VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 128: : Resurrection Prophecy

[Queen's Authority] The attributes are very good, and she can be equipped immediately on Wednesday. Her attributes have improved a lot. As she said, she has become the first-class DPS output in the team. Looking at the staff in Wednesday's hand, Ye Luo inevitably felt a little envious, and then glanced at the explosion of the Queen of Charm, and did not find the light ball reflecting the long sword, he couldn't help being disappointed.

I also saw Ye Luo's look. Monday was so funny, and I couldn't avoid joking again. It was undoubtedly to let Wednesday converge. Don't stimulate Ye Luo Yunyun, which made him laugh wryly.

"Xiao Ba, I see a dagger underneath, hurry up and take a look." Jian Si couldn't help urging, and Jian Yi and others all had similar looks.

Hearing that, there was a smile on Monday, and then picked up the dagger, everyone also saw its attributes:

[Queen's thorn] (dagger-silver)

Physical attack: 160-180

Agility: +60

Constitution: +55

Additional features: 10% increase in attack speed and 10% hit rate.

Incidental skills: [Queen's Spike]

Attack interval: 1.6 seconds

Long-lasting equipment: 200/200

Need level: 40

[Queen's Spike]: After being cast, it can form an energy dagger with sonic energy, causing 160% damage to a single hostile target, and stunned for 3 seconds, the skill consumes 200 magic points, and the skill display interval is 5 minutes.

In the Celestial Tribulation game, the dagger has the lowest attack power among various weapons, but the attack speed is the fastest. This increase in attack speed will undoubtedly expand the advantage, not to mention the original assassin is known for attack speed, so everyone sees this handle The dagger knew at first glance that it was a top grade.

"Additional control skills, and also increase the hit rate, a very good dagger." Fireworks said coldly, and then looked at Jianyi and the others: "The four of you can discuss the distribution of this dagger."

As the firework Yi Leng said, this dagger is very good. Sword One and four people need it. They are not polite. The old rules are ROLL points. As a result, Sword One’s luck is the worst, and it rolls 1 point. According to their peculiar ROLL points Rule, this dagger belongs to him, which makes him very proud. Scholars will invite Jianyi and them to dinner as well on Wednesday.

After acquiring another silver-level weapon, Ye Luo smiled even more bitterly. He looked at Jian Wu and others, and they all had similar looks. Jian Liu couldn't help complaining: "This Heavenly Tribulation game is too targeted at us. Come on, the staff, gloves, and axes have all exploded, so why don't they explode the long sword."

"Um, it seems that there are no good bows and arrows." Jian eleven added.

"This is a question of probability, and your character seems to be something wrong." The firework is easy to be cold, and it is rare to joke, but the tone is not emotional, and then ignores the stunned Ye Luo and others. She looks at Monday: "Little eight, continue."

When picking up the next equipment on August, Jianshi whispered: "How do I feel like a bottle? Is it because I am blinded? It seems that there is no such type of equipment among our various equipment."

"It's not your dizziness, it's really a bottle, and why is the type of this bottle a bit like the Yujing bottle in Guanyin's hands?" Jianwu took the conversation, and then thought of something, his eyes lit up: "Could this be a special prop, Xiao Eight, hurry up and see what this is. This is the first time we have seen such a thing."

Hearing this, everyone awakened and urged on August to investigate the properties of the bottle:

[Jade Jing Bottle] (Special props * Universe category)

Function introduction: a kind of heaven and earth condensed strange things, which can autonomously absorb the energy of the week and convert it into magic and store it in a bottle. The upper limit is 100,000 points, and the magic conversion speed is 10 points per second. After being equipped, it can instantly transform the equipped person’s The magic is filled.

Use interval: 1 minute.

Equipment characteristics: bind after equipment, cannot be dropped, cannot be traded, and only one item of the same kind can be equipped.

Current mana: 100,000 points per 100,000.

Seeing the introduction of the bottle, everyone was stunned. Even the cold eyes of the always indifferent fireworks lit up a bit. On Monday, he said: "It can store mana, and it can be restored automatically. Tsk tsk, this is really strange. Things."

"The maximum limit for storing magic is 100,000 points. Hey, so far, the magician with the most magic is only a few thousand points. Tsk tsk, doesn't it mean that you don't have to worry about the mana amount after you equip it." Jian Qidao , He calculated with his fingers: "Transform magic 10 points per second, 600 points per minute, one hour..."

"It can transform 864,000 magic points in a day, and almost a day can fill the jade net bottle." The fireworks blurted out easily, and she said to herself, "Although everyone's magic power will be greatly increased in the future, without looking at everyone's sluggish eyes. It reaches tens of thousands or even tens of thousands, but for now, this piece of equipment is sufficient and will not be eliminated for a long time."

"I remember the Yujing bottle in Guanyin Master's hand is called mutton fat Yujing bottle, hehe, this is actually called Yujing bottle, but it's not bad." Jian Qidao, then smiled and looked at Monday and the others: "It's a pity There is only one, who of you wants it?"

For priests and magicians who are in desperate need of magic, this jade bottle is undoubtedly a rare treasure. They all need it. For a time they look at me and I look at you, all hesitating.

"If this piece of equipment is given to a magician, it will undoubtedly be able to create a mobile turret, and the damage output will be greatly increased." Swords, and then the tone changed: "But if it is given to the priest, she will continue to heal us with energy, the team's Security will be improved a lot, one offense and one defense, it’s hard to say which one is better."

Everyone knows that the sword is true. Everyone can't pay attention to it for a while. Qi Qi looks at the fireworks and gets cold. After all, she is the leader of the team, and the arrangements she made are almost the most reasonable and right now. They are the most useful.

"I am going to give this prop to the priest." Fireworks Yi Leng said with little hesitation. She explained: "We have [Moonlight Pill], which is enough for now. On Monday, their demand for Yujing Bottle It’s not too big, so it’s best for the priest. The most important thing is that there will be two layers in the Hero Tomb. If nothing happens, the monsters there will be very powerful, especially the BOSS, no matter how high the output is not tenable, So we need a pastor with high healing capacity, which is very good for us to fight monsters."

According to previous experience, the level of the monsters in the hero’s mound is increasing, and every other level increases by 5 levels. Now the monsters on this level are already level 50, the next level is probably level 55, and the last level is even more terrifying. As a result, the monster's strength is greatly improved, and Ye Luo and the others will have a lot of trouble to deal with.

Everyone knows that the fireworks Yi Leng said is true. Monday and the others also understood this and decisively gave the [Jade Jing Ping] to them on Saturday. After listening to the analysis of fireworks’ easy coldness, I also knew that there would be an air battle on Sunday and August. The priest’s treatment was very necessary. On Saturday, the amount of treatment was the best for three people. They also agreed to put [Jade Jingbo ] Give it to Saturday.

After some reassignment, I took over the equipment of the [Yujing Bottle] on Saturday, and then the fireworks became cold and instructed: "Saturday, only use it at critical moments, usually just take [Moonlight Pill]."

Nodded, Saturday expressed that they knew, and then everyone continued to watch the last burst, which was a skill book, and it was purple, which showed that this was a rare skill book:

[Resurrection Prophecy] (Rare Skill Book)

Skill introduction: After learning, it can condense life energy, and add a language skill to the target in advance, so that it will be resurrected in full state after death once in the next period of time, and there is no loss.

Skill restrictions: Only limited to pastoral professions to learn.

"Hey, such a skill unexpectedly broke out!" said Monday, her face full of surprise: "Resurrected in full state, and there is no loss. This is a magical skill. Any priest can become anything after learning this skill. The team's hottest players, countless people are vying for it."

"Yeah, this skill is much stronger than [Resurrection]." said Tuesday, she was a little excited: "With this skill, we no longer worry about death. This is extremely useful when playing BOSS or PK. ."

After seeing the introduction of this skill, Fireworks Yi Leng's eyes brightened a bit. She looked at Saturday and the others and said: "This skill is very important. I plan to learn it on Saturday and create a superb priest. How do you feel?"

It’s not a short time to wait for people to play the game on Sunday, and they have a certain understanding of the game. They know what a superb priest means to the team. On Saturday, they already have a lot of rare skills for priests, and they also have [Jade] Jingping] As a backing, if she learns this skill again, then she will be a big step closer to the super-class priest.

"Sixth Sister is the best pastor of the three of us, and it is reasonable to give her this skill." Sunday, she looked towards Saturday: "Sixth Sister, you will be the most powerful pastor among us in the future. Now, if you play any good equipment, you have to think about us."

There is no opinion on Sunday, not even on August. After all, her only hobby is to feel strange.

After that, the skill book returned to Saturday, and everyone saw the specific effects of this skill after she learned it:

[Resurrection Prophecy] (active can not be upgraded)

Skill introduction: Priest is a rare skill that can condense life energy after learning, and add a language skill to the target in advance, so that it will be resurrected in the next half of the time after death, without any loss, and the skill consumes 500 magic points. , The skill is displayed every 5 minutes.

Cast restriction: Only one target can be cast once within an hour.

"Tsk tsk, the skill is displayed at an interval of five minutes, and the effective time is half an hour. This means that it can increase this state for up to five people. This is much better than the ten minutes I imagined." Kenbadao, he pleased to watch Xiang Saturday: "Xiao Liu, the safety of life in the future is up to you, hey, with this skill, I will never worry about death anymore."

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