VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1375: : Rage Potion

In the heart of Bacchus Dukang, the fireworks that retain their big moves are easy to be cold, and Zhiyue is more important than them for the next game, and they also know that if the coalition has any killer, they will definitely not stick to the end, so they came forward. It is necessary to mention that the fireworks and others blocked the coalition forces and bought as much time as possible for everyone.

The samādhi poem still wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Fengxing: "Well, don't do it for mothers-in-law, you save your strength as much as possible, and we will delay for you as much time as possible."

"Sister Shi, follow the instructions of Uncle Fengxing. This is the way we are most likely to win at present." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

"Uncle Fengxing, Uncle Bacchus, if we can persist to the end, the rewards will be given to you at that time." Po Lang Chengfeng was quite solemn and authentic.

"Hey, you girl, when you do this, others think we are doing our best for good." Bacchus Dukang smiled, and then changed his tone: "The good is gone. If there is any cooperation in the future, we can give us more. Yes, we were pitted by the fireworks girl."

Although he said that, it was obvious that he was joking, and they didn't care about breaking the waves and riding the wind, and the method of blocking the pursuit of soldiers by the gods of Bacchus Dukang, Feng Xing and others was set in this way.

The people of the coalition army are not fools. They changed their strategy after seeing that they could not track the target. The team was divided into two, and then they began to besieged and intercepted the Chinese team. Even the team that had been chasing Yeluo turned back. Since then, three teams have surrounded the Chinese team.

Seeing that Ye Luo was about to return to drag the team, Fireworks Yi Leng said in the team channel: "Ye Luo, you don't care about us, add up the attack power as fast as possible, and then you return to support."

Although Ye Luo's strength is strong, he hasn't increased his attack power after all, and he can't perform his big moves. Even if he returns, it won't help much. It's better to let him kill some people and add up his attack power before returning to help. .

Ye Luo is also a wise man. He immediately judged that the fireworks Yi Leng arranged was the wisest way, and then he didn't say much, urging the Dark Sacred Dragon to go to the land players of the coalition forces, and then magic wands and long swords frequently Lifting, group attack skills were displayed one by one, and his attack power was also rapidly increasing.

At this time, the air players of the coalition are chasing the Chinese players. No one is protecting the land players. Ye Luo can attack unscrupulously, and it is easy to add up the attack power with his damage output.

After 1 minute, Ye Luo killed all the land players of the surrounding coalition forces, and his attack power increased by about 130%. The reason why so much time was wasted is because the land players of the coalition forces dispersed after seeing him, and even Some took high-level stealth pills to hide, and it was difficult to kill them and add up their attack power.

Although there are some coalition players farther away, Ye Luo can no longer deal with them at this time, because the coalition's air power has caught up with the fireworks and Yi Leng and others, and they are under the siege of 6 dual professions with big moves. The situation of the Chinese team is a bit bad, so he needs to return to support.

Of course, this was only what Ye Luo thought. At this time, the air power of the coalition forces had just caught up with the Chinese team, and the gods of Bacchus Du Kang, Feng Xing, Xiaofeng Canyue and others rushed out according to the plan, and they each took 1, 2 A player, then rushed up with the effect of spell immunity, forcibly intercepting those dual professions that used big moves.

Once Feng Xing and others are desperate, they should not be underestimated. At least the three chasing teams are temporarily dragged, and the fireworks are easy to cold, and they will not waste the opportunity that Bacchus Dukang has won with their lives. They win from the three teams. Escape from the gap.

"Go to Ye Luo's side." Fireworks Yi Leng gave the order, and while speaking, he attacked those who pursued them, and continued to slow down the coalition forces.

At this time, Ye Luo's attack power has increased a lot, and the overall damage output has been greatly improved. With his current strength, with the cooperation of Longteng Tianxia, ​​Eastern Killing Sky, and Breaking Waves and Riding Wind, it is still very easy to resist the attacks of coalition players. What's more, the effects of those dual-professional big moves are only more than 2 minutes left.

Everyone is also a smart person, and they immediately understand the purpose of the arrangement of fireworks easy to cold, and they do not procrastinate. After the fireworks easy to cold, the Oriental Pearl and Yeyu Tiange and other ice professions slow down to the people of the coalition forces, they will go to Yeluona at the fastest speed. Rushed away.

1. After 20 seconds, Ye Luo reunited with the army, and then he was instructed to stand at the forefront of the team without fireworks. The magic wand was raised, and the group attack skills were displayed, and the heads of the pursuing coalition forces floated high. In terms of damage figures, there were even two or three people who were killed in seconds under the auxiliary attacks of June Feixue and Wednesday.

At this time, there are no priests on the coalition side, and the increased attack power of these priests who want to fly over to disperse Ye Luo's murder will also be intercepted by Breaking Waves and Wind, Eastern Killing Heaven, etc., and then only the fate of being killed.

Since there is no need to worry about the priest dispelling the attack power, Ye Luo has nothing to worry about. Sometimes he will even rush towards the enemy line with the effect of spell immunity, and display multiple group attack skills in a short period of time. The powerful damage output allows Those dual professions who use their big moves are chilling, and they dare not chase rashly.

Ye Luo and the others used this tactic when they were chased before, and now there are experts such as Longteng Tianxia and Dongfang Tiantian around him, so there is no need to worry, and this method has also successfully blocked the chase. At least those people can't go past him to chase fireworks and others.

Ye Luo and the others retreated while fighting, and their retreat route was personally formulated by Yi Leng Fireworks. There were many land cavalry from the coalition below. As a result, many people were killed under Ye Luo’s group skills, while Ye Luo’s The attack power continued to increase, and it quickly filled up, making it easier to stop the coalition from pursuing troops.

"Hehe, at this time, those dual professions that perform ultimatums only have one or two minutes of ultimatum status. According to the current situation, they can't help us at all. When the effect of their ultimatum disappears, they can only be taken by us. Killed." June Feixue chuckled, and then looked at the place where Bacchus Du Kang and others lay their bodies: "Uncle Bacchus and the others did not sacrifice in vain. Soon we will be able to win the final victory."

"Yes, among them, only Tokyo Mythology still retains the big move, but we have 4 people who keep the big move. If there are no accidents, this time we will undoubtedly win." Ouyang Feiri said quite excitedly.

"But they still haven't shown frustration so far. It seems that they really have other assassins." Nangong Yunlong took the words: "But at this time the energy cage lasts for very little time. If they don't use assassins anymore. There is no chance. Without the energy prison, we will have more than 10 chances to resurrect. At that time, even if they have a killer, they will definitely be defeated."

"Yes, it's their only chance now, and later they won't have any chance." Sitting on Qin Xin said, she frowned slightly: "Why don't they show it now?"

"Hey, it's good news for us that they don't show it. We will eliminate them all soon." Othello laughed.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple, everyone should be careful." Samadhi Shi said in a deep voice.

"What is there to worry about, now Uncle Ye Luo’s attack power has been fully charged, and sister Feng, Sister Fireworks [笔趣阁www.baquku.com] and Yue’er all retain their big moves. In this case, we must The victory is undoubtedly." June Feixue said indifferently.

"If those coalition players don't have any assassins, then they should be panicked at this time. After all, there is not much left in the ultimatum state of those dual professions." Samadhi explained: "But they are not nervous at all. , And even the appearance of a winning ticket, which has to make me suspect that they still retain their killer skills."

"Well, Xiao Shi is right, we still have to be more cautious." Sitting on Qin Xin said, "What's more, Tokyo Mythology must have other conspiracies."

Hearing that, everyone nodded, their expressions became more solemn.

Maybe you know that if you continue like this, you will definitely lose, so those coalition players looked at each other, and then more than a dozen people took some kind of pill at the same time, and then their attack power, movement speed and other attributes were greatly improved, and then the momentum was fierce. Cold they rushed, and they were divided into two or three teams to chase and intercept.

Seeing the sudden increase in the movement speed of those people, Po Lang Chengfeng and others were dumbfounded. June Feixue was shocked and said: "Uh, why did they suddenly become so powerful after taking stimulants? The blood seems to have increased several times. The same is true for defense, now Uncle Ye Luo has almost no threat to them."

That’s right, Ye Luo’s attack on those people would have no effect at all. If there are only one or two such players, it’s fine, but there are more than ten at once, facing them from all directions. , Chinese players simply can't resist.

"Although it is not an excitement period, it is more powerful than doping." After checking out the battle news, she sat on Qin Xin and said with a wry smile: "[Furious Potion], an ancient god-level potion that can give the players attack power. Attributes such as, defense power, and movement speed have been doubled, and their vitality and mana value have become 10 times their original value. It is precisely because of taking this medicine that they are so powerful."

"What, the various attributes are doubled, and the blood and mana are 10 times the original value. Doesn't this mean that it is more terrifying than using a big move?!" June Feixue was shocked: "They actually have such a potion, and It’s still reserved until now. Their scheming is too deep."

"Yeah, these people are too insidious, they actually keep this kind of thing until this time." Zhiyue said, she looked at the samādhi and the fireworks are easy to be cold: "Sister Shi, the fireworks, what do we do now? Are we delaying time with our big moves?"

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