of masters, and the equipment level is much better than the previous two days, since there are other things. The country’s team can complete this dungeon task, so we can definitely complete it."

"Yes, Huo Wu is also in our team. We formed a team of 6 people. This time we can definitely complete the task." Gale Sweeping the Fallen Leaf said, "Although many people have completed the task many times and cannot obtain the Primordial God-level treasure chest, But the treasure chests of the ancient gods are also very good, and the ancient artifacts can also greatly enhance our strength."

Hearing this, everyone else nodded and thought it was so feasible.

Nodded, dark night said: "Then we will temporarily give up killing other countries' teams, and do the 280 level dungeon mission first. I hope to complete the mission this time, and hope that after completing the mission this time, we can get something we can upgrade our equipment. Equipment, so that the overall strength of our elite team will be stronger and will be more efficient in future actions."

Next, Dark Ye selected 6 super masters according to the previous analysis, and then started the 280 level copy mission.

Not only Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology began to do 280 level dungeon missions, people from other countries also realized the importance of doing such missions, and organized elites to start missions.

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