VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1358: : Orders come out

After breaking the waves and riding the wind and Yeluo launched the operation, the coalition forces also took action. They sent more than 5,000 land cavalry to rush towards the large Chinese troops, followed by a large number of air forces.

After listening to the analysis of the samādhi poems, everyone also understood their intention to do so, and also knew what kind of trouble the 5000 land cavalry would cause them, which made everyone very worried.

Think about it, too, 5000 land cavalry is nothing to the coalition forces, but it can cause a lot of trouble to the Chinese side, and even make China's mammoth cavalry and part of the air force be killed and eliminated after inaction. The air power of the coalition forces will be much less pressured when they are released.

At this time, the advantage of large numbers is fully manifested. There are many people in the coalition. Even if all 5,000 land cavalry are killed, it will not have much impact on their combat power, because for them, the real victory or defeat is the air. Strength, not to mention the air power and 3 or 4 combined skill teams in these land cavalry.

Everyone has seen the power of combo skills, not to mention the high damage, the most important thing is that it covers a large area, even if it is cast on land, it can cover the player in flight, and the damage that 3 or 4 combo skills can cause is extremely terrifying. , And even have the opportunity to kill most of the Chinese air power.

Of course, most Chinese players have invincible means, but it would be too wasteful to use the combined skills of the land cavalry, and the air power of the coalition forces will undoubtedly be at a great disadvantage.

In addition, maybe players can use invincible means to avoid combo skills, but those mounts can't. Without the mount bonus, China's overall strength will be greatly reduced, so the coalition has a greater chance of winning.

It is precisely because of these that samādhi poetry and other talents will express their worry.

If it is in peacetime, the Chinese side can retreat in the face of these land cavalry. After all, the Chinese side has the advantage of mounts and can easily get away from the other side. But now it is in the energy cage, and the energy cage is shrinking in the blood. Fan simply has no room to retreat.

"Fireworks, what shall we do now?" Othello asked after cursing.

After pondering for a while, the fireworks became cold and began to issue orders: "Eastern Killing Heaven, Ouyang Feitian, Changhe Sunset, Desert Lonely Smoke, you each led 10 air cavalry out to intercept, remember that it is best to bring a double professional magician, and use the throwing mechanism. Lei is the lord, and the team spreads out as much as possible. On Wednesday, Feixue, you also go up and cast [Summon Lava Wizard].

Without waiting for Dongfang Jitian and others to speak, she continued to issue orders in the team channel: "Ye Luo, you are also with Dongfang Jitian and them, and increase your attack power in the shortest time."

"Yeah, I understand." Ye Luo's voice sounded in the team channel, and June Feixue and Wednesday also said they knew.

"Sister Feng, if the air force of the coalition forces starts to attack, you will lead the 50 air cavalry to attack, and you will take the damage out in the shortest time, do you understand?" Firework Yi Leng continued to give orders.

"Understand." Po Lang Chengfeng is quite concise and clear.

"Sister Feng, Ye Luo, you must be able to leave the current battle at any time and be able to teleport to the opponent's camp at any time, do you understand?" Firework Yi Leng deliberately asked.

"Ming [biqugew.me] is white." Ye Luo said in the same voice.

Hearing how fireworks are easy to get cold, they ordered them in an orderly manner. At the beginning of the Eastern War, they secretly slandered the fireworks and easy cold. They sent people from their side, but when they heard that fireworks were easy to get cold, Wednesday, breaking the waves and riding the wind, and Ye Luo were also ordered. After the attack, they didn't have any complaints, after all, there were many people dispatched by the Misty Pavilion.

"Pearl of the Orient, Yeyu Feifei, Tuesday, Misty Rain, you too, remember to use your skills to slow them down, and delay their speed as much as possible." Firework Yield continued to give orders: "You have to kill them in the East and pull away. 3. A distance of 40 meters, understand?"

"Understood." Dongfang Mingzhu and others said in unison.

"The firework beauty, I understand your tactics, let me go too." Dongfang Star took the initiative to ask: "My skills mostly focus on slowing down and reducing defenses. They are most suitable for this kind of battle."

Nodded, the firework Yi was cold and did not reply, and then said in the team channel: "Eastern Killing the Sky, Ye Luo, and Desert Lone Smoke, you follow my orders to reach these points, there is the opponent's combined skill team, do Maybe they will be beheaded before they can use the combo skills, even if some of them are beheaded."

"Don't worry, these people are just ordinary combo skill teams. The combo skills have no control effect. It is no problem to use your defensive power and blood to resist the damage, not to mention that they are not in a full state." The fireworks are easy to cold to everyone's mind: "It really doesn't work. You take [Jianshang San]."

"Understand." Ye Luo and the three said in unison, and they naturally knew the importance of solving each other's combination skills.

While talking about this, Ye Luo suddenly appeared at the front left of the team. After beheading an assassin with thunder, he summoned the Dark Sacred Dragon, and rushed to the land cavalry at the fastest speed, presumably only at his speed. It takes 1, 20 seconds to arrive.

At this time, Eastern Killing Sky and others also acted separately. They each led more than 10 air cavalry into battle. For example, the fireworks and easy cold required their players to choose mainly dual professional magicians.

The reason why the magician is the mainstay is also very simple, because the magician has a lot of group attack skills and a lot of damage output. After all, the damage output of the organ hand, thunder and organ* is not very high. The biggest function of these two things is to control and fight. Break the opponent's formation and momentum, because these two things have a certain chance to make the target dizzy.

The defensive power and vitality of the dual-professional magician are very high. Even if they are covered by a combination of skills, they can withstand the attack hard, and they don't even need to use big moves at all.

Fireworks Yicold deliberately asked these people to spread out so that they would not be covered by multiple combo skills, so safety would not be a big problem.

In addition, even if these air cavalry are covered by a combination of skills and lose their flying mounts, it doesn't matter, because they can perform big moves. The state of using big moves is much more terrifying than riding flying mounts, and their life-saving methods are even stronger.

Before the Eastern Killing Sky they rushed to the sky above the land cavalry, a violent roar sounded. Under the impact of violent energy, the heads of the land cavalry who rushed to the front floated with 10,000 points of damage. Many people were dizzy. , It is clear that the agency* has played a role.

The damage of the mechanism* is much higher than that of the mechanism hand. Thunder, which has reached 10,000 points, and the range has reached 10 meters, and the damage output is also considerable.

Assassins such as Midnight Book buried a lot of organs* in their invisibility, and even now they are still being buried. At this time they can finally play a role.

The mechanism* may not hurt enough to kill the land cavalry, but it can disrupt their formation. For a time, many people rushed together. The formation was suddenly chaotic, and the violent explosions and black smoke from time to time made them too. Confused, their impact speed is also greatly reduced.

At this time, Eastern Killing Sky and the others also rushed to them, throwing organ hand Thunder while using group attack skills, a large amount of damage figures floated, and the players below were killed and injured for a time.

Soon Ye Luo arrived, the magic wand was raised, and the group attack skills were displayed one by one, easily killing several players with residual blood in a second, and his attack power also quickly increased.

Obviously, the number of priests on the coalition side is limited. It is impossible for them to use the [Resurrection Prophecy] state on so many land cavalry. They cannot automatically resurrect when killed. They can only resurrect the priest, but the priest wants to rush over because it will take a long time. .

While casting his group attack skills, Ye Luo is like a powerful mobile turret. As the number of kills increases, his attack power gradually increases, and his damage output becomes terrifying. One or two group attack skills can also kill one shot if you don't deliberately target those players with residual blood.

After the attack power increased, Ye Luo began to urge the dark sacred dragon to rush to the place designated by the fireworks Yi Leng, while rushing while using the group attack skills, a piece of high damage numbers floated along the way, dead bodies.

Behind Yeluo, on Wednesday, June Feixue and others also took action. [Summon Lava Elves] was displayed, and the damage output of the 4 lava elves was also reflected, causing great damage to the land cavalry.

Later on, Eastern Stars and Ice Magicians such as Tuesday and Misty Rain also took action. The group attack skills were displayed one by one. Many land cavalry who were already chaotic below were slowed down, and many of them were even frozen. The impulse was completely contained.

Once the cavalry has no impact advantage, their threat will naturally cease to exist, and even their damage output is not as good as the magician army.

At this time, the air force of the coalition is still behind the land cavalry. It will take 1, 2 minutes or even longer for them to rush to support. This also means that the Eastern Stars and others are not in danger, and they can attack boldly.

Although Ye Luo and the others only had dozens of people, the damage they dealt was extremely terrifying. Coupled with the mechanism* and the mechanism hand thunder, the damage output was much more terrifying than a magician army of hundreds or thousands.

In fact, the Tokyo Mythology was a bit careless. At this time, the Chinese team would suddenly use the mechanism*, and they did not expect that China would dare to send air cavalry to fight against it. That's why it happened.

Originally, in the Tokyo mythology, the Chinese side wanted to deal with these land cavalry, at least hundreds of airpower would be dispatched, and a large part of them could rush into the Chinese camp, and then inflict heavy damage on the Chinese mammoth cavalry. It may be annihilated.

Without the threat of mammoth cavalry, the odds of winning for the coalition side would increase by at least 30%, and no surprises, they would definitely win.

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