VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1383: : Tips and tricks

The coalition players are also smart people. Although they know that Ye Luo and others are not helping them, they also know that only by eliminating all Japanese players can they have a chance to win the final victory, so they ordered the land players to attack the Japanese priests who were killed. At this time, the Japanese air power is either entangled by the coalition forces or confronted with Chinese players. They still have a great chance.

Those Japanese priests and the players who were killed by the East Killing the Sky before thought that the people like Polangchengfeng and others were driven away by the Black Dragon Heaven, so they chose to resurrect. How could they have thought that they were attacked as soon as they were resurrected. Players took turns to stun the resurrected 2 priests and 1 air power to death, and the other priest saw this situation where he dared to resurrect and continue to lie down.

Seeing this scene, Heilong Tianzhan and the others were extremely annoyed. They just wanted to return to support, but at this time Ye Luo and the others were forced to come up. Knowing how powerful they were, they had to turn around again.

Ye Luo and the others entangled the Black Dragon Heavenly Slash for some time, and the land players of the coalition army did not guard the corpse, because the Fuji Mountain rushed over, and there was no chance of winning against him.

That’s right, Heilong Tianzhan led several air cavalry against Ye Luo and the others. He used a big move and was very powerful. With the help of other people, it was not a problem to stop the waves and the wind and others, so under Mount Fuji In order to free up hands to support.

Under Mount Fuji, he took the [Furious Potion]. The overall stats were stronger than those of the Black Dragon Sky Slash, and he had air superiority. It was easy to drive away those coalition land players.

After driving away the land players of the coalition forces, the foot of Mount Fuji did not turn back, but went straight to the air power of the coalition forces, preparing to solve those people with the Tokyo Mythology, and then deal with the Chinese players after they solved it in their hearts. Will be bigger.

Seeing Mount Fuji come to support, the players around Tokyo Shinhwa used the mount's sonic control skills to control many coalition players, and the next battle was even more one-sided.

The air players of the coalition army also made a mistake at this time. They did not withdraw when they saw that the situation was not right. Instead, they fought hard with the Tokyo myth. As a result, there was no accident. Soon they were slaughtered.

The next step is to guard the corpse. Tokyo Mythology will kill those players who have been resurrected one after another. Some people will soon be eliminated, and the overall strength of the coalition is getting weaker and weaker.

In fact, it's not that people from the coalition don't know how to dodge, but at this time there are not many safe areas in the entire playing field. The space for those coalition forces to move is quite limited, and they no longer have room to escape.

"Oh, these coalition forces are really..." Dongfang Xiaotian sighed: "Don't they know that they can't head-on, delay time and pull the Japanese camp, so that we won't have a chance to kill some of them, now Well, they have freed up a lot of manpower to protect those pastors from resurrection, and it is difficult for us to rush forward now. After those pastors are resurrected and then resurrect others, our previous efforts have been wasted."

"It's not in vain. At the very least, the priests have lost a chance to resurrect. At this time, their chances of resurrection are running out." Dongfang Star said, and then changed his tone: "In addition, Tokyo Mythology is in order to deal with those desperate coalition forces. Players also have a lot of sonic control skills, and we will undoubtedly be easier to deal with next."

"It's not much easy at all. There are not many people left in the coalition at this time, but there are more than 20 people on the Japanese side, and they are all elite air cavalry. They are so good that they retain their big moves and [Furious Potion]. We are against them. There is almost no chance of winning." Dongfang Xiaotian said, and then he looked in other directions: "At this time, the safe area is less than 500 meters, and it is still shrinking. Soon we will have no room to move. We will have to talk to Japan. Players fight hard, we people have no chance of winning at all."

"That's the end of the matter, we will do our best." The Eastern Star groaned, and then she looked at Ye Luo: "Handsome Ye Luo, what are the tricks left by the firework beauty, can you tell us now?"

Hearing that, everyone's eyes lit up and they all looked at Ye Luo together. After all, he had said before that they had a good chance of winning this battle.

Without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, Ouyang Feitian said in the team channel: "Ye Luo knows autumn, break the waves and ride the wind, you still have the big move now, shouldn't it be displayed now, otherwise we will all die, you insist Not the end."

"Didn't you not speak before, now it's your turn to speak." Po Lang said unceremoniously, and then directly kicked it out with the captain's authority: "Betraying us at the last minute, seeing him hate him, no Killing him is for the sake of being a Chinese player, so I will kill him first!"

While talking about this, Palang Rongfeng kept looking at Ye Luo, obviously she also wanted to know what the tricks of the fireworks could be.

"Don't pay attention to this clown, let him fend for himself." Dongfang Star said, and then she asked again what tricks the firework Yi Leng left behind.

"We still have many chances of resurrection, and Sister Feng and I still have big moves. With our strength, we can persist for a long time even in non-safe areas. In addition, Sister Shangqin will add blood to us, and we will die hard. It’s not impossible for Tokyo Mythology and others.” Ye Luo said the killer tricks left by fireworks that tend to be cold.

Hearing that, the people like Polangchengfeng, Dongfang Killing Sky and others were stunned, but the eyes of the Dongfang star lit up. She looked at Ye Luo: "Yes, I remember that handsome Ye Luo has 17 chances to resurrect, and with your equipment Level and the speed of recovery of vitality and blood can persist for a long time even in non-safe areas. It is not impossible to desperately die Tokyo Mythology. I remember that he only has 15 chances to resurrect. Although they have two or three priests, those priests do The time is overwhelming, and there are few chances for resurrection, it is of no use at all, far inferior to the beauty of Qinxin."

Sitting on Qinxin has 10 chances of resurrection, and there is a state of [resurrection prophecy]. Her role is only much greater than those of the pastors in Japan.

Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng both have more than 10 chances to resurrect, and Ye Luo even has 17 chances to resurrect. In addition to these, he has a big move. You can take [Blood Lotus Pill] and [Orange Ling Pill] once each. It can be used 3 times [Bagua Source], and even [Yin Yang Reincarnation] can be resurrected once. With all this, he can persist for a long time even in non-safe areas, even longer than Tokyo Mythology.

This is the trick that Ye Luo and the others left with Fireworks Easy Cold. Even if there are more players in other countries, they have a great chance of winning.

If so, Ye Luo and the others can't enter the non-secure area much earlier than the Tokyo Mythology. This requires some Chinese players to contend with Japan and the coalition forces. After all, the later they enter the non-secure area, the greater the chance that they will stick to the last.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Luo had previously tried to save Dongfang Killing Heaven, because with the help of him and the Dongfang Family, they could stay in a safe area for a longer time.

"But Tokyo Mythology still retains the ultimate move, and he is more than Ye Luo Zhiqiu, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. [Furious Potion] or even [Purification God Pill], plus he still has 15 chances to resurrect and enter the insecure The area must be later than us, and it seems that he can persist for a long time, even longer than Ye Luo Zhiqiu." Dongfang Xiaotian said solemnly.

Although from the tips and tricks given by Ye Luo before, he knew that this time the members of the Eastern family would not last until the end, but they did not want Tokyo Mythology to win the first place, so he hoped that Ye Luo would have a chance to defeat them.

However, based on the current situation, Ye Luo's chance of persisting to the end is not too great, because Tokyo Mythology retains too many killers.

[Purification God Pill] It is the kind of pill that Heilongtianzhan took before, which can make a skill end CD. Even Heilongtianzhan has such a pill, and Tokyo mythology naturally has it, so the killer he retains is better than the leaf Luo and the others imagined more.

After using the [Purification God Pill], Tokyo Mythology can perform its ultimate move. Even in the state of the ultimate move, it can keep the vitality and blood in a non-safe area, but it can last 5 minutes longer than Yeluo.

In 5 minutes, maybe this is enough for Ye Luo to die a few times, not to mention that Tokyo Mythology has other killer features, such as reserved ultimatums, such as he also has [Furious Potion] and so on.

"No, you can only lie down for 5 minutes if you are killed. Handsome Ye Luo has a lot more chances of resurrection than Tokyo Mythology, but the time to lie down is much longer than Tokyo Mythology. This time is enough for him to kill his opponent." Oriental Star Dao, her tone was faintly excited, as if they had already won.

That’s right, the player can lie down for 5 minutes after being killed. Ye Luo’s chance of resurrection is twice more than that of Tokyo Mythology. Coupled with the existence of [Yin and Yang Reincarnations], he has at least 3 more chances to lie down than Tokyo Mythology. , That is, hold on for 15 minutes longer than the opponent.

In 15 minutes, even if Tokyo Mythology used its ultimate move, after taking the [Purification God Pill], then using the [Further Potion], it would not last that long. If so, Ye Luo would definitely win.

Hearing that, sitting on the piano's heart and Po Lang Chengfeng's eyes lit up: "Yes, there are these settings, hehe, so Ye Luo has a great chance of winning, and even said that he is sure to win!"

"Theoretically, this is the case." Dongfang Star said, and a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "Of course, the premise is not to be surrounded by people like Tokyo Mythology to guard the corpse, especially under the current circumstances, otherwise handsome Ye Luo will be killed twice more. He has almost no chance of winning."

"Hey, don't worry. In this case, Ye Luo won't be surrounded by the other party. Don't forget we are still there." Breaking the waves vowed to say: "I finally understand what fireworks let me keep the big move. "

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