VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1350: : Explain again

Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, and June Feixue, they know the Tokyo Mythology’s plan to “complete all in one battle”, so to the East Killing Sky and others, there is no big problem even if they lose a few chances of resurrection, because they are stuck in cooperating with 12 [ The Conquest Order] uses the [Painting the Ground as a Prison] to form an energy cage and loses 13 resurrection opportunities after being killed once, that is to say, as long as it is killed once, it will be eliminated.

It is precisely because of this that they are easy to send fireworks to the sky so that the Eastern Killing Sky and others led the air cavalry to rush to the team where the Tokyo Myth is located at the fastest speed, and then the purpose of fighting with it is to break up this team. It is possible to eliminate players who have only one or two chances to resurrect.

Although the use of suicide attacks allows the air power of the coalition forces to gather together as soon as possible, it also makes the players in the Tokyo Mythology team lose a lot of resurrection opportunities. Many players have only one or two resurrection opportunities. Said that the East Killing Sky and they launched a rush to kill these people.

Being able to eliminate some enemies before Tokyo Mythology uses [Painting the Ground as a Prison] will undoubtedly make the next battle easier, and the Chinese side will have a greater chance of winning the final victory and persisting to the end.

However, Dongfang Zhantian didn't know this. They thought that the fireworks Yi Leng issued such an order to "revenge private revenge", letting their people fight against their enemies and then benefiting the fishermen of the Misty Pavilion.

June Feixue didn't want the fireworks to bear the scapegoat. He reprimanded and said it was justified. For a time, Dongfang Zhantian and the others were speechless.

Think about it, too, among the three air cavalry, there are many people in the Misty Pavilion, and even more people in the Misty Pavilion than any other gang player, and after the battle is fought, the elite squad, Yeluo, will also Rushing forward, if it is said that this is a public revenge, I am afraid it can't be justified.

I also know that what June Feixue said is true. It took a long time for Eastern Zhantian to say: "Who knows what the fireworks are easy to cold are planning, maybe they will finally bring us into the pit."

Fireworks is easy to be cold and not angry. Instead, she chatted privately with the Eastern star and briefly said what she and Samadhi inferred. She knew that with the wisdom of the Eastern star, it was easy to tell whether what she said was true or false. , And can quickly understand why she gave such an order.

I have to say that Yi Leng Yi Leng is quite smart. She knows that her words can't convince the Dongfang Family, Ouyang Family and other unfriendly gangs, but it will undoubtedly be more convincing for Dongfang Stars to explain.

"Sure enough, I and Uncle Bacchus and Sister Feifei also judged this way. Unexpectedly, you have already analyzed these fireworks beauties and already have countermeasures." Dongfang star admired.

Oriental stars and Ye Yu Fei Fei are smart people. They realized something from suicide attacks in other countries. At that time, they also analyzed the purpose of doing so with fireworks and samādhi, but fireworks are easy to cold and samādhi. The content of the analysis Dongfang star and Ye Yu Fei did not know, they just had some faint speculations, and now they heard that the fireworks are easy to get cold and show that they fully understand.

The next thing is very simple. Dongfang Star, Ye Yu Fei Fei explained to Dong Fang Ji Tian and others their previous analysis and the purpose and benefits of fireworks.

After hearing the words of the two, Dongfang Zhantian and others finally came to understand that the people who had previously questioned the fireworks Yi Lenggong's private revenge were ashamed, but they insisted and did not apologize.

Of course, Fireworks Yibing ignored these. She said in the team channel: "Now understand why you did this. If you understand, go and execute the order."

"But even if we can eliminate some of them, we will be broken up by them, which seems to be detrimental to us." Ouyang Feiri asked: "After all, our air cavalry is already small. If we are broken up again, This advantage is gone, and we still lose in the end."

"We will not be broken up." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Or in the final battle, we will definitely be in line."

"Are you so confident?" Dongfang Mietian asked, "Are you so confident that 150 of us can beat the other 230?"

"The mounts your 150 air cavalry ride are all ancient god-level flying mounts. The equipment level is much better than those of Tokyo Mythology." The voice of the samādhi rang: "And after the battle started, Sister Feng and Ye Luo Will join the battle, we are higher than them in terms of damage output, even if they have more people, we have a great chance of winning."

Without waiting for Dongfang Mietian and others to speak, she continued: "Although they have 7,80 more people than us, don’t forget that their team is a combination of various countries. If you use group attack skills, you will be able to throw rats and dogs, so the overall strength can be displayed. Six achievements are very good, in this case, will we still lose?"

"That is to say, our three air cavalry teams can't reach the battlefield at the same time. Only 50 people took the first shot, and the opponent's number is four to five than us..." Dongfang Zhantiandao, but was not finished before he was finished. Interrupted.

"The other two teams are not far from you. They will be able to reach the battlefield within 5 minutes." Bacchus Dukang said coldly: "Could it be that you can't hold on for 5 minutes, and there are also the help of the girl Chengfeng and the kid Ye Luo. Under the circumstances?!"

Hearing Dukang, the **** of wine, was angry and knew that what he said was true, Dongfang Zhantian was silent, and Dongfang Jitian finally said: "Just follow the fireworks and cold command."

"In fact, there is only one air cavalry in the Tokyo Mythology, they dare not challenge us, because their purpose is very clear, to gather strength as much as possible and then fight the final battle, even if we only have 50 cavalry, they dare not fight with us." As if she hadn't heard Dongfang Tiantian's words, she continued: "Because they know that if they entangle us, the two air cavalry behind us will rush up in a very short time. This is not what they want to see."

Without waiting for Dongfang Zhantian and others to speak, she continued: "Because they know that most of us have many chances to resurrect, so it makes no sense to kill us once or twice."

"But if we are broken up..." Dongfang Mietian mentioned this issue again, but was interrupted by the samādhi before finishing talking.

"The fireworks said, we will not break up, and we will definitely line up in the final battle." Samadhi said with confidence: "Don't forget that we have three air cavalry in addition to our elite team. There is also a large army outside. The large army has hundreds of air cavalry and 1,200 players with flying skills, and there are hundreds of mammoth cavalry. Unless the opponent gathers most of the strength, it will not be able to defeat our large army. Then broke up."

After hearing this, everyone thought of the large troops led by the **** of wine Du Kang and Fengxing. The large troops were protected by a group of air cavalry led by Longteng Tianxia. There were also many players with flying skills. In addition, there were Othellos and a smile to fly them. Leaded by hundreds of mammoth cavalry.

"The beauty of the poem is right. Our troops are difficult to disperse. As long as our troops are not disintegrated, our troops will not be disbanded." The Eastern Star took the stubbornly: "Even if you are controlled by Tokyo Mythology It’s okay to lead the team to disperse. Then you can move closer to the larger army. In the end, we will still be a complete team, ready to deal with the enemy."

After listening to the explanations of Samadhi poems and Eastern stars, everyone finally understood why the fireworks were so sure that their team would not be broken up before, and many people heaved a sigh of relief.

"I said it last time, you have promised to resolutely carry out my order, and I don't want to repeat it again." Firework Yi said coldly.

If fireworks are easy to be cold, people like Dongfang Tiantian and Damo Guyan are ashamed. After all, as the fireworks easy to cold said, they have already stated that they will strictly implement the order of fireworks easy to cold, and it is not once or twice.

"Well, follow the orders of the fireworks beauty. If you don't talk nonsense, you can just kick out of the team." Dongfang Tiantian's voice increased a bit, and he accelerated his speed by saying this.

In fact, Dongfang Killing the Sky was giving everyone a step down, and the others immediately awakened without saying much, urging their hip mounts to follow.

Although they were executed in accordance with the orders of fireworks and easy cold, the maneuverability of their team in Tokyo Mythology is very good. The most troublesome thing is that some air cavalry intercepts them from time to time, so it is difficult for them to catch up to the target.

Of course, they also killed some people along the way, but very few people were eliminated directly.

On the other side, seeing Ye Luo and others chasing after him, Heilongtian said angrily: "Boss, they are too arrogant, only 7 or 8 people dare to chase us, it's really a bully. We turned around and besieged them, I don’t believe that they can’t be killed.”

"You saw it before. They will stop chasing as long as we turn around. Their mounts are faster than ours. We want to catch up with them. It's a bit difficult." Tokyo Mythology said solemnly, and then changed his tone: "Besides, I did too. I told you that their most important purpose is to hold us, so that their three air cavalry can catch up, let alone whether we can win against them, even if we can win, we will win miserably. Few people lose the chance of resurrection or even get eliminated, but they have little impact, because most of them have multiple chances of resurrection, at this point they have a great advantage."

"But the waves and the wind they will stop or kill the people who are approaching us, and in order not to be dragged by them, we have to sacrifice some people from time to time to carry out suicide attacks on them. Up to now, our number has fallen instead of increasing. "Heilongtian cuts, his brows furrowed deeply: "If this goes on, we will not gather complete strength at all. Even if there are a lot of people left in the end, it will be scattered. This is not their opponent. Not surprisingly, we will finally fight them. Will be lined up."

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