VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1325: : Increased pressure

That’s right, Tokyo Myth is not himself. There are several dual professions who have performed big moves around him. There are more air power behind him. This is also a very powerful force. If they rush over, it will still be against the Chinese team. There is no small threat.

However, everyone knew that it was not Ye Luo's inaction. It was because the enemy's air power was too much. Ye Luo alone could not stop everyone. He killed dozens of air power and defeated 5, 6 A dual-professional big move, which has made a great contribution to the Chinese team.

Of course, his biggest contribution is that he used [Ten Thousand Swords Return] to clear the toughness of the flying mounts of Tokyo Mythology and others, making them unable to summon mounts within 5 minutes, which greatly weakened their strength.

In a word, Ye Luo has done everything he can do. After all, he is just a [yoyo reading www.uutxt.info] person, and being able to do this is already the limit.

"Yeah, Ye Luo alone can do so many things. It's amazing. Previously, he killed 5 or 6 dual professions with big moves, and blocked and killed a lot of air power and combination skills. Squad, otherwise we will face even greater pressure." Sitting on Qin Xin nodded.

"Ye Luo has no help, otherwise he will definitely hinder more people." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she couldn't help but muttered: "I stay here and still can't resist the Tokyo mythology. It's useless at all. I knew this way. It's better to bypass the Tokyo myth like Ye Luo, so that we two will join forces to kill more air power."

"If it weren't for Sister Feng, you are here, Tokyo Mythology and those dual professions that have performed big moves have already rushed over, so we can't fight Dongfang Tiantian for such a long time." Samadhi said: "The delay is so long. In time, Dongfang Killing Heaven and the others have been able to kill a lot of the other's air power."

That’s right, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind has the ability to kill any profession in a flash, especially after the samādhi and fireworks are easy to cold, they control the target. Tokyo Mythology also knows this, so they have scruples and did not rush forward at the fastest speed. , Otherwise I'm afraid that these people have already met Dongfang Killing Tian and others in short-term combat.

It is precisely because of the existence of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind that they have been able to fight for so long for Dongfang Qitian. The damage output and damage caused to the enemy by Dongfang Qitian and others can be compared to breaking the waves and riding the wind alone into the enemy's formation. The damage is much higher.

"But so soon, Tokyo Mythology led a large army to rush up. Although our previous sneak attacks had obvious effects, they still have stronger air power than us. If we fight against each other, we will suffer a lot of casualties." June Feixue Said: "Especially the other party still retains a lot of combo skills, what should we do now?"

"Firework beauty, we have killed so many people, can we evacuate now?" Fengxing's voice sounded on the team channel, and he also realized that the situation is a bit bad: "If we continue to fight like this, our situation is a little different. Mya, maybe they will die here, and after all, their people are supported by many pastors. The longer the fighting continues, the worse our situation will be."

"But if we just withdraw like this, the people we killed before will be resurrected, so our previous efforts will be wasted." Ye Yufei frowned slightly: "The CD time of Sister Chengfeng's [Group Strong Concealment Technique] It's 24 hours, and the other party already knows that we have this skill, it will be a little difficult for them to use this skill in the future."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Besides, many of us have been entangled in hand-to-hand combat with each other's people. It is not easy to evacuate."

"The situation is urgent, hurry up and make up your mind." Dongfang Killing said in the team channel: "Stars, fireworks beauties, your plans, we listen to your instructions, what should we do next?"

"Continue to fight, use big moves with big moves, and strive to cause the greatest blow to the enemy in the shortest time." The firework is easy to be cold and the decision is made just after the East Killing the Sky's voice: "The East Killing the Sky, Inviting the Moon Toast, Yeyutiange, you bring some people over, and you are responsible for blocking Tokyo Mythology and those around him who use big moves with Sister Feng, if you have the opportunity to kill them."

"Fireworks girl, do you want to fight with them?!" Feng Xingdao, his tone was full of worry: "Will this be too risky, we can easily defeat these people by holding steady..."

"Uncle Fengxing, you all said you must obey the fireworks' orders unconditionally. Why do you question it now?" Samadhi interrupted Fengxing and asked, and then changed her tone: "You know fireworks, she is not an adventurous person. , So it must make sense to her."

This reminded me of the fact that I had promised the fireworks to be cold, and Fengxing's tone was resolute: "Okay, then we will accompany the fireworks girl to go crazy, I don't believe we will be ruined here today.

Having said this, Feng Xing immediately performed his big move, and then brazenly rushed to the surrounding enemies. Obviously, he was supporting the fireworks' easy-to-cold behavior with practical actions, and he was also setting an example for Dongfang Qitian and others.

I have to say that Fengxing’s move is very effective and stabilizes the military's mind. It made Dongfang Qitian and others determined to obey the command of the fireworks and easy cold. The latter killed the enemy and then came to break the waves by the wind. They did not hesitate to use it. The big move rushes to Tokyo Mythology.

"Remember to be careful of the opponent's combo skills, especially the combo skills with a controlling nature." Fireworks Yi Leng asked, and without waiting for Dongfang Tiantian to answer, she continued: "Eastern Star, you command our remaining combo skills team, After the opponent's air power rushes over, you can use it according to the situation."

"Understood." Dongfang star replied.

While the fireworks are easy to be cold, Dongfang kills the sky and invites the moon to toast. They have already greeted them, but they seem to know their troubles. The Tokyo myth does not mean to fight hard, and the figure appears at 15 meters. In addition, he wanted to bypass Dongfang Jitian and others to attack Fengxing and other Chinese players.

The shadows of people’s famous trees, Eastern Killing Sky and others are well-known in the world, not to mention that several of them perform big moves together. In this case, Tokyo Mythology will naturally distance themselves from them, otherwise they will be entangled. He is in danger.

I was about to pursue the Tokyo Mythology, but the opponent's dual professions who used their ultimatums used [Charge] to rush up, and in desperation Dongfang Tiantian could only use [Charge] to confront them.

Because the Eastern Killing Sky and others came by using displacement skills, they can no longer use displacement skills to chase Tokyo Mythology, nor can they use displacement skills to avoid [Charge], they can only use [Charge] against it.

"Sister Feng, cooperate with Dongfang Tiantian and others to kill these two classes and priests first." Fireworks said coldly, and she cast [Ice Spirit*Thousand Bladed Arrows] when she said these words. Enveloping those dual professions, their flying speed is greatly reduced.

I can’t stand those dual professions a long time ago. Now I see Dongfang Killing the sky and the others entangled them, breaking the waves and riding the wind, she is not polite. Seeing that their charge is over, she used [Thunder Jietian Punishment], this skill has There is a certain chance to stun him, so it's better to use this skill at this time.

Although the opponent is also a top-notch master, and has also performed big moves, there are still some gaps with the East Killing Sky, Yeyutiange and others, not to mention the breaking waves and riding the wind at this time, so it won’t take long. You can kill it.

"Sister Fireworks, Tokyo Mythology seems to have two or three displacement skills, and there are 15 meters among them. His mobility is very strong. If he doesn't stop him, it will cause a lot of trouble for our people." Six Yue Feixue reminded: "But few of us seem to be able to stop him. After all, his damage output is very high."

"Sister Feng and the others will be able to solve those dual occupations soon, and let Sister Feng and the others intercept it." Fireworks said coldly, and then issued an order in the team channel: "Dual occupations with big moves meet Tokyo Myth as much as possible. Hold him, those who have no big tricks avoid him, and soon our people will stop him."

"In addition, use the mount's control skills to control him as much as possible, and force him to use invincible means." Firework Yi Leng added.

However, when talking about this, there are two combination skill teams in the coalition. They have used combination skills one after another, and the time difference is only 6 or 7 seconds. This also means that two invincible methods can be used to completely avoid this. The damage of two skills.

Of course, it can also be resisted by means such as [Reduction of Damage], [Magic Shield], [Spell Immunity], and the surrounding Chinese players are all masters and their reaction speed is very fast, so they are not affected by these two combined skills. How many people were killed.

In addition, at this time, many Chinese players have already used their big moves. With 12 million blood and double defense power, it is not a big problem to stand up to two combo skills.

Even if it was killed by a spike, it didn't matter. After all, everyone was put on the state of [Resurrection Prophecy] before the action, and it was just a loss of life.

As for whether or not they were besieged by land players below, don’t worry too much, because those land players were either killed by the group attack skills, or they had escaped, and there were not many people below.

It doesn't matter if it is surrounded by some people. Everyone is a master and can use invincible means at the first time and then fly, so there is not much loss under these two combined skills.

Although few players were killed, the toughness of the flying mounts of many people was emptied and disappeared. Without the mounts, the bonus attributes were reduced. The most important thing is that you cannot use the control skills of the flying mounts. The pressure to face the Tokyo Mythology will be greater.

At this time, the air power of the coalition forces continued to come in, and the battle between the two sides was once again escalated, but as the air power of the coalition forces gradually increased, the pressure on the Chinese side was a little greater, especially in the third combined skill team. After casting the combo skills.

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