VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1289: : Temporary alliance

Again, Fireworks Yi Leng was quite concerned about Tokyo Mythology and the elite squad he led, and knew that they would definitely attack them while they were fighting the coalition forces of the 4 or 5 teams, so she sent some The assassins watched their every move at any time, and retreated when they saw that they were about to arrive.

Although the air cavalry of that coalition is quite powerful, the damage output of Ye Luo and Po Lang Riding the wind with their full attack power is also terrifying. The two of them can easily force those air cavalry with the cooperation of Dongfang Tiantian and others. Retreat, and almost anyone dared to follow them even after they broke off, so they easily broke through the siege.

I also knew that it was a little late, and I also knew that if they collided head-on with Polangchengfeng and the others, they would suffer heavy losses, so Tokyo Mythology did not rashly lead the master to rush, seeing Dongfang Jitian and others safely withdraw, they regretted it.

Seeing Dongfang Tiantian and their elite team retreating, the air cavalry of the coalition knew that they had nothing to do with them. At this time, they would suffer heavy casualties after chasing them, so they did not continue to pursue them. In this way, they could easily escape by breaking the waves and riding the wind. Danger.

"Huh, if it weren't for the Tokyo Mythology, they would lead people to come over, we can kill 30 seconds to 1 minute, during this time we can at least kill 2,300 people." Po Lang Chengfeng said angrily, and then think of something, she sees Xiang Fireworks is easy to get cold, and his tone is full of expectation: "Fireworks, the next time the light of the saint world descends is three or four minutes away, and Uncle Fengxing is also with us. Why don't we go hunt down Tokyo Shinhwa and others. With our strength, it is not difficult to defeat them, and at the worst, we can kill some of them."

In the heart of Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind, she and Ye Luo had full attack power, and although Tokyo Mythology can kill people to increase attack power, he did not kill people before, so it is still very easy to deal with them.

"Tokyo Mythology is also a wise man. He deliberately kept a distance from us. Most of their flying mounts are ancient gods. We want to catch them. It is not easy for us to catch up with them in at least 3 or 4 minutes. When the light of the world comes, we don’t have much advantage against them.” Samadhi replied on her behalf: “In addition, if I remember correctly, Tokyo Mythology still retains 2 combo skills. We will have no small advantage if we chase them rashly. loss."

"Furthermore, these coalition forces will definitely not sit idly by when we fight the Tokyo Mythology. If they also rush over, we will be even more troublesome." Samadhi Shi added: "So it's best to ignore them."

Knowing so, breaking the waves and riding the wind did not say anything.

While everyone was talking about this, the players who had previously started the 100-level dungeon mission came out of the dungeon space because they had reached the limit time, but they learned to be smart this time and used invincible means when they were about to leave the dungeon space, and it was 6 People used it at the same time, and immediately after they came out, they used the red light stone to start the instance task, and then hid again.

Of course, there are also some people who failed to successfully start the dungeon mission after a problem, and then their fate was not known to them-they were killed by enemies that had been prepared for a long time.

In addition to the problem of cooperation, it was because of the insufficient number of red awning stones. After all, not everyone of these people killed many enemies, so the number of red awning stones on their bodies was also limited, and it was normal that they could not open the quest.

Fortunately, there are not many players lacking the red light stone, so the number of Chinese players killed in this round is not many, only a few hundred people, so more than one thousand people successfully opened the dungeon mission and hid in the dungeon. Within the space.

After being killed, many Chinese players landed on the game map randomly. Most of them were alone or could only meet small teams in China. Then they encountered large teams from other countries, and many people were killed. The number of players being eliminated is also increasing.

Seeing this, they felt quite uncomfortable in their hearts. After all, it was too uncomfortable to see their people being killed and eliminated and unable to go to rescue.

I also saw the gloomy mood of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind at this time, and sat on Qin Xin comfortingly said: "Sister Feng, don’t be too sad. Obviously everyone has learned to be smart. They will use invincible means when they leave the copy space. , So only about 500 people were killed this time. We still have more than 1,500 people hiding in the copy space. These people can still persist for several rounds."

"Yes, the longer they persist, the more people we kill. We killed thousands of people before. Even if they resurrected the priests, hundreds of people who were killed would lose one resurrection. The opportunity then randomly landed on the game map. After all, we killed many of them pastors. It will take time for pastors everywhere to come over. They have no time to resurrect everyone." Samadhi Shi took the conversation, and then changed his tone: "Although hundreds of people are nothing compared to their team of tens of thousands, most of the people killed by us are priests and magicians. Their priests are getting fewer and fewer, and it will become more and more difficult to resurrect and be killed by us. People, that is to say, our sneak attack efficiency will become higher and higher in the future, they will not last long."

"Yeah, that's right." Feng Xing nodded his head, his tone was quite certain: "After one or two hours, Ye Yufei will arrive with a team of air cavalry, so our overall strength will be stronger and kill people. The efficiency will also be higher. Without accident, we will be able to drive away the opponent in another two or three rounds. At that time, we should have more than a thousand people alive."

Hearing that, the look of breaking the waves and riding the wind stretched slightly, and then she looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Fireworks, we have implemented both of the two sneak attack tactics, should we change the tactics next?"

"We only have these two sneak attack tactics to use, and it's useless to change it again, because this time they won't be fooled again." Fireworks Yi said coldly, "As for which tactic we will use next, then It depends on the specific situation, or the two tactics are used together. Then, Sister Feng, you and Ye Luo can act on the spot."

The only difference between the two tactics is whether the people like Po Lang Cheng Feng are with the air power led by Dongfang Killing Heaven. This is quite flexible for Ye Luo and the others, which can be changed depending on the situation.

Hearing this, Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and she said, "That's true. Then I will follow your orders. Anyway, I will share the perspective with you."

Nodded, the fireworks were cold and did not say anything. They led the team away from the coalition team and stopped in a relatively safe place. Then the East Killing Sky, the Desert Lone Smoke and others retracted their mounts and became invisible. Obviously they wanted to do it again. Hunt down the assassins lurking around.

Although the two surprise attacks by Ye Luo and the others were very costly, especially for the priests, the coalition forces of the 4 or 5 teams did not leave, and they still did not give up the massacre of those Chinese players who entered the copy space. Exhausted.

However, there is no lack of smart people among these people. They also realized that Ye Luo and their important targets are priests and magicians, so after Ye Luo and the others retreated, they changed their deployment. The priests and magicians dispersed and hid in those heavy Behind the Kai professional, so Ye Luo and the others would have a lot of difficulty in targeting them.

This is more than that. They also reached an agreement with Tokyo Mythology to join forces temporarily, and their two sides have already joined together, as if they want to catch all the Chinese players who have entered the copy space.

Through the assassin fireworks sent out, they also noticed the deployment of the coalition forces and the elite team led by Tokyo Mythology to converge with those people. They are as smart as fireworks and samādhi. They can easily judge that they have reached a temporary alliance agreement. And these also made everyone's look a lot more serious.

"The firework girl, their formation has changed. The priests and magicians no longer gather together, but are scattered among the heavy armor players. Then we will have trouble trying to kill them. After all, heavy armor Profession can charge the target." Feng Xingdao, his expression was serious.

"Yeah, this is a bit troublesome." Hero Jian said solemnly, and he sighed: "It seems that there are smart people among the enemies. They have seen our intentions, so they will deliberately target us."

"Not only that, Tokyo Shinhwa led an elite team to contact them. From their lack of a big fight, it can be judged that they are temporarily allied. The purpose is also very simple, to prevent us from saving people. They want to kill those who enter the copy space." Samadhi took the words, and she frowned slightly: "Tokyo Mythology, the elite team is very strong. Although it is not as good as ours, they can attack unscrupulously with the support of the priest, and even they can stop our sneak attack. , After all, they are not afraid of being killed by us, and their team still has 2 combo skills, plus that coalition also has 1 or 2 combo skills, they are scattered around, it is difficult for us to sneak attack on them."

That's right, the coalition composed of 4 or 5 teams also has combo skills, and there are two that are not counted as they have been used. Before the Eastern Killing, they deliberately avoided those players who have combo skills, and now there are more Tokyo In the elite squad led by Mythology, several players with combo skills are scattered. Ye Luo and the others may encounter combo skills attacks in any sneak attack, which is a lot more threatening to them.

"Fireworks, what shall we do now?" When the waves and the wind looked at the fireworks, she also realized that [biqugex.info] was a little troublesome.

"I didn't expect them to form an alliance for the time being." Firework Yi said coldly. Her tone was faintly strange, but she quickly returned to cold water again: "It seems that it is even more unrealistic that we want to rescue our people, and the sneak attack is also unrealistic. A long-term plan is needed, at least until Ye Yufei and their air cavalry arrive."

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