VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1328: : Still need to work

According to estimates, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, will not be able to meet the waves and wind riders until the end of today’s game, which means that they will not arrive until 3 or 4 hours later. However, the air cavalry can fly faster than the land cavalry. It's much faster, it doesn't take so long at all, even the lowest quasi-god-level flood dragon.

After obtaining the [Group Concealment Technique], the fireworks Yi was cold and began to develop tactics. She knew that this time there was a great opportunity to defeat the Tokyo Mythical and their coalition forces, so she paid special attention to this sneak attack, and naturally thought of the perfect tactics. , And Longteng Tianxia and their air cavalry are undoubtedly her biggest killer.

I also know that this is the best opportunity to severely damage the enemy. After learning about the tactics of fireworks, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus and Longteng Tianxia, ​​they immediately agreed, and then Longteng Tianxia, ​​Xiaofeng Canyue and others led the vast majority of the air cavalry. Xiao Xiang broke the waves and rushed to where they were.

Of course, only Fireworks Yi Leng and others knew about all this. Although Othello and others also knew that Longteng Tianxia and others led the air cavalry to leave, they did not leak these out under the deliberate instructions of Bacchus Dukang.

It is also because I know that the cavalry led by Longteng Tianxia and others have arrived, so Fireworks Yi Cold is so resolute in ordering everyone to use their big moves to hit the highest damage in the shortest time. The purpose is to kill the target as much as possible. The target also displays ultimatums and combo skills, so when Longteng Tianxia and others arrive, they will have no combat effectiveness.

I have to say that the tactics of fireworks easy to cold are perfect. At this time, most of the air power of the coalition forces have used their big moves, and the powerful skills have also been displayed, although it is not the end of the crossbow, there is not much difference, so how can it be a dragon? Their opponents of this new force.

Although there are only dozens or hundreds of air cavalry in the Dragon World, each flying mount has a number of players with flying skills. As a result, there are more than 200 people, and many of them have dual professions with utmost skills. If people take action together, the battle will naturally not be too suspenseful.

Seeing the situation on the battlefield, they didn't hesitate in Longteng Tianxia and rushed over at the fastest speed.

"The air force beheads the enemy, the priest resurrects our people, and strives to cause the greatest damage to the enemy in the shortest time." Fireworks Yi Cold issued an order on the national public channel.

I have to say that there is such a situation that the fireworks are easy to cold to account for most of the credit. Before the East Killing Sky and others have been quite convinced, now seeing that their side is about to win a big victory, the Chinese players are even more commanding her. Do not hesitate, and then take action.

Dozens and hundreds of air cavalry plus 1,200 players with flying skills are like clouds that cover the sky. They rushed up in black, and used group attack skills while rushing. The land players of the coalition forces below were covered. In the face of such a powerful attack, it is no surprise that the lower part becomes a vacuum belt, and the priest on the Chinese side can resurrect the previously killed player without any hesitation.

After being resurrected, these people did not stay idle, replenishing them at the fastest speed, and then joined the battle again. Most of these people have the ability to fly, and once again joined the battle, attacking with Longteng Tianxia and others, the situation was instantly It reversed, and China had the absolute upper hand.

The coalition side originally only had the upper hand. Although their advantage has increased over time, now the Chinese side has suddenly joined so many new forces, and many Chinese players who were beheaded before have joined the battle again. At this moment, the situation is Reversing, this time reflected a sentence: defeated like a mountain.

Seeing this situation, Tokyo Mythology, Rampage Chariot and others also realized that it was bad. They had no chance of winning. They would definitely be wiped out if they stayed, and even if they were desperate, they could not cause much damage to China.

Think about it, and I know that many people will be killed this time, so Fireworks Yi Leng specially asked Dukang, the **** of wine, to send a group of pastors. These pastors are like a steady stream of spring water on the Chinese side. They don’t worry at all. Being killed, an even more bravery attack.

That's right, as long as the fighting party belongs to China, then Chinese players will not worry about death in battle, because the Chinese priest will resurrect them, so there is nothing to worry about.

The reason why the coalition side has gained more and more advantage in the past is because the pastor has resurrected the players who were beheaded before. Although there are now many pastors in their team, the premise is that their side has the upper hand before the pastor has the opportunity to resurrect and be killed. Players, but based on the current situation, they simply don’t have this opportunity.

After analyzing this, Tokyo Never Sinks suggested to Tokyo Mythology to retreat, because it would make no sense for them to stay.

Tokyo Mythology is a decisive person, he immediately issued an order to withdraw, and he successively used two displacement skills to get rid of Ye Luo, and then used acceleration skills to withdraw at the fastest speed.

Seeing Tokyo Mythology escape, Ye Luo did not chase him, because at this time his displacement skills did not end the CD, and the acceleration skills were also in the CD. At this time, his state could not catch up with the Tokyo Mythology.

The reason why Tokyo Mythology can cast 2 displacement skills at once is because he casts a skill similar to [Cooldown Reset], so that all the skills in the previous CD can be used, plus the one that comes with the equipment, get rid of Ye Luo The set is not too difficult for him.

It was also when Tokyo Mythology displayed a skill similar to [Cooling Reset] that Ye Luo decisively gave up to chase and kill. He could afford to let go, and instead attacked others, without the Tokyo Myth's obstacles. At that time, his damage output was fully reflected, and each sword went down with a piece of high damage number, and each player was killed.

Although the effect of Ye Luo's ultimate move soon ended, and he did not use [Reincarnation Domain] again, his attack power was still increased by 200% at this time, and his damage output was still very high, and he summoned the dark holy dragon After that, his killing efficiency was even higher.

Now that the battle situation has completely stabilized, almost no one dared to approach Ye Luo, he naturally had the opportunity to summon the mount.

That's right, now the battle situation has completely stabilized, and China Ichiban has the absolute upper hand. Although the enemy still has some air power in the negative corner, it is only a matter of time before they are completely killed.

"Sister Feng, Ye Luo, Eastern Killing Sky, and Longteng Tianxia, ​​each of you lead an air cavalry to chase and kill the fleeing air force, and kill them as much as possible." Fireworks Yield cold gave orders, and the others didn't wait for the waves to speak , She continued: "Uncle Fengxing, Oriental Star, Ye Yu Fei, you lead the rest to chase down enemy land players, and kill as many as possible."

Talking about these things, Firework Yi Leng summoned the Frost Dragon, and then went with Ye Luo to chase down the enemies who had escaped before.

Although they defeated the enemy, some of their air power escaped. They also knew that these were the enemies that threatened them the most, so the fireworks were so cold that they didn't want to let them go.

Before being attacked by so many enemies, I was sighing in my heart. Now the situation has finally reversed, and they will not let go of this opportunity. They each led a team of air cavalry to chase the enemy at the fastest speed.

Five minutes have passed, and the mount can be summoned. The air cavalry led by Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind have all ancient god-level mounts, plus they are equipped with several special equipments. They fly very fast, so they can chase. Get some air power.

The next thing was much simpler. All the way, the air power of the coalition forces was killed a lot.

Worried about being counter-killed by Tokyo Mythology, Fireworks Yi Leng deliberately asked Ye Luo to chase him down. After all, he was the only one who could entangle him and even kill him.

As we chased them all the way, everyone's moods got better and better. June Feixue chuckled and said: "Hehe, Sister Fireworks's tactics are too powerful. We defeated the enemy in one fell swoop. This time we gave them one time. After a heavy blow, we will be invincible without going out."

"Invincibility is not enough, because although they defeated that coalition force and even defeated his air power, the air power is very mobile, and the game map is only 20% of the previous one, so they are also It’s not difficult to gather again.” Samadhi said, she looked into the distance: “After all, everyone has 10 resurrection opportunities, and being beheaded will only lose one resurrection opportunity. When they gather again, they will still be a very good team. A powerful force still poses a threat to us."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Even because they will gather more air power in the future, the threat to us is even greater, because the air power of South Korea, India and other countries only came to a small part."

Yes, it can be judged from what happened today that India, South Korea and other countries have also joined the Tokyo Mythology and their alliance, but the alliance has just begun, and the air power of these countries cannot be counted. If these people gather together , Then it is also an annoyance for China.

Hearing that, the smiles on June Feixue and others’ faces solidified. They knew that the samādhi poem was true, because they also knew that the air power of these coalition forces far exceeded them. This time, a large part of the victory was due to the enemy. To the effect that they used the [Group Concealment Technique] unexpectedly to attack the cause of their failure.

"In addition, Tokyo Mythology already knows that our team has the [All Strong Concealment Art] assassin. They will deliberately guard against it in the future, so it will not be easy for us to imagine such a big result by unexpected attacks like today." Samadhi added that she gave a wry smile: "So the revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard."

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