VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 131: : Battle Zombie King

The attack of the Zombie King is very high. Although Ye Luo's defense power is over a thousand, he is afraid that only ordinary attacks can cause nearly 600 damage to him under the suppression of his level and rank. The Zombie King’s defense is even higher, plus the bonus of [Copper Reinforced Iron Bones* High-Order], which will reach nearly 1,400. With Yeluo’s 1,000 attack power, it is afraid that it can cause 800 damage under various suppression. It's difficult, let alone attack other people who are much worse than him.

"The monsters in the Hero's Tomb are indeed terrifying one after another. This zombie's defensive power has reached 1200 points, which is not even its skill bonus." With the sword, he smiled bitterly: "With my current Attack power, even if you use a skill, it can only cause more than 300 damage to it."

"Indeed, the zombie king is too powerful, don't forget that it still has levels and levels to suppress us." said Tuesday, and then looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Sister Fireworks, what should I do?"

"It is not surprising that a level 55 silver BOSS can have such attributes. It is not difficult to destroy it with our strength." The firework is easy to cold and'boost morale', and then looked at Ye Luo and Jianba: "Old rules, Ye Luo main resistance, sword eight assisted, sword nine and sword ten are waiting for the opportunity, if it uses the [Gravestone Summon] skill, it must hold back the hatred of those corrupted zombies."

Seeing Ye Luo waiting for it to nod, the firework was easy to cold and continued: "The most troublesome part of the Zombie King’s skills is [Tombstone Summon], which summons a corrupted zombie every ten seconds. If it drags on for a long time, dozens or even dozens. Head, I’m afraid it’s difficult for us to kill this zombie king, so we have to break the tombstone as soon as possible after Ye Luo and Jianba hold the hatred."

"Saturday, don't rush to cast [Resurrection Prophecy] to Ye Luo, and display it when he is about to be unable to hold it." The fireworks said coldly, and then looked at Sword Fourteen and Sword Three: "Fight Sword Fourteen and them first. Cast, after all, they are a leather armor class, and close combat, and the CD time of [Resurrection Prophecy] is not too long."

Nodding his head, first cast a [Resurrection Prophecy] on Sword Fourteen on Saturday, preparing to cast it on Sword Three and others after the skill CD.

"Jian San, your main task is to control. If you miss a hit, you will quickly evacuate and wait for the skill CD before you start." Fireworks Yi Leng continued to arrange: "Zombie King has a group attack skill, so we'd better stay 10 meters away from it. Go outside, then attack to the greatest extent, solve it early and enter the fifth floor of the Heroes’ Tomb.

Hearing this, everyone began to act. According to the old rules, Kenpachi launched the [Charge], and it was gorgeously dropped by MISS, but he didn’t panic, swept the spear, and cast a [Slash]. This time it was a successful hit, but only the zombies were destroyed. Wang has 300 points of blood, no pain.

Next, Ye Luo rushed up, and as soon as he shot it, it was [Fright Slash]. The hit rate of the rare skill was much higher. Not only did it cause 1,200 damage to the zombie king, but also successfully stunned him.

Don’t stop, Ye Luo’s wrist turned, the combination skills were displayed, and the zombie king’s qi and blood was knocked out. The most important thing is that the damage was so large that it successfully pulled its hatred. After it wakes up, it will follow Ye. Luo Da.

Upon seeing this, everyone else started to take action. Jiansan and others took turns using their control skills, and long-range attacks also began to attack. Although they could only cause about 300 damage to the Zombie King, it was better than the number of people and the total damage. Not that small.

"The Zombie King not only has high defenses, but also the speed of recovery of vitality and blood." On Thursday, while directing the spider to attack, she said with a wry smile, watching the damage caused by the spider, "and it's also very resistant. The spider’s [Vicious Invasion] can only cause more than 40 points of damage to it."

"Uncle Ye Luo, you poison your weapons, and the mutated decaying muscles are scattered. Although the zombie king is very resistant, it can slow its blood recovery speed and reduce its defense." Saturday reminded.

I reminded it on Saturday when fighting against the broodmother, but after that, they rarely used it. After all, it was not too difficult to deal with the mobs and bosses with their strength.

Hearing that, Ye Luo and the others hurriedly used the mutated rotten muscle powder, which was quite effective. At least the defense of the zombie king was reduced, and the blood recovery speed was also much slower.

Although Ye Luo and the others used their control skills in turn, they did not stun the zombie king all the time. After it woke up, it roared, and then the dense corpse aura permeated, like a wave, and Ye Luo and the people close to them floated. Thousands of damages were inflicted, and the whole body screamed, and the defense power was reduced a lot. Obviously, the zombie king had used the skill of "corpse gas gushing".

Seeing the blood fall wildly, Ye Luo and the others swallowed [Tianxiang Pills] without hesitation, and Saturday and others began to get busy, because there were a lot of melee players, and they were a little rushed for a while.

Of course, because everyone took the blood-increasing pill, and their healing on Saturday was also very good, the most important thing is that the zombie king only has one group attack skill, and then only attacked Ye Luo, so the scene quickly stabilized , The vitality of everyone is also quickly rising.

"Fortunately, the Zombie King only has one group attack skill. Otherwise, when everyone's defense power is reduced, another powerful group attack skill will be used. I am afraid that we will be downsizing." Friday said.

Knowing this, everyone nodded, and then continued to attack.

Three or four minutes later, the Zombie King roared again, and then a six-pointed magic circle appeared in the sky. Unexpectedly, it had to use the [Tombstone Summon] skill. Upon seeing this, Ye Luo and the others hurriedly used their control skills, trying to interrupt them, but they didn't notice it for a while. At this time, the Zombie King was full of a strong energy.

When the skill was displayed, a piece of MISS appeared, and the firework was easy to be cold and instantly noticed the abnormality, saying: "The zombie king is invincible when he uses this skill, and this skill cannot be interrupted."

A few seconds later, a tombstone nearly ten feet high appeared next to the zombie king. The tombstone was filled with strong corpse aura, and under it was a light gate similar to a teleportation array. Obviously, the corrupted zombies came out from here.

The moment the tombstone was erected, the light gate changed, and a corrupted zombie rushed out, and then went towards Ye Luo. Obviously, the initial hatred of this zombie was on the person who hurt the zombie king the most.

Decisively, Jian Jiu made a 【Charge】 and successfully stunned him, and then he succeeded in holding back his hatred with the next 【Taunt】, and then he said: "Hurry up, attack this tombstone."

Already prepared, everyone began to attack, while attacking while investigating the attributes of the tombstone:

[Gravestone] (Summoning special items)

Qi and blood: 100000

Defense: 1000

Function introduction: The summoned object summoned by the zombie king can automatically summon corrupted zombies. It is summoned every 10 seconds. If it is not crushed, it will continuously summon corrupted zombies.

"Uh, 100,000 blood and 1,000 defense. The attribute of this tombstone is too strong. I'm afraid it will take us a long time to crush it." After seeing the attribute of the tombstone, Jian Wu was shocked. He smiled bitterly: "Doesn't this mean that we are facing a lot of corrupt zombies."

"This tombstone will not return blood. Except for Ye Luo and the others, we can attack by focusing on fire, and it will be empty in one minute." The firework is easy to cold, and then exhorted: "Sword nine, sword ten, you just have to hold the zombie You don’t need to attack them, just smash the tombstone first."

With the defensive power and qi and blood volume of Jianjiu and Jianshi, it is easy to face three or four corrupted zombies at the same time while taking [Tianxiang Pills] and adding blood on Sundays, and they also know that they have solved the tombstone. Corrupted zombies will disappear automatically, so after casting [Taunt], they will no longer attack and focus on the tombstone.

Fireworks are easy to be cold. You’re right. The tombstone will not return blood. Under their fire attack, it only takes a minute or so to empty the blood serum. As the tombstone collapses, the six or seven corrupted zombies also turn into a mysterious light. Away.

After the tombstone is solved, the situation is much simpler. Everyone gathers fire to attack the zombie king, and its vitality is rapidly decreasing. Although it releases another [corpse gas gushing] during the period, it is not too much trouble for everyone. .

After ten minutes, the zombie king's vitality was only about 15%. Although the [Tombstone Summon] skill was also used during the period, Ye Luo and the others had already found a countermeasure, and there was no big problem.

"Ye Luo, be careful, the zombie king hasn't used the skill [Wrath of the zombie king]." The firework is easy to cold, he said: "The attack power of the zombie king is originally very high. If it is increasing by 30%, it is just Normal attacks can cause thousands of damage to you, even more if you use skills."

"Don't worry, my qi and blood have reached more than 8,000, and it doesn't matter if I have been attacked several times. After taking Tianxiang Pills and their blood will increase on Saturdays, let alone I can still absorb 10% of the qi and blood." Ye Luo didn't think. Even though he said that, he was more cautious and prepared to take the mutant Tianxiang pills at any time.

After another half a minute, the Zombie King roared, his figure skyrocketed, his already red eyes became even more red, and his attacks became stronger, even faster. Obviously it has already cast [Wrath of the Corpse King].

Sure enough, as the firework Yi cold said, after the attack increased by 30%, the damage caused by the zombie king to Ye Luo is very high. It has already been thousands of. If it is combined with the [corpse gas spray] skill, I am afraid it can cause him nearly two thousand. hurt.

Fortunately, when the zombie king was preparing to cast [Dead Gas Gushing], Ye Luo and Firework Yi Cold both displayed their control skills together. [Fright Slash] and [Binding Arrow] were MISS, but [Frozen Arrow] A hit not only freezes it for 3 or 4 seconds, but most importantly interrupts its skill, and it will only take a few minutes to use it.

Without the skills, the Zombie King can only attack normally, but there is no threat to Ye Luo. Everyone stepped up their attacks. They knew that there was no suspense in killing the Zombie King.

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