VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1333: : The priority

Now the Tokyo Mythology has two things to do. The first is to bring together the air power of their various countries, because the total air power of their side far exceeds that of China. If these people gather, they will be right. There is no doubt that China will win, and it can even kill all the Chinese players.

As for the land players of various countries, forget it, because the mobility of these people is much worse than that of air power. It is not easy to gather together, and even if they gather together, except for the priest, they will not have much influence on the final battle. .

In addition, most of the land players are scattered all over the playing field. Most of them are placed alone or act in small teams. Soon tomorrow’s game is coming. They will surely suffer heavy casualties under the attack of unsafe areas and beasts, and there is not much chance at all. Converging with a large force, Tokyo Mythology they decisively abandoned it.

The second thing is to improve their strength as soon as possible. They were crippled by the Chinese team before, and they also realized the gap in their equipment level. The best way to improve their strength is to improve the equipment level, and they want to do these 280 level dungeon tasks. It is undoubtedly the fastest way.

However, the 280 level dungeon mission is not so easy to complete. It requires first-class masters. Although Tokyo Mythology has a large number of super masters, they are not even worse than those in China, but they belong to different countries. A country cannot form a team and then do a copy task.

Thinking of this, the faces of the violent chariot and others became difficult to look.

"Now our countries should be able to organize one or two 6-person elite teams to do 280-level dungeon missions, but other players are scattered around." Tokyo Mythology said solemnly, and he scanned the surroundings: "But I believe everyone chooses The players of "are all first-class masters. They should be air cavalry. They are very mobile. It should not be difficult to gather in the shortest time. In order to improve our equipment level, we must do this."

People in other countries also know the importance of improving the level of equipment, and the task to bring everyone together does not conflict with the first thing to do, so they did not hesitate to notify them in the team channels of their respective countries. People gather in the shortest time.

"It's no surprise that Chinese players will hunt players from our countries in the future, and they will scatter the assassins and then let the elite teams rush over to break up the teams that have just gathered, even breaking the waves and riding the wind, and Ye Luo Zhiqiu will also It is very difficult for us to get together.” A player in the United States said. When he said this, he looked at Tokyo's unsinkable, wild giant snake, obviously asking for his opinion.

"We have no good way to do this. We can only disperse the assassins from our countries, monitor every move of the Chinese team as much as possible, and then keep our people away from them." Tokyo never sinks, and then he sighs. He said: "It's really impossible to let our people choose to do dungeon missions and hide when we meet the Chinese team. I don't believe that they can stand patiently. There are many players on our side, and they simply can't squat."

Perhaps there are not many assassins in a single country, but assassins from so many countries add up, and it is no exaggeration to say that they can spread across the entire extreme challenge competition venue. It is very easy to monitor the Chinese team in this way.

Nodding their heads, everyone knew that this was the best solution at the moment, and they all arranged.

"In addition, we have to continue to win over players from other countries, because there are still many countries that have not joined our alliance." Tokyo Never Sinks continued: "Many of them have not been attacked by the Chinese team. The saved power is compared. Complete, the situation is now obvious, they have the only chance to join us."

Hearing that, everyone nodded again, and they also knew that this was the fastest way to improve their overall strength.

While talking about this, the system prompt sounded. It was the voice of the people who completed the 280 level dungeon mission. This prompt made the Tokyo Mythical complexion more solemn and determined that they should do the 280 level. The determination of the copy task.

Today's game ended not long after Ye Luo and the others completed their tasks. The following things were the same as the previous days: handling personal issues, eating meals, and attending celebrity meetings.

Because today's outstanding performance defeated the coalition forces of the United States, Canada and other countries, everyone who participated in the meeting was in a good mood. Many people praised the tactics of the fireworks easy to cold this time as perfect.

There was nothing special about what was discussed this time. The gods of Bacchus Du Kang, Feng Xing and others continued to lead a large force to the center of the competition venue, while the three Chinese air cavalry continued to hunt players from other countries.

The next day, everyone logged into the game on time and started the game. Because they left the edge of the non-safe area yesterday, the shrinking of the safe area would hardly threaten Chinese players.

Of course, although this time the distance of the safety zone is reduced the same as before, because the entire safety zone is already much smaller than before, and the same distance is reduced, so the entire safety zone is not too big.

Today is the 9th day of the game. There are 8 different penalties for non-safe areas. This also means that players who stay in non-safe areas will drop 8000 blood points per second, and there are other penalties such as slowing down and reducing defense. , Not surprisingly, none of the players participating in the competition will be spared if they fall into it, including Ye Luo, who has the highest level of pretense, and not even breaking the waves and riding the wind.

"It's the ninth day. There are still two days left in the extreme challenge competition. The non-safe area with eight kinds of punishments is extremely terrifying, and there is almost no chance of escape." Othello said in the team channel, she blames With a laugh: "Our people killed a lot of people before the end of the game yesterday. They landed randomly on the map. Not surprisingly, many people will land in an unsafe area today."

Although it will randomly land in a safe area after being killed, it is not surprising that the safe area yesterday is still today. There were so many players killed yesterday, and they were killed at the end of the game, they simply did not have time to hurry. It is still very possible to be shrouded in an unsafe area and then die.

"The most troublesome thing is the next beast tide army." Samadhi said, with a smile on her pretty face: "It is no accident that half of the players will be killed under the attack of the beast tide army, even the beast tide army. In the past, there were less than half of the players who challenged the venue in the extreme, or even less."

Yes, the reduction of the safe area is only a threat to the players who fall on the edge of the safe area, but the army of the beasts is a threat to the players in the entire playing field.

Yesterday so many players were killed, which also means that there are many single and small teams in the entire competition venue. These people may not be able to hide in the dungeon missions, and even say that most people cannot. It is no accident in the animal tide. Many players will be killed under the attack of the army.

"That's right." Sitting on Qin Xin nodded: "Not only is it a threat to those land players, even the lone air power is also dangerous, because there are many flying monsters in the beast tide army."

"Hey, this is a good thing for us. It saves us from hunting them again." Othello laughed, and then thought of something, she asked: "Fireworks, should we go out to hunt players from other countries and return? After all, aerial monsters are also very powerful."

"No, the squad we sent to hunt and kill are all elites. A team of 50 people. They also carry some priests. It is very simple to resist monster attacks." Samadhi replied, and she laughed: "If even they are If you can’t resist a monster attack, no one can resist a monster attack."

"That's true. They are all ancient god-level mounts. They are the elite of the elite." Othello nodded, and then his tone changed: "What about the big army?"

"There are also many masters in the big army, such as Long Teng Tianxia, ​​Yueyue Toasting, Nangong Yunlong, etc., and many players with flying skills, it is no problem to resist monster attacks." Firework Yi said coldly.

While talking about this, a system prompt sounded. It was a system prompt for the 6-man team of Dongfang Jitian and others to complete the 280 level dungeon mission. After hearing the system prompt, Zhiyue curled his lips: "Really completed level 280. Copy task."

"Yesterday their equipment level has improved a lot, especially Yeyutiange has obtained a piece of Primordial God-level equipment, and it is not surprising that it can complete the 280 level dungeon mission." Samadhi said indifferently: "That said, they can Completing the dungeon mission is also a good thing for us. This will greatly improve China's overall strength."

Knowing this too, Zhiyue and the others didn't say anything, looking forward to the dungeon mission and others to complete the dungeon mission again. Of course, it would be better if they could obtain the Primordial God-level treasure chest when completing the dungeon mission.

On the other hand, Tokyo Mythology once again completed the dungeon mission. Although there were no Primordial God-level treasure chests in the rewards, 3 or 4 Ancient God-level equipment were opened out of the 6 Ancient God-level treasure chests, which made their equipment more advanced. Upgrade a small section at a time, and then it will be easier to complete the dungeon task.

"Hey, big brother, they are getting easier and easier to complete their tasks, and it is really good to have a high level of equipment." Dongfang Zhantian's voice sounded in the team channel: "Soon, the level of equipment of the big brother will surpass Ye Luo Zhiqiu and Po Lang Riding Wind. Now, even our equipment level will rise, and we won’t have to look at them anymore.”

Since participating in the extreme challenge, they have been watching Ye Luo and others show off. This has been a great stimulus to the Oriental family who has always been proud of the first gang in China. Now they see a glimmer of opportunity to show off, which makes them excited.

"It's not so easy to surpass them, don't forget that there are three elusive people in their team." Dongfang Star said lightly.

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